I want to ask a question about sitting zazen (of any length) and the peace/mental space it gives when that is the only break/time away from all else going on in life.
Please forgive the large type, I am experiencing a medical problem with my eyes for now (lupus flare).
This has probably been posted about elsewhere, and I just can't think clearly for now to locate it. I recall that zazen is not supposed to have any goals or purpose. Nowhere to go, nothing to attain. So in some (maybe all?) cases, doing otherwise (for a goal or purpose), perhaps makes it *not* zazen.
So, if one sits to sit, just to sit and set aside everything else -- but one purpose of the sitting is to "set aside" the "everything else" -- is that still zazen? Because it then has a goal/purpose (of disengaging, however short, from the 'everything').
So if I am sitting zazen, sitting to sit, but also as brief "setting aside" of everything (but still just sitting!) -- am I still "sitting zazen"? Or does part of my intent negate the practice of zazen.
Forgive me if I am splitting hairs (or asking a question that has already been answered elsewhere). This is bothering me, on top of everything else, as if I needed to worry more. However, zazen/insta-zazen has been providing the only "mental space" I have available these last weeks -- but then I wondered, is it still zazen, then?
Sorry to run very long.
gassho, meian st (I think)
I want to ask a question about sitting zazen (of any length) and the peace/mental space it gives when that is the only break/time away from all else going on in life.
Please forgive the large type, I am experiencing a medical problem with my eyes for now (lupus flare).
This has probably been posted about elsewhere, and I just can't think clearly for now to locate it. I recall that zazen is not supposed to have any goals or purpose. Nowhere to go, nothing to attain. So in some (maybe all?) cases, doing otherwise (for a goal or purpose), perhaps makes it *not* zazen.
So, if one sits to sit, just to sit and set aside everything else -- but one purpose of the sitting is to "set aside" the "everything else" -- is that still zazen? Because it then has a goal/purpose (of disengaging, however short, from the 'everything').
So if I am sitting zazen, sitting to sit, but also as brief "setting aside" of everything (but still just sitting!) -- am I still "sitting zazen"? Or does part of my intent negate the practice of zazen.
Forgive me if I am splitting hairs (or asking a question that has already been answered elsewhere). This is bothering me, on top of everything else, as if I needed to worry more. However, zazen/insta-zazen has been providing the only "mental space" I have available these last weeks -- but then I wondered, is it still zazen, then?
Sorry to run very long.
gassho, meian st (I think)