Personally, I recall times as a child (say between the ages of 4 to 9 or 10) seeing pets die and watching my parents dispose of remains. i had friends die during the polio epidemic. A cousin was burnt to death in a ski lodge. i attended visitations for grand parents, aunts, uncles. I specifically remember my paternal grand mother took me to the casket holding my maternal grand mother's body and explaining that she had died and I wouldn't see her again; and encouraged me to touch her. Maybe these are just fortunate experiences that enabled me to assimilate the reality but, I can't remember ever being afraid to die. I guess I was taught to accept death. It's not that I wasn't afraid of the pain or suffering that may occur but with age I realized I had already suffered as much pain as is associated with dying. Broken bones, food poisoning, pneumonia are three of the worst pain experiences I've had. Of course let's not forget tooth aches, headaches, being stung by hornets or slamming your thumb in a car door
. Emotional pain ( such as grief) can be far worse to endure. So, why should we fear death. It's just another thing we do in life.
gassho, Shokai

gassho, Shokai