Well, to be the counter here then -- I really don't consider Zen Buddhism to be a religion like I do others like Islam or Christianity or Scientology or ... whatever.
If I did I wouldn't have come to it.
See, where I am from, religion (or, more precisely flavours of Christianity) has a stigma -- it's caused and has continued to cause a lot of problems for my society. You can argue maybe it's just an excuse for people to fight who would have fought over other stuff anyway; but at least for me the whole mess of intolerance and stupidity is tied into organised religions. And that's without even getting into all the abhorrent abuses the so called religious folks of the various christian chuches have committed upon those who couldn't defend themselves, especially against children the indefensible protection these awful criminals been afforded by the senior folks in their camp. How can anyone align with this?
I'm a kind of engineer by trade I guess, a science person, I like logical things. I write code most of the day. I really believe in the scientific method. So I look at organised religion in the west, and I just see corruption and authority based on fear of something that's apparently coming after we die. They can't prove their explanation of the 'better' life that's coming after we die (or the worse one if we don't follow their rules), but I can't buy into such wild imaginings without any evidence which by design is impossible in such a system.. We see them actively trying to indoctrinate people as young as possible, to continue this system as it's harder to convince a rational adult to believe in such stuff.. Slowly, they're losing their power in society and they're not going quietly. It was probably useful for us as an evolutionary meme (if you've read Dawkins) (don't kill everyone or after you die the boogie man will get you!: This helped society greatly before we developed further), but IMO we outlived that and now it's actively harmful to our society because the indoctrinated can't let go.
A final point to ram it home: The christians claim their beliefs mean they will embrace their neighbour, and want to help society. Great. Then, please, do it.
Instead, the Vatican bank is sitting on an untold amount of money (billions). Yet they don't use that to fix a lot of the hunger that's going around. They sit in their bejeweld rooms in their own special country inside Italy and drink 1000 euro bottles of wine.
Why do all the churches here have loads of gold and precious stones when those could be sold and the money could provide housing for vulnerable people?
I slowly came to the conclusion that these people are, for the most part, morally bankrupt and corrupt. So, I look at some other religions, and none of them seemed much better.
Zen, to me, as I discovered it -- was not about believing in some unknowable, unprovable diety and sacrificing my current life for what apparently comes after I die. It's a 'philosophy of action' to steal a line from Nishijima; and it's one I'm living. I just help people out, and "don't be a jerk" and I sit and observe what my mind is doing and I'm not after any payout later on.
That's not a religion, a magic unicorn would be nice, but alas -- it's just a way to live (for me)..
(sorry for going long)
If I did I wouldn't have come to it.
See, where I am from, religion (or, more precisely flavours of Christianity) has a stigma -- it's caused and has continued to cause a lot of problems for my society. You can argue maybe it's just an excuse for people to fight who would have fought over other stuff anyway; but at least for me the whole mess of intolerance and stupidity is tied into organised religions. And that's without even getting into all the abhorrent abuses the so called religious folks of the various christian chuches have committed upon those who couldn't defend themselves, especially against children the indefensible protection these awful criminals been afforded by the senior folks in their camp. How can anyone align with this?
I'm a kind of engineer by trade I guess, a science person, I like logical things. I write code most of the day. I really believe in the scientific method. So I look at organised religion in the west, and I just see corruption and authority based on fear of something that's apparently coming after we die. They can't prove their explanation of the 'better' life that's coming after we die (or the worse one if we don't follow their rules), but I can't buy into such wild imaginings without any evidence which by design is impossible in such a system.. We see them actively trying to indoctrinate people as young as possible, to continue this system as it's harder to convince a rational adult to believe in such stuff.. Slowly, they're losing their power in society and they're not going quietly. It was probably useful for us as an evolutionary meme (if you've read Dawkins) (don't kill everyone or after you die the boogie man will get you!: This helped society greatly before we developed further), but IMO we outlived that and now it's actively harmful to our society because the indoctrinated can't let go.
A final point to ram it home: The christians claim their beliefs mean they will embrace their neighbour, and want to help society. Great. Then, please, do it.
Instead, the Vatican bank is sitting on an untold amount of money (billions). Yet they don't use that to fix a lot of the hunger that's going around. They sit in their bejeweld rooms in their own special country inside Italy and drink 1000 euro bottles of wine.
Why do all the churches here have loads of gold and precious stones when those could be sold and the money could provide housing for vulnerable people?
I slowly came to the conclusion that these people are, for the most part, morally bankrupt and corrupt. So, I look at some other religions, and none of them seemed much better.
Zen, to me, as I discovered it -- was not about believing in some unknowable, unprovable diety and sacrificing my current life for what apparently comes after I die. It's a 'philosophy of action' to steal a line from Nishijima; and it's one I'm living. I just help people out, and "don't be a jerk" and I sit and observe what my mind is doing and I'm not after any payout later on.
That's not a religion, a magic unicorn would be nice, but alas -- it's just a way to live (for me)..
(sorry for going long)