Sharing video at Eye view at Eiheiji
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Sharing video at Eye view at Eiheiji
Final video
Inside Eiheiji
Please see real,I said again.
This video is not so beautiful,as document by BBC.
But I practice at here.Sometimes hard easy,happy cry,cold hot,dirty clean.
This is real.As same as your practice.
If you think Jundo is special,you need to meet him.(Or touch him on
He is good person,but not god.
Youtube and BBC and CNN is not real.Also NHK is not real.
Touch your wise mind,deeply inside.
See you Saturday!
KAKUNENLast edited by Guest; 03-29-2022, 12:26 PM.Comment
Lovely videos Kakunen!! Eiheiji looks beautiful! Thank you for sharing, brother! [emoji1374][emoji3526]
[emoji1374] Sat Today"Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - HongzhiComment
Just a small point of history:
It is not actually in quite the same location as in Dogen's time (having been moved to a different place in the valley) and, of course, the buildings have been rebuilt many times (usually after terrible fires, including in attacks by religious fanatics in the past. Its oldest standing structure dates from 1794.) So, the more tradition is maintained, the more it confirms that all things are change.
By coincidence, last week, I happened to come across an updated webpage about my Dharma Grandfather, Niwa Zenji (Nishijima Roshi's Teacher), who was the 77th Abbot of Eiheiji and the Head Monk of Soto Shu for many years. The page is in Japanese, but features his artwork and calligraphy, so here is a simple translation:
永平寺七十七世 丹羽廉芳禅師 (世称) 丹羽廉芳(にわ れんぽう) (道号・法諱) 瑞岳廉芳(ずいがく れんぽう) (禅師号) 慈光圓海禅師 (じこうえんかいぜんじ) (生誕) 明治38年(1905)2月23日 (示寂) 平成5年(1993)9月7日 (世壽) 89歳 (別号) 老梅 雪梅 梅庵 (特記) 梅花流正伝師範
Here is his big, formal portrait. I cannot afford a fancy Kesa like that, but gradually my eyebrows are getting longer and whiter ...
Gassho, J
STLahLast edited by Jundo; 03-30-2022, 10:30 PM.ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLEComment
The redwing blackbirds have come through.
ds sat and maybe some lahVisiting priest: use saltComment
Beautiful, Kakunen. Thank you for sharing these videos. Can I ask a favor? As you were entering the first building at Eiheiji, in the big room with the colored tape on the wooden floor, there was a painting on the wall in front of you, which did not get captured in your video. Would you please take a photo of it, and of any other paintings you might see, and post it? ありがとう
Sat today. LAH.遜道念芸 Sondō Nengei (he/him)
Please excuse any indication that I am trying to teach anything. I am a priest in training and have no qualifications or credentials to teach Zen practice or the Dharma.Comment