Manoeuvering the Sangha

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  • Aucoinj
    • Jan 2021
    • 16

    Manoeuvering the Sangha


    I've been in and out of the Sanga since I joined in 2021. I'm working through the beginners sit-along, but need a little more help with working through the forums and how to work through this process. Do I just respond to forums & sit zazen? I find that the times don't work with family commitments, so I tend to sit on my own. Can someone recommend?

    Sat today
    Jen Aucoin
    Last edited by Jundo; 06-22-2022, 05:28 AM.
    Jen [tranquility]
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41208

    Originally posted by Aucoinj

    I've been in and out of the Sanga since I joined in 2021. I'm working through the beginners sit-along, but need a little more help with working through the forums and how to work through this process. Do I just respond to forums & sit zazen? I find that the times don't work with family commitments, so I tend to sit on my own. Can someone recommend?

    Sat today
    Jen Aucoin
    Hi Jen,

    First, might I ask you, when you get a chance, to add a human face avatar photo to accompany your posts? It helps us keep things human around here.

    Thank you. Let's us look each other in the eyes more. For some strange reasons, the software designers made the avatar and profile pictures separate.

    Here is a map of all our resources in our Sangha:

    Hello, If anyone would like a downloadable, simple map and guidebook to find their way around our Treeleaf Forum, we have one here (8 pages, PDF): DOWNLOAD Treeleaf GUIDEBOOK & MAP ( Look around, and soon you will feel right at home.

    You are invited (although there is no requirement) to join in any of our live sittings that you find helpful. The recorded version of our weekly Zazenkai is available at any time:

    And you are invited to join in any of the discussions and groups around here that you find supportive and helpful to your practice. However, do not feel the need to join in or read everything (even I cannot do that! ). Join in what is helpful and resonates with you.

    However, since you have been around the Sangha awhile now, we do ask our folks to have sat at home, even briefly, within the previous day of posting here. This can be any sitting, including on your own at home. Please read about that here:

    SatToday - Make sure you have sat before joining in forum chat!
    Dear All, Treeleaf Sangha is a Practice Place centered on the daily Sitting of Shikantaza Zazen. We ask all our members to have sat Zazen sometime in the preceding day (today or yesterday) before posting in this Forum and joining in discussion. Please have "Sat" before any "Chat". gassho1 Also, both as

    If you have any questions, folks around here will help you out.

    Gassho, Jundo



    • Nengyoku
      • Jun 2021
      • 536

      I can't speak much for mobile, but just one thing on desktop that helped me out.

      On the desktop version of the forum there is a "New Posts" button that will only show you threads that have unread messages in them, prioritizing any that have been updated since you were last online.
      Obviously at first all the threads will have unread messages but after a week or so of picking threads that seemed interesting to me, it quickly organized into a handy little brief of what was new for me.

      Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


      • Huichan
        • Jan 2022
        • 234

        Hi Jen

        I find that a lot of the times don't work around my daily schedule as well (which often changes day to day). I just aim to get to one or two sits a week, to keep me in touch with the Sangha more. If you can make it to a tea house every so often, I find this helps too. Otherwise, I just sit by myself and try keep consistent with that.

        慧禅 | Huìchán | Ross


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41208

          We also have our "Recommended Threads" about every week (or so ), and that lists some recent, interesting things ...

          Recommended Threads Today

          Gassho, J



          • Heiso
            • Jan 2019
            • 834

            Hi Jen,

            Due to family/work commitments and the time zones often being against me I'm limited to what I can join live and have to sit the zazenkai on demand. I do try to sit with one of the zoom sessions in the scheduled sitting room most days though.

            Other than that I just try to check out the forums when I can and respond to posts I have an interest in or think I can add something to.

            It took me a little while to get used to the layout of the forums and the rhythms of the sangha but I'm glad I stuck with it.




            P.S. Sorry, ran a bit long there.


            • Tokan
              • Oct 2016
              • 1305

              Hi Jen

              I'd only add that even if you can attend one of the scheduled sits via zoom you'll be glad you did, even if once a week. As regards the forums, don't feel like you have to post, you'll notice that many people just add an emoji, it is a nice way to be present in the conversation and acknowledge the teaching or sharing. I do shift work full-time and have three young children, as do others at Treeleaf, so we get it!

              Gassho, Tokan (satlah)
              平道 島看 Heidou Tokan (Balanced Way Island Nurse)
              I enjoy learning from everyone, I simply hope to be a friend along the way


              • Tairin
                • Feb 2016
                • 2972

                There are some members here who post quite frequently. It might leave one with feeling they should post frequently too. I really like this guidance from Jundo that he posts weekly in the “Recommended Threads” post

                A Re-MINDer on SIMPLICITY:

                In a Zen Monastery, SILENCE or A FEW WISE WORDS are cherished over MANY WORDS. Thus, I advise folks to restrain the need to speak unless the heart truly calls. If you find yourself posting many times each day, maybe consider what truly needs to be said ... and when it is best just to answer with silence and an inner Gassho.

                SILENCE OR A FEW HESITANT WORDS OF FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPORT OFTEN SPEAK MOST PROFOUNDLY. Post when it is truly important to you and needs to be spoken from the warm heart.

                Sat today and lah
                泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods

