Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

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  • undeceivable
    • May 2008
    • 35

    Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life


    I am considering doing some more formal training at a monastery for a while.
    Has anyone ever been to Throssel Hole buddhist Abbey in the UK?

    I'm feeling like I'm not really doing as much zazen as I'd like to - I know it's not a solve all philosophy, but I just feel I'm wasting a lot of my life just doing a little of this and a little of that, without really learning anything. And I have faith in Zazen as something I want to do more of. So I'd like to try a life centred around Zazen. I have no financial obigations, so I feel now is as good a time as any. Obviously I want to work too, so I don't know exactly what my plan is... :?

    So I just wondered if anyone has ever been? Or heard anything about this place?


    [color=#4080FF:avauok9l][size=80:avauok9l]"Do not be deceived"[/size:avauok9l][/color:avauok9l]
  • Longdog
    • Nov 2007
    • 448

    Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

    Hi undecievable one, :wink:

    I've been several times for festival days and one retreat. What can I say it's great, the monks, countryside, Abbey, food, everything is fantastic. they even have a fairly laid back start to the day from zen standards, about a 6am start I think, but check out their website for more details.

    The only problem you might have is that they like you to have taken an introductory retreat or at least been there and become known before you can just stay outside of a specific training period. If youcontact them this may be negotiable. I do know that people have doent eh introductory retreat ans then stayed on afterwards so it is possible.

    Best thing to do is to hek out the info on their site to see what's on when you're thinking of going as they do have some closed periods and then phone or email them and take it from there.

    Let me know how you get on.

    In gassho, Kev


    • undeceivable
      • May 2008
      • 35

      Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

      Ah, you're from up those parts, I see! Thanks for the information Kev. From the website it looks like a nice place and a good schedule. I'm going to give it a go and see what happens...just got to work out when to go :shock:

      Thanks again!

      the undeceivable one :?
      [color=#4080FF:avauok9l][size=80:avauok9l]"Do not be deceived"[/size:avauok9l][/color:avauok9l]


      • Longdog
        • Nov 2007
        • 448

        Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

        Sorry Undeceivable, just my sense of humour adding 'one' to it.

        Just to let you know we tend to use our names here, if not in our usernames, then atleast in our posts, so we know who we are talking to, same reason fo photos for avatars.

        sorry if I offended you,

        In gassho, Kev


        • undeceivable
          • May 2008
          • 35

          Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

          No, not at all! It made me laugh - Don't worry, I got the joke :wink:

          Ah, yeah, I Photoshoped my picture so I'm unrecognizeable and have adopted a strange name :lol: Old habits die hard.

          People call me PA!

          [color=#4080FF:avauok9l][size=80:avauok9l]"Do not be deceived"[/size:avauok9l][/color:avauok9l]


          • Martin
            • Jun 2007
            • 216

            Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

            I've been to Throssel Hole too, and really liked it. A beautiful place. As Kev says, I believe they will want you to do an Introductory Retreat first, but that's fine too. It's a six hour drive from me, or I'd go more often.

            I spent my last weekend there worrying about why Buddhist monks had stuck an angel to the large glass window at one end of the building. After the (silent) retreat I plucked up the courage to ask and was told it wasn't an angel at all, but the outline shape of a kestrel or similar bird of prey, to scare off the other birds who would otherwise fly into said glass window and stun themselves. Doh!




            • undeceivable
              • May 2008
              • 35

              Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

              Thanks Martin!
              Sounds like it's a nice place. I've been doing a bit more research, especially about the founder, Master Jiyu-Kennett. I'm tempted to read one of her books - it'll be my first Zen book for a while, but I think I should at least read up

              I think I might ask the same question about the 'angel' when I go, just for fun... :wink:

              It's quite a drive for me too, but I don't know of any other places I can go for a retreat in the Soto style...

              Thanks again.

              [color=#4080FF:avauok9l][size=80:avauok9l]"Do not be deceived"[/size:avauok9l][/color:avauok9l]


              • Shindo
                • Mar 2008
                • 278

                Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

                Hi PA

                you could try here.....


                not too far from London & they also do work retreats if money is an issue

                Kind regards

                [color=#404040:301177ix]"[i:301177ix]I come to realize that mind is no other than mountains and rivers and the great wide earth, the sun and the moon and star[/i:301177ix]s". - [b:301177ix]Dogen[/b:301177ix][/color:301177ix]


                • undeceivable
                  • May 2008
                  • 35

                  Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

                  Thanks Jools.
                  Gaiahouse looks fascinating too and the idea of a working retreat sounds ideal. I'd never come across that place before!

                  I'll nee to look a little deeper, though ;-)


                  [color=#4080FF:avauok9l][size=80:avauok9l]"Do not be deceived"[/size:avauok9l][/color:avauok9l]


                  • BrianP
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 83

                    Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

                    Hi Undeceivable,
                    I dont know where in London you live but there is a London group associated with Throssel Hole. You will find it on the OBC website. Also if you are not too far from Reading, try contacting Reading Buddhist Priory which is affiliated to Throssel Hole. The monk there, Rev. Olwen, is great. It is only a small place but they do retreats there. I would make the effort to get to Throssel though, it`s well worth it.


                    • undeceivable
                      • May 2008
                      • 35

                      Re: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey + Changing my Focus in Life

                      Originally posted by BrianP
                      Hi Undeceivable,
                      I dont know where in London you live but there is a London group associated with Throssel Hole. You will find it on the OBC website. Also if you are not too far from Reading, try contacting Reading Buddhist Priory which is affiliated to Throssel Hole. The monk there, Rev. Olwen, is great. It is only a small place but they do retreats there. I would make the effort to get to Throssel though, it`s well worth it.
                      Thanks BrianP!

                      I've signed up for the introductory retreat in early October at Throssel, I've decided.
                      But all the other places you guys have suggested, I'm looking into for the future. So thanks.

                      Throssel, here I come~~ :P

                      [color=#4080FF:avauok9l][size=80:avauok9l]"Do not be deceived"[/size:avauok9l][/color:avauok9l]

