Zazen with Zenkon - Expanded Edition
Do you enjoy Sekishi's chants of the Heart Sutra as much as I do during our weekly Zazenkai? But - do you wish for more? How about a chant of the Sutra with a British accent?
Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you're in luck!
Please join me each Saturday at 7:30 A.M. CST, for an Expanded Edition of "Zazen with Zenkon" We will have chant of the Heart Sutra accompanied by Kokuu's recording of the chant, followed by 30 minute Zazen and ending with a poetry reading. . A copy of the text of the chant will be displayed on screen so we can all chant along! What a great way to start Saturday. See you there!!
Do you enjoy Sekishi's chants of the Heart Sutra as much as I do during our weekly Zazenkai? But - do you wish for more? How about a chant of the Sutra with a British accent?
Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you're in luck!
Please join me each Saturday at 7:30 A.M. CST, for an Expanded Edition of "Zazen with Zenkon" We will have chant of the Heart Sutra accompanied by Kokuu's recording of the chant, followed by 30 minute Zazen and ending with a poetry reading. . A copy of the text of the chant will be displayed on screen so we can all chant along! What a great way to start Saturday. See you there!!