I decided to order a copy for myself a couple days ago; figure I should read the telephone game that is translating a 900 year old text from its native (extinct dialect of) Chinese into modern English (perhaps the drunkest language of all time).
I know this text is a big deal among the Rinzai school, and I know Dogen is said to have copied the whole thing by hand in a single night (which many think is a very silly story but one that isn't necessarily entirely untrue).
So what I'm wondering is ... is there anything I should keep in mind before/while reading it that might help? Like how the Shobogenzo can be read in multiple ways if you know what to look for.
I know this text is a big deal among the Rinzai school, and I know Dogen is said to have copied the whole thing by hand in a single night (which many think is a very silly story but one that isn't necessarily entirely untrue).
So what I'm wondering is ... is there anything I should keep in mind before/while reading it that might help? Like how the Shobogenzo can be read in multiple ways if you know what to look for.