Zazen and Blood Clots

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    Originally posted by Onka
    I'm probably the person Kokuu is referring to.
    Last year I developed a large clot in my right leg. Unfortunately before I got it officially diagnosed it broke up and clots went through my heart to both my lungs where a LOT of clots settled. Thankfully only one clot made it to my brain but it was in a 'safe' position.
    Yes the pain is indescribable, way worse than when I broke my back. I spent many months in and out of acute care ambulances and intensive care cardio wards last year where I was asked the 'end of life plan' questions and saw others die. Not fun.
    How are things now?
    I'm on Warfarin for life, I have to wear a compression stocking on my right leg, I can only 'sit' with my legs elevated and straight, my right leg has scarring, as do my lungs from the clots which mean that if I push myself physically my blood pressure drops and I get really lightheaded and can faint if I don't get my legs raised ASAP. My lungs also hurt regularly and laughing leads to inability to breathe easily.
    Life is very very different for me this year and my limirations affect every aspect of my lived experience. In saying this, there are tremendous positives.
    I have been diagnosed as having the blood disorder Factor 5 Leiden, I am now part of the public health system so have regular appointments with lung specialists, a specialist community nurse, a heart surgeon, a urologist and my GP so my health is in great hands.
    Practicewise, 'sitting' at home daily with pain, weird physical sensations in my heart, lungs and leg has been a gift that keeps giving. Shikantaza when fighting for every breath last year opened up Practice insights that have changed my life.
    If asked I would suggest you follow medical advice to the letter. I would also adopt the mantra of 'do what you can, when you can, how you can, and with what you can'.
    I'd also give yourself permission to feel any emotions that arise should your life look different from now on.
    Be kind to yourself Bobby.
    *apologies for running long
    Thank you Onka.

    I am able to do the insta-zazen right now. And waiting for the next doctors appointment. The pain is still quite intense but I’m getting through. Right now waiting on more lab tests.

    Thank you again for sharing your experiences. [emoji120]

    Deep bows


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      Originally posted by Jakuden
      I had clots form in my carotid artery and shower into my brain a couple years ago. It wasn’t a typical carotid blockage, but a manifestation of a clotting disorder I didn’t know I had. So I am also on warfarin and lucky to be alive! And I am at high risk for all sorts of clots.

      I was very nervous to sit for long periods for the first 6 months or so and did a lot of Kinhin. As time passed, I went back to longer sits but I try not to go past 40 minutes without Kinhin. Before covid I cancelled a planned Sesshin at Zen Mountain Monastery because I was afraid of the risk of such long sitting, but now I think maybe I would go and chair sit some of the time. I sit seiza—even before the stroke, I couldn’t sit cross-legged comfortably.


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      Thank you Jakuden. [emoji120]


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      • Guest

        Thank you everyone for you thoughts and experiences!



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        • Tairin
          • Feb 2016
          • 2921

          Originally posted by Bion
          Same zazen as the one I sit in the zendo, with the zafu, bells, altar, candle and incense.

          Sat today and lah
          泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


          • Doshin
            • May 2015
            • 2634




            • Ryumon
              • Apr 2007
              • 1818

              I googled blood clots and meditation, and found that it's not that uncommon. I was also shown a link to a YouTube video - to which I won't link here - entitled Dissolve Blood Clots Naturally by Cosmic Codes. :-)



              I know nothing.


              • Paul Nyima
                • Feb 2018
                • 14

                Probably a good idea for most older folks to take a baby aspirin every day and full one
                on long drives of flights. Follow your doctors orders.


                • bakera3312
                  • Aug 2021
                  • 155

                  Hi Bobby,

                  I have never had blood clots, but I have an injured knee, that makes sitting Zazen hard after 20 mins, sometimes I simply just have to move or practice in a different form.

                  I also sometimes sit for 3 mintues "mini" Zazen sits.

                  Not sure if any of this helps you, but much metta to you I hope for your health.


                  Dharma name= 浄史

                  Received Jukai in January 2022

                  The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now. - Thích Nhất Hạnh

