How do I deal with the inevitability of death?

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  • Neika
    • Dec 2008
    • 230

    How do I deal with the inevitability of death?

    I wrote a blog piece this morning and wanted to share my rambling here, I'm interested in other perspectives and responses. It may be a bit long and disjointed, reader beware.

    I work in a hospital and the past few years have been horrific for us. Last year hit me particularly hard. And this year seems to not be letting up any. I used to think I had it all figured out – I thought I was carrying my sitting practice into my daily life, keeping equanimity a constant in my daily life and interactions. But a year ago I had all of that thrown in my face. And I’ve had to change some perspectives.

    Early last year (2021) I had an interesting experience meditating. Normally I try to avoid discussing any experiences I have while sitting zazen, I think they tend to mislead me from the point of sitting. But this one is important to the story. I had been studying a lot on the five aggregates and the ideas of self and not-self, grasping with lingering concepts of soul, eternal life, reincarnation, things like that. Stuff that a lot of us who grew up in theistic homes have to grapple with at different times. While sitting, I had this moment of really seeing that the dropping of one skandha causes the loss of the “I”. Without form there is no I. Without sensation, perceptions, and so on, there is no I. Of course, this is something basic to Buddhism, but there was just this moment of really understanding it. Nothing profound, nothing to write home about, just the intellectual study wanting to settle into something deeper I think. But not five minutes later, before I could even get my ‘monkey mind’ back to just sitting, my practice was interrupted and I was told we lost a close family member. It was a bit unsettling this sudden understanding that there is no I, no you, without body, and then to simultaneously learn about the loss of a loved one. Furthermore, that same week, two coworkers and another family friend, people that my wife and I both knew, died from complications related to COVID. For some reason it really shook me up. I stopped sitting, I stopped meditating, I stopped reading or studying the Dharma, I hid from the world, from friends, family and teachers. For a couple of months I basically went to work, came home, buried my face in video games, and went to bed. There was nothing else. To a large extent, I shut myself down.

    And it took several months to start coming back around. It took a couple of months to start sitting again, to overcome the anxiety of facing myself. I spent some time at first ‘sitting angry’, trying to force myself to get over things, trying to force myself to accept what I knew intellectually but was struggling with emotionally. I was disappointed with my own perceived failures and was trying to push myself to recover my sense of equanimity, of calmness, even of joy to some degree. Most of the time though, all I was doing was pretending- going through the motions and putting on the brave face. And, to be frank, pretending for myself more than anyone else.

    Honestly, it took me a couple of months to relax again, to be able to sit without expectation, to simply do zazen. It took a while to begin accepting that I had been labeling myself, my emotions, my experiences, and then trying to force those labels into my worldview. And when those labels suddenly stopped matching up to what I thought they should be, I began questioning my worldview, rather than simply viewing the world and the labels as they were. I had to let myself be okay with having fears and emotions and experiences that suddenly thrust me out of my comfort zone. Even in the middle of practicing zazen, I was holding onto these labels, holding onto what I thought I was supposed to be doing, feeling, experiencing, even though I knew better. I had to let myself accept what I was doing before I could let myself move on and try to sit again without so many expectations.

    It’s hard to put into words exactly what happened and the process of moving forward. How much of what I write now is clouded by a year of life, of looking back, of self-recrimination and guilt? But now, a year later I am again in a position of just having lost another family member, of facing the inevitable and all-too-soon loss of another. But this time around, I feel a bit better prepared. Not in the sense of being able to accept it, not sure I’m quite there yet, but rather I’m at a place where I’m not attacking myself or hiding from the inevitable feelings of loss and pain. I’m finding myself a bit more accepting of my where I am and what I’m going through. Which has made it less difficult to keep up the zazen even when I feel like not doing it.

    But I’ve also come to another interesting conclusion. I’ve always strived to take my sitting practice into my daily life. To take the sense of equanimity, of calm and even joyful mind, into my daily life. I think it’s what a lot of us in the Zen world are taught, or at least the conclusion we come to. But I think it’s an erroneous conclusion, or at best an incomplete one. One thing I have come to realize is that our daily life is as much an influence on our zazen as our sitting is on our work, family, life. I really think that, while we strive to carry our sitting into our daily life, we need to be aware of how much the reverse is true. If we really want to have a better zazen, we need to consider the structure of our non-zazen time, and then come to realize that ultimately, they aren’t different. It’s one of the reasons Buddhist monks have better zazen or why we have ango and other times in Buddhist centers. That structure outside of zazen is profoundly influential. It accelerates our zazen, or at least helps to stop from holding us back. I’m not sure that ‘better zazen’ is the best way to word what I’m going for, but I think most Zen practitioners will understand what I mean.

    I’ve had the opportunity to do retreats at several Zen centers in Southern California, to practice with some wonderful teachers, and I can say without doubt that zazen in ‘easier’ and more ‘productive’ in these environments. But I’m not really sure that’s such a good thing. Anyone can be ‘spiritual’ in the right environment, but what good does that do us in the rest of life. If I struggled to maintain equanimity in the face of so much death and difficulty, what good was that zazen? If I wasn’t able to face life, was the Dharma really working? Was I really understanding and applying it?

    Questions. I have a lot of questions, and very few answers. As I write this, I’m sitting here drinking my morning coffee, watching squirrels play in the backyard. I sat zazen for about an hour this morning and am preparing to attend a memorial service this afternoon for my step-mother who recently passed away, very unexpectedly. A year ago, in a similar situation, I wasn’t able to practice zazen. Today I sat. I just sat. Chanted the Heart Sutra. And just sat. And I feel good. Not happy that someone I loved is gone, but good none the less. So what’s different. Fewer labels, that’s for sure. Fewer expectations of how I think I’m ‘supposed’ to feel. I’m far more accepting of what I actually do feel and experience as opposed to how I think I’m ‘supposed’ to be. I’m trying not to force my zazen into my sometimes way too narrow view of what it’s supposed to be, but I’m also trying not to force my zazen into my life; it’s become more circular, more of a give and take where I try to roll zazen into my day and my day into zazen. None of which really makes a lot of sense does it?

