I was listening to a Dharma talk today on the Diamond Sutra. We were given instruction on seeing the past as illusory, the future as illusory and the present as illusory. This made sense, because the past and the future are mental formations and the present isn't something fixed, it is constantly changing. But after investigating this in my own moment to moment experience, there was the feeling of a mind as clear as a mirror, very few thoughts, just experiencing. And I had a sense of just this, as if the self dropped away and there was no mind. And a big sense of relief, almost as if Dukkha wasn't present or not obvious to me.
And yet, when I go to a list of symptoms (that I currently experience) regarding dissociation, some common signs are:
- Few thoughts, "mind is blank"
- World appears "dream like"
- Normal emotions, but "not mine"
- Hypernowness, no past or future
- Disownership of self
- Disconnected from body, emotions, thoughts
Here is the comprehensive list: https://www.cheetahhouse.org/hyperar...d-dissociation
How does one differentiate between genuine insights and mental illness? I am aware of the complexity of this topic, but just hoping to get some feedback.
Gassho, Tomás
And yet, when I go to a list of symptoms (that I currently experience) regarding dissociation, some common signs are:
- Few thoughts, "mind is blank"
- World appears "dream like"
- Normal emotions, but "not mine"
- Hypernowness, no past or future
- Disownership of self
- Disconnected from body, emotions, thoughts
Here is the comprehensive list: https://www.cheetahhouse.org/hyperar...d-dissociation
How does one differentiate between genuine insights and mental illness? I am aware of the complexity of this topic, but just hoping to get some feedback.
Gassho, Tomás