Ecodharma Study and Practice Group

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  • Kokuu
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Nov 2012
    • 6991

    Ecodharma Study and Practice Group

    Dear sangha

    Beginning in January, Doshin and I will be leading a study and practice group based around David Loy's book Ecodharma:

    This group will be purely voluntary to join but we hope that many of you will choose to do so given the scale of the ecological and environmental crisis facing us all. It will exist alongside the regular Treeleaf book club.

    Doshin has been working in conservation biology for over forty years and I, Kokuu, previously worked as a plant ecologist and have been involved with the Green Party of England and Wales for 25 years. Others in the sangha may have their own particular knowleddge to bring.

    We really hope you will join us in looking at how Buddhism can react to what is happening around us at this time. You will need a copy of the book to join (and let us know if you have difficulty in getting hold of it for financial or other reasons) and if you wish to read anything beforehand to prepare, we can offer a suggestion or two.

    If you would like to indicate your interest below that would be great, but we won't be holding you to anything!

    Deep bows for your practice
    Kokuu and Doshin
    Last edited by Kokuu; 12-19-2021, 06:33 PM.
  • Kyōsen
    • Aug 2019
    • 311

    This intersection is of great interest to me as a Buddhist and a nature-lover who has many emotions surrounding the on-going devastation of our ecosystems and ecologies. The Kindle e-book version looks rather inexpensive so count me in!

    kyō (bridge) | sen (river)


    • Hōkan
      • Mar 2021
      • 83

      I think I'll have to participate.

      I'm experiencing a clash between climate and Buddhism; My teacher wants me to experience training in several different Buddhist centers. Getting that experience will require travel. Travel is one of the main generators of climate changing gases. I'm still working out how to respond.

      I've ordered the book.

      Hōkan = 法閑 = Dharma Serenity
      To be entirely clear, I am not a hōkan = 幇間 = taikomochi = geisha, but I do wonder if my preceptor was having a bit of fun with me...


      • Shinshi
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Jul 2010
        • 3823

        Thanks for doing this Doshin and Kokuu. I have ordered the book.

        Gassho, Shinshi

        空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

        For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
        ​— Shunryu Suzuki

        E84I - JAJ


        • Kaisui
          • Sep 2015
          • 174

          Thank you for organising this. I just ordered the book and I look forward to reading with all of you. This is something I have been thinking about more and more.



          • Kokuu
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Nov 2012
            • 6991

            I'm experiencing a clash between climate and Buddhism; My teacher wants me to experience training in several different Buddhist centers. Getting that experience will require travel. Travel is one of the main generators of climate changing gases. I'm still working out how to respond.
            That is a tricky one, Hōkan. Do you think your teacher has considered the effects of travel as much as you have?



            • Hōkan
              • Mar 2021
              • 83

              Originally posted by Kokuu
              Do you think your teacher has considered the effects of travel as much as you have?
              We've not discussed it yet. And I'm not yet ready for that discussion because I really want, somehow, to have the experiences she wants me to have so I want to try to develop some ideas on how it might be accomplished with minimal CO2 generation.

              While my bicycle is usually the only one parked outside the center I've been attending, it is very transit accessible and I appreciate that.

              On the other hand, Hokyoji is in Minnesota farm country and Ryumonji is in Iowa farm country. No buses to either, that I've been able to find. I could take a train to a nearby city and bike the last 31 or 52 miles but I would rather do that only in warmer weather which eliminates things like winter practice period. Maybe I should quit being a weather wimp but Minnesota winters can be significant.

              And, I know she loved practice at Tassajara and Green Gulch but hasn't (yet) suggested that for me. As much as I want to avoid driving a car I REALLY want to avoid flying.

              Really, it's a question of balance. While I don't own a car I do rent one once in a while mostly in order to get my 90 year-old mother to family gatherings in the suburbs or exurbs so I am willing to compromise. My problem is "how much compromise?" Maybe the book and discussion will help with that question.

              Hōkan = 法閑 = Dharma Serenity
              To be entirely clear, I am not a hōkan = 幇間 = taikomochi = geisha, but I do wonder if my preceptor was having a bit of fun with me...


