I’ve seen the Japanese word “hishiryo” come up a few times when Zen teacher’s are talking about the “think not thinking”” passage in Master Dogen’s Fukanzazengi. Is this a special word that Zen folks should know? No one clearly defines “hishiryo” except to say that it is something like “big mind” or “cosmic consciousness”but what I gather is it’s just the non-gaining, non-seeking mind, happening when judgements, comparisons, desires, aversions etc... are dropped and there is a sense of ease like you can see through the thoughts that arise as they pass away leaving no trace in Zazen (to paraphrase Jundo in ‘The Zen Master’s Dance.’)
Edit: I think I found something that answers my question https://www.sotozen.com/eng/library/...ey_terms08.pdf
Edit 2: Jundo mentions “hi-shiryo or not-thinking” in his book but doesn’t make a big hub-bub about it by calling it something lofty like “big mind” or “cosmic consciousness” like I saw two other teachers do.
Edit: I think I found something that answers my question https://www.sotozen.com/eng/library/...ey_terms08.pdf
Edit 2: Jundo mentions “hi-shiryo or not-thinking” in his book but doesn’t make a big hub-bub about it by calling it something lofty like “big mind” or “cosmic consciousness” like I saw two other teachers do.