Kesa O kesa

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  • Dosho
    • Jun 2008
    • 5784

    Re: Kesa O kesa

    Yes, no mixing, just like teachers! I do find the Katagiri book helpful for the illustrations since I am a visual person and like diagrams, but all my measurements and methods of assembly are from Taigu's blog.


    • Tb
      • Jan 2008
      • 3186

      Re: Kesa O kesa


      I would love to start on one.
      Shall we wait for Taigu's video or how should we proceed?

      Life is our temple and its all good practice


      • Taigu
        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
        • Aug 2008
        • 2710

        Re: Kesa O kesa

        Great picture Shohei! You should release your picturs when you are standing, thery are wonderful. Just a smal detail when you sit with the kesa: make sure the right hand corner does not fall betweeen the legs it should reach and cover the left knee, in order to do that, once sitted, you have to pull the from right to left. And also make sure you are not sitting on it. Look at this picture and notice how the kesa is sitting on both knees with the corner overlaping the left knee.
        But, please, share with us your other pictures.



        Attached files


        • Myoshin

          Re: Kesa O kesa

          Well I guess I better get ready to start the Rakusu before I move onto the the Kesa!

          Thank you Taigu for doing this. I watched a few of your Rakusu videos and they seem easy to follow and fun.




          • Shohei
            • Oct 2007
            • 2854

            Re: Kesa O kesa

            I will post those other pictures they are a tad dark at the top. but no matter. Thank you for the pointer on the placement of where the bottom meets! I will try that tonight. the standing ones should also be a lesson in what not to do too Its a learning process for sure but i keep at it nightly every sitting!

            here is the back standing... and crooked. tough to get just so...well for this cat any ways


            I have to laugh at theses abit i look a tad...stunned but i swear its lack of sleep!

            Gassho, Shohei


            • Eika
              • Sep 2007
              • 806

              Re: Kesa O kesa

              Hi, Kyle.

              Yes, Taigu makes the rakusu easy to understand. I had no problems with the instructions (but many problems getting things straight!).

              Shohei, Great pictures!

              Shohei, Dosho, and/or Taigu:
              I'm sure I'm just dense, but I've read Taigu's blog and I don't find the dimensions of the pieces. Looking at pictures, the okesa looks like a rakusu only bigger, but I'm not sure how to extrapolate from the sizes I used for the rakusu.
              What am I missing? I know, I know, nothing is missing . . .

              Many thanks,
              [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


              • Shohei
                • Oct 2007
                • 2854

                Re: Kesa O kesa

                well with a bit of reading i found the key points, there are constants ... the en is 4cm. the yo is 6cm. this you know for sure.
                you also know your own personal measure (i went with the chu (Average of the two following measures), nobechu (elbow to fingertip) is to large and nigirichu(elbo to folded knuckle) too small. Then you do the measurement math CHU x 3 for height and CHU x 5 width- all this as per Taigus blog!!
                so take the sum of the constants (yo and en) for width away from the total of your width and then divide that number by 7. the number that gives you is your width of the the panels across. This is also the height of the small dankyaku's jo . w00t now another constant.

                next you know how many yo and en there are width and heighth wise. now you also know the height of the small dankyaku's jo. once you know that you take the sum of the knowns(en, yo and snall dankyaku jo)away and divide by 2 to get the size of the large dankyaku's jo. Of course this is ALL finished and doesnt include the xtras you need for making the yo, the couple of centimetres needed to fold over to hide the rough bits etc etc. This process i took the time and drew out all my measurements after working them out so i could "See" them in action. Also - i rounded off by .5cm that .5 adds up quick if you have a mm capable ruler of good quality... id not round off next time around... i messed up a min. of 3.5cm wide and 1.5cm high... plus regular mishaps that happen.

                This mess above is just to get your numbers worked out. I think Taigu has a much better way to present and show the information so id wait for the videos and the material he spoke of earlier.

                here is a pic of my paper i worked off dont use it for shit its flawed!! just to illustrate my silly way to work.

                note:I photoshopped out my lables that were all over the place and didnt do a very good scan just an fyi thing

                Gassho, Shohei


                • Eika
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 806

                  Re: Kesa O kesa

                  Thanks, Dirk.

                  I didn't mean for you to have to go to that much trouble . . . now that you did, I appreciate it. I'll get my shit together this week and do some homework on this.

                  [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


                  • Shohei
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 2854

                    Re: Kesa O kesa

                    Hiya Bill
                    Oh you see i really enjoy doing so! Seriously! Im quite glad to share my mishaps and any thing I can, if it helps. you can shoot any questions you feel comfortable with this guy trying to answer, i promise to pass it to a much brighter person if i have doubts. my email is available through the forum thingy

                    Gassho, Shohei


                    • Taigu
                      Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 2710

                      Re: Kesa O kesa

                      Hi everybody,

                      As you may all know, I left my precious books and instructions in France. Just the time to get them back this summer and we will be making this video. Meanwhile, you can always ask me what you want, and if I can answer, I will.

                      Thank you so much Shohei for the wonderful dedication and enthusiasm !




                      • Eika
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 806

                        Re: Kesa O kesa

                        Thanks Taigu,

                        I figured out what I was doing wrong . . . I hadn't dug far enough back on your blog. I see that all of the pattern/dimension guidelines are there. I just wasn't going back into the archives (thanks Dosho).

                        [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41217

                          Re: Kesa O kesa

                          Standby for a very BIG announcement regarding Rev. Taigu in the next days ... although it actually only recognizes what has been true for a long time! 8)

                          Gassho, Jundo (building the suspence)
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Dosho
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 5784

                            Re: Kesa O kesa

                            Originally posted by Eika
                            Thanks Taigu,

                            I figured out what I was doing wrong . . . I hadn't dug far enough back on your blog. I see that all of the pattern/dimension guidelines are there. I just wasn't going back into the archives (thanks Dosho).

                            Hey Bill,

                            I did the exact same thing when I first looked at the blog...thought I must be blind! I'm just glad I could be of service. I can't offer the thorough explanation you'd get from Taigu or Shohei, but as someone right smack in the middle I can always share some tidbits on the process. For awhile at least, it just feels like you are making a rakusu for the Green Giant vegatable dude!



                            • Eika
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 806

                              Re: Kesa O kesa

                              Hi Dosho,
                              Yeah, I figured all the measurements out tonight . . . wasn't too bad once I knew where to look. I'll post some pictures as I go; I'd love to see some pictures of yours. The pictures of Dirk's in-progress are helpful for me as I'm fairly visual when it comes to assembling things.

                              Thanks and gassho,
                              [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


                              • Dosho
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 5784

                                Re: Kesa O kesa

                                Hey Bill (and all),

                                Here are some pictures I took of my kesa project after joining the first two stripes. Now I am off to pin the third and begin sewing again! I think the part I just finished is the hardest so far since there is a lot more material to work with than the rakusu and I found working with so much extra to be difficult. There will be more added, but I think I developed some techniques that should help. The only thing I wasn't sure of was how to align the two stripes but after some advice from Shohei I forged ahead.


                                Attached files

