I’m a newer sangha member and I’ve been sitting daily for a few months now, but lately I’ve struggled to get myself onto the cushion as regularly. My schedule rotates and is variable and I have a hard time attending many of the group sitting sessions. I understand how important it can be to sit with the sangha and I’m hoping for some inspiration or guidance in how best to continue consistently in my practice. I also intend this post to be a way of setting an intention to commit myself to a steady practice.
Sat today and lent a hand
I’m a newer sangha member and I’ve been sitting daily for a few months now, but lately I’ve struggled to get myself onto the cushion as regularly. My schedule rotates and is variable and I have a hard time attending many of the group sitting sessions. I understand how important it can be to sit with the sangha and I’m hoping for some inspiration or guidance in how best to continue consistently in my practice. I also intend this post to be a way of setting an intention to commit myself to a steady practice.
Sat today and lent a hand