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  • Meitou
    • Feb 2017
    • 1656

    Originally posted by Kevin M

    Grupo Zen Ryokan: Sangha y comunidad budista soto zen en español. En línea y presencial.

    There's a Chocobuda link on the header menu to Kyonin's blog as well.

    Thanks for this Kevin, absolutely lovely websites. Wonderful to see Kyonin on these pages.
    I'm loving every minute of your journey Kyonin, the photos are beautiful and I'm in awe of the sesshin requirements, I wouldn't have lasted the day, not even half a day! Still saying Metta for the speedy recovery of your knees
    I couldn't be happier to see what a great time you're having, Jundo's reports have really brightened my days.
    What joy!
    命 Mei - life
    島 Tou - island


    • Onka
      • May 2019
      • 1576

      Koshoji looks magnificent.

      Sent from my Lenovo TB-8304F1 using Tapatalk
      穏 On (Calm)
      火 Ka (Fires)


      • Nenka
        • Aug 2010
        • 1240

        Awesome pictures!

        Please say hi to Taigu for us tomorrow!





        • Horin
          • Dec 2017
          • 385

          So nice that you both take us on the journey with you. Thank you for sharing these moments with us.




          Gesendet von meinem PLK-L01 mit Tapatalk


          • Junkyo
            • Jun 2018
            • 262

            WOW! I have been a little busy lately, and am just catching up on some threads today. Thank you Jundo and Kyonin for sharing all of the stories and pictures! They are very inspiring!




            • Kyonin
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Oct 2010
              • 6752

              Hi guys,

              Sorry for not posting often but as you can imagine, this trip is taking a lot of energy from both Jundo and me.

              When night comes I can barely stand and all I want is to sleep!! But Jundo has super powers and the man is so full of energy!

              I was saying to him yesterday that I have seen so many things and I have learned so much that at this point things are starting to become a blur. I have taken hundreds of pictures because when I'm back home I'll need to go through them to begin sorting out everything! Yes, I am not so bright.

              I am grateful for this thread in the forums because it will help me sort out everything I have seen.

              Kyoto is a wonderful city. It's full of tourists because everything is so beautiful and full of history that you need days to begin adapting to the beauty.

              Yesterday we went to Kōshō-ji, Dogen's first temple in Kyoto. We were lucky to find a gentleman called Kumar, who is training to be a Soto Shu monk. Not only that, but he had a great sense of humor. He gave us a nice tour of the place.

              We got to see how a traditional and functional temple works, how their zendo and kitchen are layed out and how some of their ceremonies are held.

              My only complain is that we got there at sun set so the light was not good for nice pictures. Anyway, here I share some.

              Look at the size of that mokugyo!


              I haven't seen that Jundo had already posted some of the pictures!


              Enviado desde mi SNE-LX3 mediante Tapatalk
              Last edited by Kyonin; 10-08-2019, 11:28 PM.
              Hondō Kyōnin
              奔道 協忍


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41220

                A few more pictures of Koshoji ... the Zendo (Sodo) for Zazen and, in the old days (not today, as they have their own rooms now) where the monks would sleep and eat in the space of one tatami mat ...

                This shows the "Gaitan" outside platform, and the inner "Naitan" platform. The outside is generally for visitors and late commers to a sitting. The board hanging on the door reads "ZAZEN" and is hung out when sitting begins so that folks outside will know to be quiet.

                An altar to Dogen Zenji (center) surrounded by the important founders and abbots of this temple ...

                One of the wooden fish drum used to signal meals at Koshoji, this one worn away from years of use ... The old "kuin" kitchen for the "Tenzo" cook is seen in the back ....

                If you would like to see how such a "Ho" fish drum is played, look from 6:00 here. This is also a film about Head Temple Eiheiji, which Kyonin will be visiting from Friday ...

                Gassho, J

                Last edited by Jundo; 10-08-2019, 11:47 PM.
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Onka
                  • May 2019
                  • 1576

                  Both yours AND Jundo's energy is amazing.
                  Thankyou for letting us share this opportunity and experience with you.


                  Sent from my Lenovo TB-8304F1 using Tapatalk
                  Last edited by Jundo; 10-09-2019, 01:12 PM.
                  穏 On (Calm)
                  火 Ka (Fires)


                  • Tai Do
                    • Jan 2019
                    • 1457

                    Thank you, very much, Kyonin and Jundo, for sharing this experiences with us.

                    Sat today/LAH
                    怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
                    (also known as Mateus )

                    禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


                    • Jakuden
                      • Jun 2015
                      • 6141

                      That’s nine bows. Loving it all!


                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                      • Byokan
                        Senior Priest-in-Training
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 4282

                        Wow, thanks guys for the wonderful updates and photos. Amazing.

                        Originally posted by Jundo
                        Tomorrow, a precious chance for lunch with Taigu, who will meet us in Kyoto.

                        Gassho, Jundo
                        Oh, awesome! Give him our love!

                        sat + lah
                        展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
                        Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41220

                          Well, I am about to get on the overnight bus back to Tsukuba, leaving Kyonin on his own in Kyoto tomorrow, and then he heads to Eiheiji on Friday. He will be fine traveling there.

                          However, the problem is that ONE OF THE LARGEST TYPHOONS on RECORD ever to hit Japan is heading right toward us, and his travel route on Saturday, when he is supposed to make his way from Eiheiji to Tsukuba! I have told him that the railroad company will make sure that he gets to us ... eventually ... even if they need to suspend service for a day. He is not to worry, although where he will stay if he runs into trouble on the way is a question (e.g., possibly needing to wait in the station).

