Do I accept or do I endeavor?

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  • Jinho

    Re: Do I accept or do I endeavor?

    Hi MOuse,

    I was just thinking that you might find a sesshin actually very easy to do since there is a very set schedule and you just follow along (the only decision is which kinhin period to use for going to pee). For those of us who have trouble sticking to something, it is really great (for "those of us" please read "rowan"). Other people have figured out everything, (food, who lights the incense, etc) so you just do what everybody else is doing. If you find you really need to go home, then you inform the Shiso (senior student who is in charge of the organization of the sesshin) and go home. No problem for anybody. MY first sesshin I got very little sleep the night before and so by 10am I was feeling very not well so I jsut went home (but I didn't know about telling someone, so they got a little concerned). It is important to tell someone so they don't worry you had some traumatic and/or serious medical problem or something.


