Dear All,
If you can, we invite you to join live our November 15-16th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai: Lion's Pose with the Differently Abled. We would like to get a large turnout to support this Sangha and our many members with health issues.
We request that all of our participants, at home or joining any time, 'sit' by reclining in the Buddha's "Lion's Pose" in union with our Sangha members whose health and physical needs make seated Zazen impossible. Please do so even if you usually sit upright. It is said that, when the Buddha was ill or in pain, she reclined Zazen in this way. If joining us live, please place your camera or bring a cot so that we might see you as you recline, and you may use a cushion for your head and a blanket if cold. However, of course, the purpose is Shikantaza, so our eyes are open and we do not sleep!
November 15-16th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai: Lion's Pose with the Differently Abled

It will be netcast from 10am Japan time Saturday morning (that is New York 8pm, Los Angeles 5pm (Friday night), London 1am and Paris 2am (early Saturday morning). We understand that it is difficult for many of our UK/European members and some working folks etc., and so we do not mean you who would struggle to stay awake if so!
Gassho, Jundo
If you can, we invite you to join live our November 15-16th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai: Lion's Pose with the Differently Abled. We would like to get a large turnout to support this Sangha and our many members with health issues.
We request that all of our participants, at home or joining any time, 'sit' by reclining in the Buddha's "Lion's Pose" in union with our Sangha members whose health and physical needs make seated Zazen impossible. Please do so even if you usually sit upright. It is said that, when the Buddha was ill or in pain, she reclined Zazen in this way. If joining us live, please place your camera or bring a cot so that we might see you as you recline, and you may use a cushion for your head and a blanket if cold. However, of course, the purpose is Shikantaza, so our eyes are open and we do not sleep!
November 15-16th Treeleaf Weekly Zazenkai: Lion's Pose with the Differently Abled

It will be netcast from 10am Japan time Saturday morning (that is New York 8pm, Los Angeles 5pm (Friday night), London 1am and Paris 2am (early Saturday morning). We understand that it is difficult for many of our UK/European members and some working folks etc., and so we do not mean you who would struggle to stay awake if so!

Gassho, Jundo