There's also a discussion forum there--Bhante Sujato is quite approachable and easy to talk to. So, maybe my bias, but I know I look to that EBT movement within Theravada for the best source of learning on what the Buddha Taught.
I find Bhante Sujato and Bhikkhu Analayo, who has the language skills to read/translate both the Pali Canon and Chinese Agamas in their original languages, have been the best sources for coming as close as possible with the surviving texts to what the Buddha most likely taught. Also, Bhikkhu Bodhi - as someone mentioned - has an excellent book, In The Buddha's Words.
I find Bhante Sujato and Bhikkhu Analayo, who has the language skills to read/translate both the Pali Canon and Chinese Agamas in their original languages, have been the best sources for coming as close as possible with the surviving texts to what the Buddha most likely taught. Also, Bhikkhu Bodhi - as someone mentioned - has an excellent book, In The Buddha's Words.

Each was a genius in their own day and culture, but even Buddhism has moved on, developed, learned some things about how the world and human mind actually work that have moved on from those times, expanded our vision, and sometimes shown some of the early beliefs as likely downright wrong. Buddha was still a man of Iron Age India, some 2500 years ago, and is not the final word on this beginningless endless timeless path.
It is not simply a matter that we cannot truly know what he said, and need to extrapolate from later texts, even if we do assume that there was one actual man at all who was the "historical Buddha" (even most of the biographical story about leaving the palace, beginning his ministry, etc., is a story which only appeared and was then greatly embellished, centuries after his reported time of life), but that we now fly 777s (not that they don't have their own problem!

Still, so much wisdom, so much beauty there. We should learn from the Founders, honor the early Teachings. And we all fly the very same air, and experience the very same gravity.
Gassho, Jundo