Do Not Think That Time Merely Flies Away
Do not think that time merely flies away. Do not see flying away as the only function of time. If time merely flies away, you would be separated from time. The reason you do not clearly understand the time-being is that you think of time only as passing.
In essence, all things in the entire world are linked with one another as moments. Because all moments are the time-being, they are your time-being.
The time-being has the quality of flowing. . . .
You may suppose that time is only passing away, and not understand that time never arrives. Although understanding itself is time, understanding does not depend on its own arrival.
People only see time's coming and going, and do not thoroughly understand that the time-being abides in each moment.
-Zen Master Dogen, Moon in a Dewdrop, edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Many Blessings,
Do not think that time merely flies away. Do not see flying away as the only function of time. If time merely flies away, you would be separated from time. The reason you do not clearly understand the time-being is that you think of time only as passing.
In essence, all things in the entire world are linked with one another as moments. Because all moments are the time-being, they are your time-being.
The time-being has the quality of flowing. . . .
You may suppose that time is only passing away, and not understand that time never arrives. Although understanding itself is time, understanding does not depend on its own arrival.
People only see time's coming and going, and do not thoroughly understand that the time-being abides in each moment.
-Zen Master Dogen, Moon in a Dewdrop, edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi
Many Blessings,