Dear sangha,
I want to invite you all to sit a mini-sesshin with me and the Spanish speaking sangha, Ryokan Zen Group, next November 1st and 2nd, 2021.
It will be in memoriam of all the people we have lost with Corona. And in gratitude of all the invisible people that keep civilization going like public works, delivery personal, farmers, engineers, drivers, merchants, or factory workers.
I know most of you will be working or in school, but in Mexico and a few other countries we will celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and it's a long weekend for us. So please sit with us if you find a confortable time.
We will begin at 6 AM and will sit until 6:00PM
Like Treeleaf, we are all over the planet. So we will begin in Nov. 1st. at 6:00AM in Madrid/Berlin. As the Earth turns, in Latin America we'll join at our 6:00 AM (1:00 PM in Madrid/Berlin).
This is the schedule:
6:00h – 6:50h: Zazen
6:50h – 7:00h: Kinhin
7:00h – 7:50h: Zazen
7:50h – 9:00h: Breakfast and rest/samu in silence. Offline.
9:00h – 9:50h: Zazen
9:50h – 10:00: Kinhin
10:00h – 10:50: Zazen
10:50h – 11:00h: Kinhin
11:00h – 11:50h: Zazen
11:50h – 12:00h: Kinhin
12:00h – 12:50h: Zazen
12:50h – 13:00h: Kinhin
13:00h – 13:30h Zazen
13:30h – 16:30h: Lunch and rest. Offline.
16:30h – 17:00h: Zazen
17:00h – 17:10h: Kinhin
17:10h – 18:00h: Zazen
Day 1 and 2 will be the same. So please come and sit with us!
This is the Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 734 269 3783
Password: 481078
I want to invite you all to sit a mini-sesshin with me and the Spanish speaking sangha, Ryokan Zen Group, next November 1st and 2nd, 2021.
It will be in memoriam of all the people we have lost with Corona. And in gratitude of all the invisible people that keep civilization going like public works, delivery personal, farmers, engineers, drivers, merchants, or factory workers.
I know most of you will be working or in school, but in Mexico and a few other countries we will celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and it's a long weekend for us. So please sit with us if you find a confortable time.
We will begin at 6 AM and will sit until 6:00PM
Like Treeleaf, we are all over the planet. So we will begin in Nov. 1st. at 6:00AM in Madrid/Berlin. As the Earth turns, in Latin America we'll join at our 6:00 AM (1:00 PM in Madrid/Berlin).
This is the schedule:
6:00h – 6:50h: Zazen
6:50h – 7:00h: Kinhin
7:00h – 7:50h: Zazen
7:50h – 9:00h: Breakfast and rest/samu in silence. Offline.
9:00h – 9:50h: Zazen
9:50h – 10:00: Kinhin
10:00h – 10:50: Zazen
10:50h – 11:00h: Kinhin
11:00h – 11:50h: Zazen
11:50h – 12:00h: Kinhin
12:00h – 12:50h: Zazen
12:50h – 13:00h: Kinhin
13:00h – 13:30h Zazen
13:30h – 16:30h: Lunch and rest. Offline.
16:30h – 17:00h: Zazen
17:00h – 17:10h: Kinhin
17:10h – 18:00h: Zazen
Day 1 and 2 will be the same. So please come and sit with us!
This is the Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 734 269 3783
Password: 481078