In the previous spiritual practice I followed, we did a series of breathing practices for 5-10 min prior to meditation. The breathing practices are as below
- Pranayama: Slow breathing; slow inhaling, slight holding of breath and slow exhaling (
- Chin pump: inhaling, holding the breath, rotating the head clock wise few times and exhaling (
We were also told to add yoga asanas a few minutes prior to doing breathing practices
I believe these are all energy practices to prepare the body for meditation.
What are your thoughts on adding these breathing practices prior to zazen? Dogen talks about taking 7 deep breaths before sitting. These will be more elaborate practices. More like taking 5-10 times such breaths
- Pranayama: Slow breathing; slow inhaling, slight holding of breath and slow exhaling (
- Chin pump: inhaling, holding the breath, rotating the head clock wise few times and exhaling (
We were also told to add yoga asanas a few minutes prior to doing breathing practices
I believe these are all energy practices to prepare the body for meditation.
What are your thoughts on adding these breathing practices prior to zazen? Dogen talks about taking 7 deep breaths before sitting. These will be more elaborate practices. More like taking 5-10 times such breaths