Practice vs mindfulness

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  • serenewolf
    • Apr 2019
    • 105

    Practice vs mindfulness

    I had an interesting experience today and would like some insights from others. My mate and I visited a friend today who gave my mate a gift. Trying to be mindfull of my own emotions I started looking to make sure i wasn't feeling envious or any varient thereof. I was so focused on trying to identify my emotions and thoughts that i became less focused on the world around me, my mate asked me about the colour of some cars we just passed and i couldnt tell him what they were. Really reminded me of how easy it is to slip out of mindfullness. Has anyone else had similar issues and how does one focus on something while still being fully mindful of the world around them? Any techniques or ideas? Thanks
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41217

    Originally posted by serenewolf
    I had an interesting experience today and would like some insights from others. My mate and I visited a friend today who gave my mate a gift. Trying to be mindfull of my own emotions I started looking to make sure i wasn't feeling envious or any varient thereof. I was so focused on trying to identify my emotions and thoughts that i became less focused on the world around me, my mate asked me about the colour of some cars we just passed and i couldnt tell him what they were. Really reminded me of how easy it is to slip out of mindfullness. Has anyone else had similar issues and how does one focus on something while still being fully mindful of the world around them? Any techniques or ideas? Thanks
    Very simple: l don't even bother to try to be "mindful" like you describe most of the time. What could possibly be the purpose of that? Of course, not good to be envious of someone if that can be avoided, but what is the import of noticing or not noticing the color of passing cars?

    Where did this idea of "mindfulness" like that come from, and what could be the possible benefit? lt seems like a very annoying, artificial and narrow way to try to live. lt does not make one more alive than one already is. Look, just live ... sometimes noticing the color of the cars and sometimes not (of course, mindful enough that, if driving, one does not crash into a bus while pondering envy or trying to notice all the colors of the passing scene).

    Traditionally, in Buddhism, mindfulness had no such meaning, and even for the Zen folks, there is a time to be "one with the moment" and a time not to.

    l wrote another little piece about this one time. Actually, l think that this kind of "mindfulness" is something of just a modern fad.

    So, don't worry, just go home and enjoy being with you mate.

    Being mindful of 'mindful'
    It seems to me that many people in Zen Practice have come to confuse "being present/mindful in the moment" (for example, "when drinking tea, just drink tea" ... a sometimes appropriate and lovely way to experience life) ... with "being present with the moment" (allowing and merging with conditions

    Gassho, Jundo



    • Tairin
      • Feb 2016
      • 2972

      Great topic David. I sometimes wonder about this. I find that certain articles seem to represent mindfulness as an almost super human attentiveness to every thing. It sounds exhausting. Luckily I have tended towards a definition of mindfulness that is more centred on my own thoughts and actions.

      After ten years of apprenticeship, Tenno achieved the rank of Zen teacher. One rainy day, he went to visit the famous master Nan-in. When he walked in, the master greeted him with a question, "Did you leave your wooden clogs and umbrella on the porch?"

      "Yes," Tenno replied.

      "Tell me," the master continued, "did you place your umbrella to the left of your shoes, or to the right?"

      Tenno did not know the answer, and realized that he had not yet attained full awareness. So he became Nan-in's apprentice and studied under him for ten more years.
      I often reflect on this story when I find my own mindfulness drifting. Did I remember to lock the door? Is the kettle still on? What did my wife say I should remember to do at 4pm? The forecast said it was going to rain, why did I leave home without grabbing my umbrella?

      Sat today and lah
      Last edited by Tairin; 06-16-2019, 02:44 PM.
      泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


      • serenewolf
        • Apr 2019
        • 105

        Thank you for the insights. The story of the umbrella that Tairin speaks of is where i realized it could be good to pay attention to details I would have otherwise missed. To me this is an area where i can practice strengthening my mental abilities. That said The link and post of Jundo has also given me insight that this can be an occassional practice, not a full time focus. Knowing that multitasking isnt always a bad thing and how to use it properly is helpful. Thank you.


        • Shoki
          • Apr 2015
          • 580

          If I start reading something and the word 'mindful' comes up, I usually exit. What is mindful? To me its just another trendy word they've thrown at us to keep up with the latest fad. These are the people who think "zen" is some kind of relaxation technique or something. A few years ago at my job, my supervisor started throwing at us we should all be more mindful. This guy had the attention span of a flea by the way. Mindfulness, zen shampoo, zen soft drinks, yeah, whatever.



          • Ryumon
            • Apr 2007
            • 1818

            Originally posted by James
            If I start reading something and the word 'mindful' comes up, I usually exit. What is mindful? To me its just another trendy word they've thrown at us to keep up with the latest fad. These are the people who think "zen" is some kind of relaxation technique or something. A few years ago at my job, my supervisor started throwing at us we should all be more mindful. This guy had the attention span of a flea by the way. Mindfulness, zen shampoo, zen soft drinks, yeah, whatever.

            Yes, but no. Thich Nhat Hanh's Miracle of Mindfulness may be the first common use of the term, which has been co-opted to mean slightly different things. His book was published in 1975. While if you follow his program all the time, you end up being a sort of buddha-bot, but as an occasional exercise, like a retreat, or a part of a day, it can be very useful.

