Dear All,
I am pleased to announce that Zen Priest (and my friend) Heiku Jamie Mcleod will be joining us for a very special Zazenkai and Talk on SUNDAY December 27th, LIVE from Maine, USA and Treeleaf Tsukuba.
More about Heiku ...
Heiku Jaime McLeod is a priest and teacher at Treetop Zen Center in Maine, having received dharma transmission from Peter Seishin Wohl in 2016. Jaime is a member of the White Plum Asanga, the Soto Zen Buddhist Association and the Zen Peacemaker Order. She's a proponent of socially engaged Buddhism and believes practice must find its expression through compassionate activity in the world, growing out of a direct experience of connection with the Earth and all beings. Her teaching focuses on the opportunities for figurative “home-leaving” available to those who remain householders, and she strives to help students awaken right within the realms of work, love, and home. She lives with her wife, Melissa, and their two children in Winthrop, Maine. Read Jaime’s essay, “Picking and Choosing” in the new compilation Zen Teachings in Challenging Times, published by Temple Ground Press.
I will talk about “Staying Home” as a contrast (not really) to the tradition of “Homeleaving.” ... While one entry point, of course, is that we’re all staying home as much as possible because of COVID, it [is] more expansive than that. I’m thinking of how some Treeleafers aren’t able to leave home much, even before this, and about how many, or most, contemporary practitioners must make room for practice amidst full and busy lives of work and family, and how it’s not only possible, but that we have ample opportunity, to practice true renunciation (of the three poisons) in that context. We can always “leave” the “home” of our fixed notions of reality without literally leaving our homes. I’ll look to one or more of the koans that gently admonish the wandering monks of old for always going about looking for “it“ somewhere else.
As part of that, I’ll talk a little about my personal life, with my wife and kids and work and my practice journey. So if folks need some inspiration as LGBTQ practitioners or as parents, they will find something in there they can relate to.
As part of that, I’ll talk a little about my personal life, with my wife and kids and work and my practice journey. So if folks need some inspiration as LGBTQ practitioners or as parents, they will find something in there they can relate to.
The festivities for our Zazenkai will begin at 11:00 AM US MAINE TIME SUNDAY 12/27 (that is 11am in New York, 8am in California, London 4pm and Paris 5pm, all SUNDAY December 27th) ... (Alas, Monday 1am for those of us in Japan.

Our sitting schedule will be about the following: About 10 minutes of Zazen, the Talk by Heiku for about 30 minutes, and some Questions from our Treeleaf participants. I anticipate the the event will be about 60 minutes or so, maybe a bit longer if the discussion needs.
FOLKS HAVING QUESTIONS FOR JAIME CAN PRIVATE MESSAGE ME DURING THE Q&A PORTION HERE (PM to JUNDO), and I will check from time to time, and ask as many questions from viewers as possible.
I hope that we will have a big turnout, with many folks joining us "two way" too (instructions below).
Let's all get together to welcome Jaime and hear about "Homeleaving" from right at home!
Gassho, Jundo
You can join "two-way," with camera and microphone, although "one way" live sitters are encouraged to come into the Zoom sitting, and just leave the camera and microphone turned off: Join live (with or without a camera & microphone) on Zoom at: TREELEAF Now OR at DIRECT ZOOM LINK, password (if needed): dogen
