NOTE: Because of Daylight Savings Changes in USA/CANADA this week, please pay special attention to start times in other places!

Dear All,
I am pleased to announce that Soto Priest, Author and Teacher, Myoan Grace Schireson will be offering a very special Zazenkai and Talk on SUNDAY March 15th, LIVE from California and Treeleaf Tsukuba.
More about Grace ...
Grace Schireson is a Zen Abbess, president of Shogaku Zen Institute (a Zen teachers’ training seminary), and a Clinical Psychologist. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. She founded two practice centers and a retreat center under the Central Valley Zen Foundation. She is the author of Naked in the Zendo: Stories of Uptight Zen, Wild-Ass Zen, and Enlightenment Wherever You Are (Shambala Publications, November 2019), Zen Women: Beyond Tea Ladies, Iron Maidens and Macho Masters (Wisdom, 2009), and edited Zen Bridge: The Zen Teachings of Keido Fukushima with Peter Schireson. She has published articles in Shambhala Sun, Buddhadharma and Tricycle magazines and has also been anthologized in many Zen books, including The Book of Mu, Receiving the Marrow, and The Hidden Lamp as well as in a book on spiritual training: The Arts of Contemplative Care.
Grace is a Dharma teacher in the Suzuki Roshi lineage empowered by Sojun Mel Weitsman, abbot of Berkeley Zen Center. She has also been empowered to teach koans by Keido Fukushima Roshi, chief abbot of Tofukuji Monastery in Kyoto Japan. She has been married for over 50 years, and lives with her husband, the poet Peter Schireson, in New York and California. She has two grown sons and four grand-children.
Grace is a Dharma teacher in the Suzuki Roshi lineage empowered by Sojun Mel Weitsman, abbot of Berkeley Zen Center. She has also been empowered to teach koans by Keido Fukushima Roshi, chief abbot of Tofukuji Monastery in Kyoto Japan. She has been married for over 50 years, and lives with her husband, the poet Peter Schireson, in New York and California. She has two grown sons and four grand-children.
Our sitting schedule will look like the following: About 25 minutes of Zazen, a Talk by Grace for about 30 minutes, and some Questions from our Treeleaf participants. I anticipate the the event will be about 90 minutes or so.
FOLKS HAVING QUESTIONS FOR GRACE CAN PRIVATE MESSAGE ME DURING THE Q&A PORTION HERE (PM to JUNDO), and I will check from time to time, and ask as many questions from viewers as possible.
It is traditional to offer a donation (Dana) to a teacher, and we encourage folks who will be listening and benefiting from this visit to do so by a donation in the amount you feel appropriate here: THE SHOGAKU ZEN INSTITUTE (LINK FOR DONATIONS), a seminary for Buddhist practitioners guided by Grace.
I hope that we will have a big turnout, with many folks joining us "two way" too (instructions below).
Let's all get together to welcome Grace. In fact, I would really like to show off our community by getting as large a two-way turnout as possible, so please try to make the time.
Gassho, Jundo
You can join the Zazenkai two-way in the Scheduled Sitting Room using Zoom any one of the following ways:
- Use this direct link:
- Open Zoom and join with this meeting id: 483 483 1244
- Go to Treeleaf NOW and select the Scheduled Sitting Room:
- When you first join, you'll need to choose an audio source (usually you can simply select "Join with Computer Audio" on desktop or "Call using Internet Audio" on mobile).
- You can switch between the "speaker view" (the default view) and "gallery view" (a grid / tic-tac-toe style view):
-- On desktop, click the "gallery view" / "speaker view" toggle button on the top right
-- On mobile, swipe right for "gallery views" -- only 4 participants are shown at a time on mobile, so keep swiping right to go through different groups, swipe left to go back to the "gallery view"
- You can mute, unmute, etc. with the control bar on the bottom of the screen
-- On desktop, hover the mouse over the window and the control bar should pop up
-- On mobile, tap the screen and the control bar should pop up
-- On mobile, so that your own picture does not take up one of the four slots you see, you can tap for the control bar, then tap "... menu" and select "Remove myself from gallery view"
- If you are on a slow Internet connection and are experiencing drop-outs, try turning off video (you can always turn it on for a bit at the beginning and end to say hi and bow to everyone)
- Use this direct link:
- Open Zoom and join with this meeting id: 483 483 1244
- Go to Treeleaf NOW and select the Scheduled Sitting Room:
- When you first join, you'll need to choose an audio source (usually you can simply select "Join with Computer Audio" on desktop or "Call using Internet Audio" on mobile).
- You can switch between the "speaker view" (the default view) and "gallery view" (a grid / tic-tac-toe style view):
-- On desktop, click the "gallery view" / "speaker view" toggle button on the top right
-- On mobile, swipe right for "gallery views" -- only 4 participants are shown at a time on mobile, so keep swiping right to go through different groups, swipe left to go back to the "gallery view"
- You can mute, unmute, etc. with the control bar on the bottom of the screen
-- On desktop, hover the mouse over the window and the control bar should pop up
-- On mobile, tap the screen and the control bar should pop up
-- On mobile, so that your own picture does not take up one of the four slots you see, you can tap for the control bar, then tap "... menu" and select "Remove myself from gallery view"
- If you are on a slow Internet connection and are experiencing drop-outs, try turning off video (you can always turn it on for a bit at the beginning and end to say hi and bow to everyone)