            It's probably the influence of Jon Kabat-Zinn that led to the term becoming a fad, but the main ideas of Thich Nhat Hanh are certainly valid.


            I know nothing.


            • Hoko Steve
              • Jan 2009
              • 47

              Its been years since ive posted anything, so hello again!

              In my experience, its not necessarily knowing the colors of the cars, but rather knowing i dont know the color of the cars, if that makes sense

              Sat today


              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

              法 (Dharma)鼓 (drum)

              “Right now, its like this”


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41217

                Hi Steve,

                That makes sense.

                There are times to be mindful, times not. In my own life, this week, I took my daughter to a playground, and realized that my mind was other places instead of playing with her. I was thinking about work and the world. I caught myself, and in that time came back to the playground, to playing with my daughter, no before or after, no other place to be. Work and the world could wait. This was the time for play alone.

                After a time of playing, we left the park, and I happily went back to think about work and the world and 1000 other things. No problem too. This was the time for that.

                So, a time to be mindful, a time to just not be so mindful. No problem.

                Gassho, J

                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Hoko Steve
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 47

                  Thanks Jundo!

                  Also, ive been a little behind on the news, but as one cancer survivor to another, hope you are healing up ok!

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                  法 (Dharma)鼓 (drum)

                  “Right now, its like this”


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41217

                    Originally posted by aksteve
                    Thanks Jundo!

                    Also, ive been a little behind on the news, but as one cancer survivor to another, hope you are healing up ok!

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    Doing good Go for my 18 month check next week. I hope same for you.

                    In the hospital bed, I was just as mindful and not mindful as always.

                    Gassho, Jundo

                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Shoki
                      • Apr 2015
                      • 580

                      Originally posted by kirkmc
                      Yes, but no. Thich Nhat Hanh's Miracle of Mindfulness may be the first common use of the term, which has been co-opted to mean slightly different things. His book was published in 1975. While if you follow his program all the time, you end up being a sort of buddha-bot, but as an occasional exercise, like a retreat, or a part of a day, it can be very useful.

                      It's probably the influence of Jon Kabat-Zinn that led to the term becoming a fad, but the main ideas of Thich Nhat Hanh are certainly valid.


                      OK, I agree. Mindfulness can be a valid thing if taken seriously. I just get a little weary when it gets used by some annoying hipster because its the new buzzword or some supervisor who makes me sit in a room and listen to some unqualified windbag tell me how to be more mindful.



                      • Ryumon
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 1818

                        Originally posted by James
                        OK, I agree. Mindfulness can be a valid thing if taken seriously. I just get a little weary when it gets used by some annoying hipster because its the new buzzword or some supervisor who makes me sit in a room and listen to some unqualified windbag tell me how to be more mindful.

                        I whole-heartedly agree. Words and ideas can be used for good or for profit.


                        I know nothing.


                        • Heiso
                          • Jan 2019
                          • 834

                          While I agree it sounds exhausting to be mindful in all moments, this conversation does bring to mind the following quote from DT Suzuki which I have recently discovered and tried to shoe-horn into every subsequent situation:

                          The truth of Zen, just a little bit of it, is what turns one's humdrum life into one of art.
                          While I don't have to be mindful, it's nice to know even in the most mundane moments I can remind myself of the beauty of life, and there's art in that.





                          • Kendrick
                            • May 2019
                            • 250

                            Originally posted by kirkmc
                            I whole-heartedly agree. Words and ideas can be used for good or for profit.


                            Couldn't agree more with everyone talking about this. "Mindfulness", meditation, yoga, and other things have really been hijacked in recent years by big business. Not only do many look at it as a way to increase productivity of employees and thus profits, but some seemingly look at it as a way to make their employees more docile and able to deal with the work conditions (rather than adjusting the actual work conditions) - it gets reduced to a form of stress management the employees "should" be doing shifting the responsibility to the individual employee rather than the company to make changes to the work conditions. I saw this at my previous company put into use/misuse. Company morale was low so they began pushing mindfulness, pranayama (breathing), meditation, yoga, exercise, and nutrition as the solution all while continuing to place more and more pressure on the employees to meet added quotas and take on extra job roles/tasks.

                            One concern I have for this use of these practices in this way is that it may discourage people newly exposed to these terms and practices. If any of those practices are implemented incorrectly or performed half-heartedly/forced then those employees may feel "this doesn't work" "this is pointless" and be pushed away from ever attempting sincere practice. For those not exposed personally other than hearing about this "fad" on television or other media may write all practice off as "dead" when the "fad officially ends" in the media. The more it's misused in this manner the larger the "fad" of that use is and the harder the fall and greater the effect of the fall.



                            • Hoko Steve
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 47

                              Originally posted by Jundo
                              Doing good Go for my 18 month check next week. I hope same for you.

                              In the hospital bed, I was just as mindful and not mindful as always.

                              Gassho, Jundo

                              Glad to hear it! All stable here as well!

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                              法 (Dharma)鼓 (drum)

                              “Right now, its like this”