                          'Explosive' Typhoon Hagibis has Tokyo area in its sights after rapidly gathering strength in Pacific

                          OCT 9, 2019
                          Typhoon Hagibis, which the U.S. military’s forecasting agency has put on par with a Category 5 hurricane, is approaching Japan’s main island of Honshu after a rapid intensification in the Pacific and could make a direct pass over the Kanto [Tokyo/Tsukuba] region this weekend.

                          The storm, which tracked near the Ogasawara islands through Wednesday, is forecast to continue moving toward Honshu, weakening only slightly before a possible landfall on Saturday night or early Sunday morning.

                          More precise forecasts for its path are still difficult, and a turn to the west toward central Japan or the east toward the sea remain among the possibilities.

                          However, its large size means that areas not facing a direct hit could still be significantly impacted. Speaking during a news conference Wednesday, a Meteorological Agency official urged caution against heavy rain, strong winds, high waves and storm surge. East Japan Railway Co. President Yuji Fukasawa said Tuesday that the firm would consider suspending train operations in advance if the forecast path doesn’t change.

                          Hagibis has drawn the attention of experts from around the world for its rapid intensification. Meteorologist Robert Speta, an expert on typhoons who now works for the U.S. Navy in Florida, said the storm had gone through an “explosive intensification.”

                          “The storm went from a tropical storm to a violent typhoon in the matter of hours. In fact it was an historic amount of intensification in such a short time,” he said. “This only happens when all the right ingredients are in place. Like if you had a fire and instead of throwing gasoline on it to make it bigger you also grabbed some lighter fluid, a bit of oil and a couple of aerosol cans for good measure.” ...

                          As of Wednesday afternoon, the Meteorological Agency described the storm as “violent” — its highest classification — adding that the storm had sustained winds of 198 kph [122 mph]. The U.S. military’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center, observing higher sustained winds of 259 kph [161 mph], classified Hagibis as a Category 5-equivalent super typhoon.
                          Typhoon Hagibis, which the U.S. military's forecasting agency has put on par with a Category 5 hurricane, could make a direct pass over the Kanto region this weekend.
                          I hope it is not necessary, but Kyonin may discover the kindness of Japanese in an emergency, especially to foreigners. In fact, it is a matter of national pride with the upcoming Olympics, so I know that he will receive the best of care, and I am not worried for his safety at all. He will get to us in Tsukuba, even if a little later than planned.

                          In happier news, Kyonin and I met Taigu today, who treated us to an exquisite lunch at a very cuisine conscious Japanese soba noodle and tempura house. It was lovely to see him and rebond. He looks youthful and healthy, and (as many of you know) is a newlywed who is obviously very happy. Here we are ...

                          We promised that we will do a better job in the future of exchanging news and supporting each other at Treeleaf and Taigu's Blue Mountain White Cloud Sangha.

                          Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage. 735 likes. Blue Mountain Hermitage is a place where people can come together for Zen practice.

                          Naturally, much of his teaching and book writing activity is centered in France, and he now has several excellent priests with him there.

                          After the lovely lunch, Taigu was kind enough to introduce Kyonin to a rather exclusive Buddhist tailor shop (a shop specializing in robes and items for Soto priests), as Kyonin wished to acquire a kind of formal Rakusu in Soto style for ceremonies and such which they create.

                           株式会社谷口法衣佛具店 『大本山永平寺』様『大本山總持寺』様『大本山總持寺祖院』様から御用達の許可証を頂戴するという、身に余る光栄に属しております。曹洞宗専門の法衣と仏具をお取扱いしております。すべての商品は株式会社谷口法衣仏具店が自身を持っておすすめできる商品でございます。末永くご愛用ください。

                          After that, we briefly stopped in a Japanese anime and gamers store, and I must compliment Kyonin. It turns out that Kyonin was once a serious anime and game fanatic who spent a fortune on such pursuits, and knows all the ins and outs about collectors items and such. However, he has completely broken the habit, left those days behind him. He described it to me as much like breaking any addiction. I am proud to say that Kyonin walked out of that store without spending one penny. I could tell he was battling the temptations when he saw some of the rare items that the store had, right from Japan. He just walked right through the place with a smile on his face, recalling his old self. Here we are, with me playing the devil of temptation ...

                          to be continued ...
                          Last edited by Jundo; 10-09-2019, 09:56 PM.
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41220

                            After that, we visited the famous Kiyonomizu temple, a place famous for its clean air and quite solitude ... although now flooded with bus loads and bus loads of tourists and kids on school trips. I am surprised that the famous wooden balcony of the temple could hold them all. We just had to make do with the clarity and quiet in our own hearts to pass through the sea of noise, bus fumes and people. It is fine, and all the refuge needed. The balcony looks like just a few folks here, but it sure was not when we visited! I did worry for the strength of the thing, which represents 1000 year old engineering!

                            I hope that Kyonin does not mind me saying that he broke down in tears of joy before one particular Buddha statue there, an Amida surrounded by a halo of Amidas ....

                            I hope that Amida helps keep Kyonin safe on his travels back to Tsukuba ...

                            Gassho, J


                            PS - Let me not forget to mention the Kyonin and I spent last night at a capsule hotel that resembled a star ship ... down to the uniforms. Not bad for $25 a night too!

                            Last edited by Jundo; 10-10-2019, 08:59 AM.
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Nenka
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 1240

                              Originally posted by Jundo

                              We promised that we will do a better job in the future of exchanging news and supporting each other at Treeleaf and Taigu's Blue Mountain White Cloud Sangha.
                              Now there's some good news!




                              P.S. That last picture makes me want to send poor Kyonin some metta . . .


                              • Jakuden
                                • Jun 2015
                                • 6141

                                Oh my gosh. Just, so much joy. Deep bows and thanks for the lift up.


