Our January 2022 Treeleaf JUKAI (Undertaking the Precepts) CELEBRATION! -MAIN PAGE-

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41208

    Our January 2022 Treeleaf JUKAI (Undertaking the Precepts) CELEBRATION! -MAIN PAGE-

    The time has again arrived for our annual

    JUKAI CEREMONY at Treeleaf Sangha

    ... to commence Sunday, January 16th at Midnight (Sunday-Monday) Japan time (that is New York 10am, Los Angeles 7am (Sunday morning), London 3pm and Paris 4pm (Sunday afternoon)) (Aussie-Zealanders ... you figure it out! ). The ceremony will last about 1 hour, and will be visible from that time at the screen below:

    Our 24 Preceptees come together simultaneously from 9 countries (from Cyprus, Ukraine, Sweden, Australia, England, Mauritius, Canada, USA and Japan ... plus several other folks undertaking Jukai with us for the second or more times) joining in this Jukai as one, after having spent several months preparing for this day, studying the Precepts, sewing a rakusu, weighing the place of the Buddhist Teachings in their life. As with everything at Treeleaf, all was accomplished fully online, and invite all our Sangha to the celebration. Jundo Cohen is the Preceptor.

    Jukai literally means to receive or to undertake the Precepts. It is the ceremony both of one’s formally committing to the Buddhist Sangha and to the Practice of Zen Buddhism, and of one’s undertaking the “Sixteen Mahayana Bodhisattva Precepts” as guides for life. Traditionally for Jukai, one receives from a teacher the Rakusu, which represents the robe of the Buddha, the Kechimyaku, a written lineage chart connecting the recipient to the Buddhas and Ancestors of the past, and a “Dharma name” selected by the teacher and representing qualities of the recipient’s personality and practice.

    My teacher, Nishijima Roshi, wrote this:

    When a Buddhist seeks to commence upon the study of Buddhism, there is first a ceremony which should be undertaken: It is called “Jukai,” the “Receipt of the Precepts,” the ceremony in which one receives and undertakes the Precepts as a disciple of the Buddha… Master Dogen specifically left us a chapter entitled ‘”Jukai,” in which it is strongly emphasized that, when the Buddhist believer first sets out to commence Buddhist practice… be it monk, be it lay person, no matter… the initial needed steps include the holding of the ceremony of Jukai and the undertaking of the Precepts… The rationale of all of the Buddhist Precepts, the Mahayana Boddhisattva Precepts ... is as a pointing toward the best ways for us to live in this life, in this real world… how to live benefiting both ourselves and others as best we can.


    It is an honor to experience this moment with you.

    Gassho, Jundo

    Traditional "Three Treasures Seal" (三宝印) Representing the Bloodline
    Last edited by Jundo; 01-16-2022, 04:28 PM. Reason: Added youtube one-way link.
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41208

    ATTENTION: We will have two Zoom rooms going, one for FIRST TIME JUKAI-EES, and another for others who are renewing their Vows, attending informally or coming as witnesses. Welcome to all. Please make sure you go to the right room, as we want to save the main room for our 16 first-time recipients this time.

    We are asking that all our new Jukai-ees and returning past Jukai-ees renewing their vows come into their respective Zoom Room (with camera and microphone if possible) ...

    FIRST TIME JUKAI-EES (and Ubasoku who wish):

    In our Scheduled Sitting Room: TREELEAF Now OR at DIRECT ZOOM LINK, password (if needed): dogen


    In our Meeting Room: TREELEAF Now OR at DIRECT ZOOM LINK, password (if needed): dogen

    Anyone who has undertaken Jukai before, here or at another Sangha, is welcome to join us in the Meeting Room to renew your vows or just to observe as a witness.

    You can also observe "one way" via the view screen above in the post above. Thank you.

    Gassho, Jundo

    Last edited by Sekishi; 01-14-2022, 04:46 PM. Reason: Clarified the two room links (hopefully).


    • Jinyo
      • Jan 2012
      • 1957

      Apologies but having to participate via 'one way' screen,
      with you all and renewing my vows from the heart.



      • Onkai
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Aug 2015
        • 3190

        Congratulations to everybody who took Jukai or became an Ubasoku! It was a truly lovely ceremony.

        美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
        恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

        I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


        • Kotei
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Mar 2015
          • 4363

          Congratulations dear Jukaiees and Ubasoku!

          Deep bows!
          Kotei sat/lah today.
          義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


          • Shinshi
            Senior Priest-in-Training
            • Jul 2010
            • 3826

            What a wonderful ceremony. Congratulations to those who undertook Jukai this year. And it was great seeing folks being honored as Ubasoku.

            It was a special moment.

            Gassho, Shinshi

            空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

            For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
            ​— Shunryu Suzuki

            E84I - JAJ


            • Jakuden
              • Jun 2015
              • 6141

              Congratulations to all. What an amazing turnout, it's so moving to see our beautiful Sangha come together

              Deep bows of gratitude


              • Ippo
                • Apr 2019
                • 276

                Wonderful celebration and time to get together with the Sangha.

                Congratulations to all the Jukaiees.

                Thank you Jundo, Sekishi, priests and all the Ubasokus.

                Deep bows to you all,


                一 法

                Everyday is a good day!


                • Koshin
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 938

                  It was a beautiful ceremony, congratulations to all... Take great care

                  Thank you for your practice


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41208

                    If you are not seeing the view screen on youtube, here is the link [remove the space after the : colon]

                    https: //youtu.be/T0ZOUjqpu4E

                    Gassho, J
                    Last edited by Jundo; 01-16-2022, 04:28 PM.
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Sekishi
                      Dharma Transmitted Priest
                      • Apr 2013
                      • 5673

                      Thank you all so much for your dedication. This heart is bursting with joy for us all today!

                      Reminder that we have a Tea House in like 45 minutes. Please feel free to come and celebrate, decompress, jump up and down for joy, etc. if you'd like.

                      Deep bows and virtual hugs for all,
                      #sat #lah
                      Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                      • Kaisui
                        • Sep 2015
                        • 174

                        That was wonderful, so peaceful and meaningful. It was truly a joy to receive the precepts. Thank you

                        Sorry for not joining the audio, but I chose to speak quietly as it is 2 am to 3 am here and my husband is asleep in the next room.

                        KaiSui (first time signing off with my Dharma Name, oh my!)


                        • Kokuu
                          Dharma Transmitted Priest
                          • Nov 2012
                          • 6991

                          So beautiful! Thank you to everyone who participated and deep bows for your commitment and practice!

                          I am looking forward to learning all of the new names.



                          • Nengyoku
                            • Jun 2021
                            • 536

                            This place has come, or perhaps always was, the place where I feel most at home and at ease. Thank you to everyone who has put in countless kalpas of effort in creating that.

                            Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


                            • Bion
                              Senior Priest-in-Training
                              • Aug 2020
                              • 5095

                              Dear jukaiees, you made a wonderful choice today and you are all loved and appreciated here. Gently hold in reverence your commitment to uphold these precepts entrusted to you and remember it always! Sangha is here to support you, you support the sangha! Congratulations! I am beyond happy for you!

                              [emoji1374] Sat Today
                              "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi

