my version of dealing with pain in shikantaza is a little different from the video and planning sessions.
the pain i experience never really leaves, so for me it's a matter of finding the position that will not cause harm.
there is no such state as "pain-free" for me. i often forget that this exists for others. but shikantaza helps me to remember to acknowledge the pain, accept that it exists, and just to be with it. sometimes the pain recedes a little, after i acknowledge it. other times it releases strong emotions, and i've learned to allow that to speak as well.
my point is that zazen has allowed me to be with pain and not run from it, not hide from it. i don't have a choice in its presence in my life, but i can choose how i respond to it. that doesn't mean i can do everything. sesshin is not something i would ever attempt in my foreseeable future, but I've known several dedicated Buddhists who attend sesshin fairly often. they go for a few days, to a week or more, and some attend several times a year.
it sounds worthwhile, and i would like to experience one (in theory), but i know that my body could not handle it.
if this practice of sesshin and long retreats works for you, then do it. but then work the sesshin, and learn from it. a day at the beach is not the same thing.
as jakuden said, the training you gain from this practice works when you're faced with stark reality that you cannot control, and life hits you in the face.
then, what sutras, what positions, how long, what cushions, hand mudras, postures -- none of that matters anymore. sometimes all you can do is sit in a chair, or recline in a bed, and shikantaza -- and nothing else matters. it is, and you are, and just "be." just my opinion and experience.
the pain i experience never really leaves, so for me it's a matter of finding the position that will not cause harm.
there is no such state as "pain-free" for me. i often forget that this exists for others. but shikantaza helps me to remember to acknowledge the pain, accept that it exists, and just to be with it. sometimes the pain recedes a little, after i acknowledge it. other times it releases strong emotions, and i've learned to allow that to speak as well.
my point is that zazen has allowed me to be with pain and not run from it, not hide from it. i don't have a choice in its presence in my life, but i can choose how i respond to it. that doesn't mean i can do everything. sesshin is not something i would ever attempt in my foreseeable future, but I've known several dedicated Buddhists who attend sesshin fairly often. they go for a few days, to a week or more, and some attend several times a year.
it sounds worthwhile, and i would like to experience one (in theory), but i know that my body could not handle it.
if this practice of sesshin and long retreats works for you, then do it. but then work the sesshin, and learn from it. a day at the beach is not the same thing.
as jakuden said, the training you gain from this practice works when you're faced with stark reality that you cannot control, and life hits you in the face.
then, what sutras, what positions, how long, what cushions, hand mudras, postures -- none of that matters anymore. sometimes all you can do is sit in a chair, or recline in a bed, and shikantaza -- and nothing else matters. it is, and you are, and just "be." just my opinion and experience.