Hey Joshua
I've read very little Zen Buddhism books but love living the gritty ugly reality of every day interactions moment to moment that it offers me. It kinda reminds me of the best bits of the Punk,Oi! and Hardcore scenes back in the day where straightedge or not every moment was a moment of life really lived. The Zen book that grabbed me was a Brad Warner book. I like his band and give him credit where credit is due in getting me to sit every morning. I wouldn't read another of his books and don't watch his YouTube channel because I feel he must have a sore arse from sitting on the fence with everything. He lost me completely when he compared having man boobs with gender dysphoria. Insert every swear word invented here. If I was in LA I'm sure I'd have delivered him a good old fashioned strongly worded letter attached to my fists and boots and then probably have to spend the following 20 years living naked in a cave reciting the Verse of Atonement non stop.
As for other books...
The ABC of Anarchist Communism by Alexander Berkman.
Berkman understood that to grab an audience you gotta speak their language at a level they can understand.
Anything by George Orwell. Gotta love a card carrying Communist who had the testicles to call BS on the Communist system of operating in general and undermining the efforts of Anarchists who worked WITH locals using direct democracy rather than the dictatorship of the proletariat nonsense that threw all local militias and community organisations under the bus during the Spanish Civil War.
I love how he captures life in words and can put out a direct attack on Communism as taught by Marx and Engels (hugely underrated IMHO) but put into practice by authoritarian twits in works like Animal Farm and 1984.
I love biographies on artist's and poets like Sylvia Plath and Frida Kahlo. I've got huge crushes on Women who did whatever the hell they wanted.
Finally I liked the Choose Your Own Adventure books you could get through the book club in Primary school. I used to read them with a notebook and pen next to me so I could retrace my steps and choose different adventures from the point of deviance instead of starting from the beginning.
Oh yeah, i love Wikipedia as a starting place for going down some wonderfully diverse rabbit warrens although Wikileaks should've dumped Assange years ago. Without politicizing this I will always believe her or in this case them. End of.
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I've read very little Zen Buddhism books but love living the gritty ugly reality of every day interactions moment to moment that it offers me. It kinda reminds me of the best bits of the Punk,Oi! and Hardcore scenes back in the day where straightedge or not every moment was a moment of life really lived. The Zen book that grabbed me was a Brad Warner book. I like his band and give him credit where credit is due in getting me to sit every morning. I wouldn't read another of his books and don't watch his YouTube channel because I feel he must have a sore arse from sitting on the fence with everything. He lost me completely when he compared having man boobs with gender dysphoria. Insert every swear word invented here. If I was in LA I'm sure I'd have delivered him a good old fashioned strongly worded letter attached to my fists and boots and then probably have to spend the following 20 years living naked in a cave reciting the Verse of Atonement non stop.
As for other books...
The ABC of Anarchist Communism by Alexander Berkman.
Berkman understood that to grab an audience you gotta speak their language at a level they can understand.
Anything by George Orwell. Gotta love a card carrying Communist who had the testicles to call BS on the Communist system of operating in general and undermining the efforts of Anarchists who worked WITH locals using direct democracy rather than the dictatorship of the proletariat nonsense that threw all local militias and community organisations under the bus during the Spanish Civil War.
I love how he captures life in words and can put out a direct attack on Communism as taught by Marx and Engels (hugely underrated IMHO) but put into practice by authoritarian twits in works like Animal Farm and 1984.
I love biographies on artist's and poets like Sylvia Plath and Frida Kahlo. I've got huge crushes on Women who did whatever the hell they wanted.
Finally I liked the Choose Your Own Adventure books you could get through the book club in Primary school. I used to read them with a notebook and pen next to me so I could retrace my steps and choose different adventures from the point of deviance instead of starting from the beginning.
Oh yeah, i love Wikipedia as a starting place for going down some wonderfully diverse rabbit warrens although Wikileaks should've dumped Assange years ago. Without politicizing this I will always believe her or in this case them. End of.
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