    We’re all going to die. I will, my wife will, my siblings, children and friends will. But I’m no longer trying to hide from it’s inevitability, I’m also no longer trying to deny the pain of loss. It’s okay to be sad and hurt. It’s okay to not have the answers, it’s okay to just sit.


    --sat today
    Neika / Ian Adams

    寧 Nei - Peaceful/Courteous
    火 Ka - Fire

    Look for Buddha outside your own mind, and Buddha becomes the devil. --Dogen
  • Meian
    • Apr 2015
    • 1712

    But I’m no longer trying to hide from it’s inevitability, I’m also no longer trying to deny the pain of loss. It’s okay to be sad and hurt. It’s okay to not have the answers, it’s okay to just sit.
    鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
    visiting Unsui
    Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41208

      We will dedicate our sitting today to all the people in your essay, those you died and those who live.

      When we drop the self, we actually find everything. There is no death, for each is everything. As the world flows, we are this very flowing.

      And yet, and yet ... there is death, and we miss them and cry.

      All true at once.

      Gassho, J


      PS - I had a talk at Zazenkai yesterday on Zen equanimity as not running from life and our emotions. I will post it, as it applies here and to many other folks.


      • Neika
        • Dec 2008
        • 230

        Originally posted by Jundo
        We will dedicate our sitting today to all the people in your essay, those you died and those who live. .
        Thank you.
        Neika / Ian Adams

        寧 Nei - Peaceful/Courteous
        火 Ka - Fire

        Look for Buddha outside your own mind, and Buddha becomes the devil. --Dogen


        • Jinyo
          • Jan 2012
          • 1957

          Thank you Neika.

          Having lost my mum, my husband and a loved brother-in-law (very recent) all I can say is that I don't think equanimity in any way relates to not feeling pain and emotional disturbance.
          Look at how many times you've had to use the word 'I' to express your thoughts - and of course I'm going to have to do the same There's no way we can escape/banish that sense of self.
          I wonder why we want to do that anyway? I feel Zazen is a container for everything - because we are everything - that includes all the difficult emotions/reactions too. If the container is strong we don't need to fear or negate all the difficulties. If we try to push the pain away we're into aversion - and that's when things get really tricky.

          Of course I'd rather not feel sad - and quite frankly barking mad with grief at times - and it does make for some disturbing Zazen where I feel like I'm no doing Zazen at all - but in the midst of it all I'm still aware of this strong container and the realization its not separate from me at all - its all part of the same flow.

          Metta to all experiencing grief and fear of death,



          Sat today


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41208

            Originally posted by Jinyo
            Of course I'd rather not feel sad - and quite frankly barking mad with grief at times - and it does make for some disturbing Zazen where I feel like I'm no doing Zazen at all - but in the midst of it all I'm still aware of this strong container and the realization its not separate from me at all - its all part of the same flow.

            Metta to all experiencing grief and fear of death,

            Lovely! We neither turn away nor run toward, and when we grieve, we just grieve. We have lost someone we love.

            And yet, we Zen folks also do not believe in death and loss, not a drop, not in the least.

            That is our Koan of the Great Matter.

            Gassho, J


            PS - Here is the little talk on this from yesterday, and Master Dogen's poem ...

            Kiku mama ni..........Just hearing
            mata kokoro naki..........without extra mind,
            mi ni shi areba..........the jewel-like raindrops
            onore nari keri..........dripping from the eaves
            noki no tamamizu..........are myself.



            • Risho
              • May 2010
              • 3178





              • Jinyo
                • Jan 2012
                • 1957

                Thanks Jundo - just listened to the talk.

                I'm watching 'Stranger Things' too, courtesy of my grandkids. It has become increasingly dark!

                I like the idea of nipping off for a bagel in-between the scenes of our lives, or maybe even between separate lives.
                Would make a great film script


                sat today


                • Heiso
                  • Jan 2019
                  • 834

                  Thank you for sharing your experiences, Neika and Jinyo. Zazen being a strong container for all we experience is a great way of putting it. And rolling zazen into your day and your day into zazen makes perfect sense, to me anyway.





                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41208

                    There is also this famous saying by our Homeless Kodo Sawaki ...

                    Gassho, J

                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Risho
                      • May 2010
                      • 3178





                      • Tomás ESP
                        • Aug 2020
                        • 575

                        Good question. I lay here in bed with Covid, feeling crappy and also thinking that the only way to accept the inevitability of death is to open your hands and completely let go. There is nothing to hang on to.

                        Gassho, Tomás


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41208

                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Wabo
                            • Nov 2018
                            • 88

                            Many moments in my life, I realized that I had nothing left other than zazen. Pandemic, losing a job, then this war started. Zazen has always accompanied me in the most difficult moments of my life. Like a twin brother who finds himself in the same life situations as you

                            When the war began, death came close. The first explosion in my city happened during morning zazen with Washin. I understood and understend that I could die soon. I have completed all the things that could burden me, said the words that I could not say and just sit. With depression and equianimity hand by hand

                            The most difficult moments in my life have always been the best period for me to practice. And they made it clear to me that zazen is not a hobby or an intellectual concept for me. But it took a lot of shit to figure out it



                            • michaelw
                              • Feb 2022
                              • 269

                              Originally posted by Jundo
                              There is also this famous saying by our Homeless Kodo Sawaki ...


                              Gassho, J




