Dear All,
Our Zen of Everything Podcast takes a new turn, as Reverend Jundo (that's me) irreverently (yet somehow reverently too) dives into the basic history and teachings of Buddhism and Zen for both newcomers and fellow 'old Zen fools.'
Never in thousands of years of Buddhist history has there been a podcast like this, and that's not only because they did not have podcasts back then.
I will say what needs to be said, some things that shouldn't be said, some things best left unsaid, some things said best and said right, plus all that Zen stuff that really cannot be said in words anyway. Let's be serious when it is time to be serious, but also let's laugh together and not take our Buddhisty selves (and non-selves) too seriously.
In the coming weeks, we will cover all the fundamental Buddhist teachings, the old stories and tales, the Wisdom and Practices of our Zen Way ... 'splained in plain English, plus a few grains of salt. Guaranteed to be enlightening and timeless or, at least, fun, informative and illuminating, time well spent.
Here's our first episode of the new series ...
We were really torn on a name for the podcast, but settled on "Buddha Basics" because that is what we will cover. Other names tossed out included: "Badass Buddhism," "Make Buddhism Great Again," "No Bull Buddhism" "Blasphemous Buddha Basics" and more. We settled on just "Buddha Basics," although it is actually short for:

And though our Zen way is beyond all likes and dislikes ... if you like the darn thing, please leave a positive ratings on iTunes! It really helps support the effort.
For more about the podcast, where to send your serious or silly questions ...
You can also sign up by RSS, or hear it many places such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts (follow the links above).
Gassho, Jundo
Our Zen of Everything Podcast takes a new turn, as Reverend Jundo (that's me) irreverently (yet somehow reverently too) dives into the basic history and teachings of Buddhism and Zen for both newcomers and fellow 'old Zen fools.'
Never in thousands of years of Buddhist history has there been a podcast like this, and that's not only because they did not have podcasts back then.
I will say what needs to be said, some things that shouldn't be said, some things best left unsaid, some things said best and said right, plus all that Zen stuff that really cannot be said in words anyway. Let's be serious when it is time to be serious, but also let's laugh together and not take our Buddhisty selves (and non-selves) too seriously.
In the coming weeks, we will cover all the fundamental Buddhist teachings, the old stories and tales, the Wisdom and Practices of our Zen Way ... 'splained in plain English, plus a few grains of salt. Guaranteed to be enlightening and timeless or, at least, fun, informative and illuminating, time well spent.
Here's our first episode of the new series ...
Buddha Basics 01: Oodles of Buddhas
This is the first episode of our Buddha Basics series, which looks at the basics of Buddhism as never expressed before, featuring the irreverent comments of Reverend Jundo, a real Zen Roshi. No Buddha BS here. In this Buddha Basics episode, we look at why there are so many Buddhas, an infinite number of Buddhas, and who's who.
And though our Zen way is beyond all likes and dislikes ... if you like the darn thing, please leave a positive ratings on iTunes! It really helps support the effort.

For more about the podcast, where to send your serious or silly questions ...
You can also sign up by RSS, or hear it many places such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts (follow the links above).
Gassho, Jundo