Hello guys,
This trip was a sensory overload in every sense of the word, but in a good way. I knew that I'd be seeing a lot and learning a lot, so I decided to take a lot of pictures so I can later review them all.
I selected some of the best pictures and little videos and put them in an album. I still have to organize it, but If you want to take a look, go a head
I will still be posting on this thread in the following days.
sattodaylah命 Mei - life
島 Tou - islandComment
Kyonin, I am happy for your safe return to your home. I hope you found all in order there. I never realized how tall you are. This makes me come to respect you more, for being tall can bring problem. We all have problems and my tall friends in the US are often asked if they played US football or basket ball, or other inappropriate remarks. I do respect you for undertaking such a trip of both visiting Jundo and his family, and sight seeing. Good luck as you return to labor. I found that, though I was on disability insurance, as a young man, and into old age, I always worked, though university trained with 4 degrees, I was willing, and wanted to even empty trash, and clean public bathrooms to help out. No work is below the honest man.
Tai Shi
GasshoPeaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive,for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆
I would also like to again thank all the donors who helped make parts of Kyonin's trip possible, and my ability to accompany him a few places. I am pleased to report that, with your help, we kept within the budget and there were no surprises.
He could not have made the pilgrimage without you.
Gassho, Jundo
I loved the pictures! Welcome back home! Although, from my end... you didn't really go anywhere... hmmm
Also... Cyberdyne??? O_O
Sat today, lah求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.Comment
Those photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Kyonin
STKaidō (皆道) Every Way
Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.Comment
This has got to be by far the best impersonation of Bodhidharma (Daruma) That I have ever seen.
Are you sure you're not a reincarnation of the Master himself ??
gassho, Shokai
仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai
"Open to life in a benevolent way"
I selected some of the best pictures and little videos and put them in an album. I still have to organize it, but If you want to take a look, go a head
Taigu and Jundo smiling together ...
sat + lah展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.Comment
I scrolled through this whole thread with my husband. He particularly got a kick out of the "Star Trek" picture of Kyonin and Jundo at that ...uh....pod hotel. He said, "Oh! You're all a bunch of nerds!" I don't know how he didn't figure that out sooner.
Hi guys,
I made a little video about my experience in Antaiji. It's not a dharma talk at all, just me chatting away for a few minutes.
But if you want a better narration about how it is to sit sesshin in Antaji, what better way than to read Uchiyama Roshi explaining in detail. I had that experience and then some because abbot Muho had made some modifications. If you have the book Opening the Hand of Thought, go to Chapter 4.
For over thirty years, Opening the Hand of Thought has offered an introduction to Zen Buddhism and meditation unmatched in clarity and power. This is the revised edition of Kosho Uchiyama's singularly incisive classic. This new edition contains even more useful material: new prefaces, an index, and extended endnotes, in addition to a revised glossary. As Jisho Warner writes in her preface, Opening the Hand of Thought "goes directly to the heart of Zen practice... showing how Zen Buddhism can be a deep and life-sustaining activity." She goes on to say, "Uchiyama looks at what a person is, what a self is, how to develop a true self not separate from all things, one that can settle in peace in the midst of life." By turns humorous, philosophical, and personal, Opening the Hand of Thought is above all a great book for the Buddhist practitioner. It's a perfect follow-up for the reader who has read Zen Meditation in Plain English and is especially useful for those who have not yet encountered a Zen teacher.
Soon I'll make another video about my experience in Eiheiji and the typhoon!
Sat/LAHHondō Kyōnin
奔道 協忍Comment
Hi guys,
I made a little video about my experience in Antaiji. It's not a dharma talk at all, just me chatting away for a few minutes.
But if you want a better narration about how it is to sit sesshin in Antaji, what better way than to read Uchiyama Roshi explaining in detail. I had that experience and then some because abbot Muho had made some modifications. If you have the book Opening the Hand of Thought, go to Chapter 4.
For over thirty years, Opening the Hand of Thought has offered an introduction to Zen Buddhism and meditation unmatched in clarity and power. This is the revised edition of Kosho Uchiyama's singularly incisive classic. This new edition contains even more useful material: new prefaces, an index, and extended endnotes, in addition to a revised glossary. As Jisho Warner writes in her preface, Opening the Hand of Thought "goes directly to the heart of Zen practice... showing how Zen Buddhism can be a deep and life-sustaining activity." She goes on to say, "Uchiyama looks at what a person is, what a self is, how to develop a true self not separate from all things, one that can settle in peace in the midst of life." By turns humorous, philosophical, and personal, Opening the Hand of Thought is above all a great book for the Buddhist practitioner. It's a perfect follow-up for the reader who has read Zen Meditation in Plain English and is especially useful for those who have not yet encountered a Zen teacher.
Soon I'll make another video about my experience in Eiheiji and the typhoon!
I have long dreamt of doing a long retreat and always enjoyed reading stories of monks and nuns who live as hermits. Your feedback of doing Sesshin at Antaiji with Muho is very welcome.
I don't think I'll ever get the chance to do a pilgrimage to Japan but I definitely see some long retreats on my own in the future despite my physical limitations.
I look forward to watching the Eiheiji video and participating in the upcoming Treeleaf Rohatsu retreat.
stLast edited by Onka; 11-10-2019, 03:03 AM.穏 On (Calm)
火 Ka (Fires)
Thanks Kyōnin
I know how a flat zafu can really be painful, after mine flattened slowly over a 3 day retreat. It’s now got a cover and is used on a footstool.
Look forward to hearing about Eiheiji.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkHeisoku 平 息
Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)Comment