              • aprapti
                • Jun 2017
                • 889

                nice initiative, Kokuu! It will be a good reason to reread Loy's book..



                hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                • Doshin
                  • May 2015
                  • 2621

                  The following quote by Gus Speth keeps coming up in my thoughts…..

                  “I used to think that top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that thirty years of good science could address these problems. I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these we need a cultural and spiritual transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.”

                  The problems he mentions are what Buddhism also addresses. I believe we have the scientific knowledge to help us understand the problems and the tools to address many of the issues. However we must have the will and the understanding that the earth, all life and ‘all of us’ are interdependent. Interdependence permeates throughout our dharma teachings.

                  If you have the time you might want to peruse the Living Earth thread started 3 years ago. Sangha members have posted links to articles that may inform our discussions in the months ahead.

                  In another thread on EcoDharma there is a link to a special Zazenkai here at Treeleaf where David Loy joined us.

                  Last edited by Doshin; 12-19-2021, 11:04 PM.


                  • Kokuu
                    Dharma Transmitted Priest
                    • Nov 2012
                    • 6991

                    In another thread on EcoDharma there is a link to a special Zazenkai here at Treeleaf where David Loy joined us
                    This is here and worth watching again:



                    • Kokuu
                      Dharma Transmitted Priest
                      • Nov 2012
                      • 6991

                      On the other hand, Hokyoji is in Minnesota farm country and Ryumonji is in Iowa farm country. No buses to either, that I've been able to find. I could take a train to a nearby city and bike the last 31 or 52 miles but I would rather do that only in warmer weather which eliminates things like winter practice period. Maybe I should quit being a weather wimp but Minnesota winters can be significant.

                      Really, it's a question of balance. While I don't own a car I do rent one once in a while mostly in order to get my 90 year-old mother to family gatherings in the suburbs or exurbs so I am willing to compromise. My problem is "how much compromise?" Maybe the book and discussion will help with that question.
                      I agree, it is question of balance. Can you talk to her and explain your concerns and see if you can come to an agreement whereby you are able to get to some of the more local places using transport other than flying?

                      If you rent a car, it is worth also asking the practice centre if they know of anyone near you who might also wish to come so that you can try to avoid the single occupancy car issue. There used to be ways of offering car and petrol share more generally and I don't know if there are still ways of doing that.

                      Thank you everyone else for your interest. It is greatly appreciated to have you on board.

                      This afternoon both Doshin and I were at a One Earth Sangha ( event and I can really recommend it. It was my first OES meeting but I think that Doshin has been to more. The meetings are a monthly event and we can post details for the next one in case others wish to also attend.

                      Last edited by Kokuu; 12-19-2021, 11:29 PM.


                      • Tairin
                        • Feb 2016
                        • 2970

                        Thank you Kokuu and Doshin. I’ll will buy the book and join in the reading.

                        Sat today and lah
                        泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


                        • Rousei
                          • Oct 2020
                          • 118

                          I plan to get very active with my farm this coming year, with hopes of purchasing some farm land in the future! Not too difficult here in the Japanese countryside. The prefecture I live in is a 9a growing zone. I also plan to start the back garden weather permitting. So if anyone has any advice/knowledge or interest in that do feel free to get in touch! I know very very little, but have a strong interest in learning more and putting that into practice. Hoping to create a sustainable lifestyle that is eco friendly.

                          I will likely join this to the best of my ability.

                          浪省 - RouSei - Wandering Introspection


                          • Meian
                            • Apr 2015
                            • 1712

                            I have just ordered the book through Thrift Books.

                            I cannot adequately explain my interest or interconnection with climate change, or what I feel (quite literally) is ecological genocide occurring. Also, being privately vowed, I feel quite powerless to impact it or intervene.

                            I hope to be helpful to the discussion, and to become a more effective eco-activist. Thank you both for hosting this.

                            Gassho2, meian stlh

                            Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
                            鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
                            visiting Unsui
                            Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


                            • Heitou
                              • Feb 2020
                              • 101

                              I'm also interested, I will order the book when I can and keep up to date with you guys.


