The purple eye strain of DOOOOM! And also, a personal take on my zafus..

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  • houst0n
    • Nov 2021
    • 135

    The purple eye strain of DOOOOM! And also, a personal take on my zafus..

    Hello lovely treeleaf people, I hope you're all doing exceptionally well in the run up to Christmas, and your days are filled with delicious things and good books!

    I recently got two new Zafus (aren't I lucky) and one is a, to coin a term: *BRICK WALL MODE* stuffed Kapok (vs my previous which was *just slightly better than what I could have found on my sofa mode*), and the other is well stuffed Buckwheat; and I have to say, try as I might -- the Buckwheat is really taking the lead. It's a good 25 minutes into my session before my legs go annoyingly/distractingly numb on the buckwheat vs about 15 for the Kapok.. Ho hum. More stretches, we'll see. What do you fine folks prefer? I find with the Buckwheat I have to pay more attention to my posture, or at least -- it's immediately obvious when I've fallen out vs with the Kapok ones I can sort of slouch around a while longer without correcting myself..

    Anyway, I had a little question for you all, recently, I've started getting these really trippy (I mean, "yo totally groooooovy maaaan") kind of purple/blue .... erm not sure of the right word to use, but you know how when you close your eyes or look at a plain wall after looking at something bright? Or you press on your closed eyes? That kind of effect.. It's not really causing a problem, but I find it really distracting, and I have to blink a few times, then it goes away for a while until I notice it again.

    What gives? Lack of sleep? Not enough light in my pseudo-zendo? Anyone else had that crop up? Am I seeing into the matrix? (kidding) :}

    Love + Take care,


    ./sat+lah :}
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41217

    Hi Neil,

    You may find that the hardness of the Zafu contributes to the "pins and needles" in the leg by pressing on the sciatic nerve. You can read more about that here, and some tips ...

    We have had several good threads over the years, filled with advice and suggestions on "tingly" legs and aching backs. I will first link to this book on posture during Zazen ... Usually, legs which tingle or "fall

    (Actually, a member with a degree in medicine once corrected me on it being the "sciatic" nerve, and the definition is more technical I believe. However, the principal is the same). You are likely sitting in a way that is pinching the nerve, and the cushion is contributing.

    As to the eyes, it sounds like the quiet of Zazen is somehow causing you to notice the cones and rods in the eyes. It may be the lighting in your room. How dark do you have it? Read the short and long versions here ...

    Hello all! Many bows to you all and much love. The last two times I have sat, I have experienced strange sensations during zazen. Colors streaming in my vision, strong vibrations in my body, and a light ringing in my ears mark the primary experience I had. Today, I even heard a female voice speak a word or two in my left ear

    Another common effect is to see "spots in the eyes". Most are there all along (floating impurities, early cataracts and such of the eyeball itself), but we just do not notice them until we sit still. Many are just the "cones and rods" of the eye that were there all along. The cones and rods of color, for example, are always present in our eyes, but we do not give them notice so often in day to day life. In Zazen, what is always there just stands out sometimes, and the brain plays some tricks by seeing "connect the dot" patterns.

    The eyes contain cones and rods for color that we usually do not notice (but, if you look at any object closely, you will see little dots of color, much like the picture tube of a color tv):

    Intended for elementary and secondary school students and teachers who are interested in learning about the nervous system and brain with hands on activities, experiments and information.

    The sensory deprivation effect at staring at the white surface just brings the little dots to our attention, and they play pattern tricks in the brain.

    Like a new pair of glasses, the brain will adjust and soon not notice the dots as much. Maybe we are subconsciously looking for the patterns, and thus noticing the patterns. If we just forget about them, they usually go away.
    Also, are you doing something unusual with your eyes (you should not be) like trying to stare fixedly at one spot without blinking or moving? I compare the eyes in Zazen to driving a country road, relaxed and just looking ...

    Hello everyone, I've been consistently having trouble keeping my eyes focused on the floor in front of me during zazen. Although I understand I'm supposed to let go of judgments and not fight against thoughts or emotions that crop up, I definitely feel like I settle down much better when my eyes manage that gentle focus; I

    Gassho, J


    Sorry to run long.


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      The purple eye strain of DOOOOM! And also, a personal take on my zafus..

      I am still recovering from surgery and after I would like to lead a grace group dedicated to those in need? Three chants? perhaps with someone? Kokuu? Or laymember sitting 1/2 hr.
      sat/ lah

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
      Last edited by Tai Shi; 12-09-2021, 01:27 PM.
      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆

