Beginner's mind and impermanence?

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41220

    Originally posted by Doshin

    From the biological perspective the purpose of life is to survive and reproduce. Evolution selects for that goal. Going to the moon, making music, creating art, zazen etc are wonderful benefits of existence

    That is a value judgement and interpretations as much as the religious people make about the meaning of creation. Perhaps biology and reproduction have some greater significance in the wide scheme of things ... we just don't know. Jury is out, one way or the other.

    I am thinking of this book I read a few years ago, very good ...

    Biocosm: The New Scientific Theory of Evolution

    For many years, traditional cosmologists and proponents of faith-based "intelligent design" have fought over the origin of the universe. One side maintains that pure chance can explain everything; the other that there must be a God. In Biocosm, James Gardner examines the evidence and finds a third hypothesis, one that has the approval of a number of noted skeptics and scientists. He calls it the "Selfish Biocosm," in a nod to Richard Dawkins, and outlines it in this homage to Charles Darwin. Gardner states his hypothesis:

    The basic idea is that the anthropic, or life-friendly, qualities that our universe exhibits are logical and predictable consequences of a cosmic reproduction cycle in which a cosmologically extended biosphere, developed and evolved over billions of years to unimaginable levels of sophistication, serves as the device by which our cosmos duplicates itself and propagates one or more "baby universes."
    Like many of the sentences in Biocosm, this one requires multiple readings before its meaning and ramifications sink in. This is not an easygoing, blow-your-mind look at the universe. Gardner is meticulous in outlining his ideas, explaining their falsifiability and scientific rigor, and offering deep chaos theory to support them. Did our universe create intelligent life in order to ensure its own reproduction? Gardner thinks so, though he knows his position will irk many cosmologists exhausted from battling pseudoscientists and creationists. His impressive list of scientific supporters includes Sir Martin Rees (Britain's Astronomer Royal), Michael Shermer (publisher of Skeptic magazine), and John Casti (Santa Fe Institute honcho). Biocosm synthesizes many disciplines and theories in its conclusions, offering much food for cosmological thought.

    More here

    Gassho, J



    • Doshin
      • May 2015
      • 2621

      Thank you for that perspective. All interesting and intriguing. Biocosm has yet to be widely heard of in the biologist community...yet. New ideas often evolve slowly. From personal experience over the last half century I will comment that biologists are an odd lot of folks

      Last edited by Doshin; 06-13-2019, 04:03 AM.


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        I have discovered a little book by one priest John Daido Loori called Beginning the Sacred to Life: daily practice of Zen Ritual. After perusing these pages, I gather my scattered wits to read more deeply into what it means to be a Zen practitioner; for example, the morning (ritual before one's alter). Now consider, after a few pages I have learned before my altar to bow three times either standing or full prostration. As I am told stand for me because of back condition, I hold hands in Gassho, this meaning to raise tips of closed palms level with one's nose. These simple actions I can do alone before my alter, and here description of my alter. I have several statues of Buddha, the largest front center holding electric candle, then beautiful electric candle holder of four votive candles in reflective container. Then several large electric candles. Next a prayer bell, and several other Japanese statues on the actual horse denoting the year I became Lay member. At the back are a statue of Jesus holding a lamb, picture of my wife and daughter with hands raised, pictures of flowers, and picture of my wife smiling, finally incense burner, never lit but with incense from Japan. All items are from wife and daughter sitting on hand-made table from my father. Two items gifts from Jundo, a container decorated with congi of Heart Sutra, and Japanese incense which I do not use. I never use fire, These are for me essentials. I have taken and printed the pictures myself an accomplished photographer.

        Tai Shi
        Last edited by Tai Shi; 06-13-2019, 11:55 AM. Reason: spelling
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Shonin Risa Bear
          • Apr 2019
          • 927

          This is a wonderful description, Tai Shi.

          doyu sat today
          Visiting priest: use salt


          • serenewolf
            • Apr 2019
            • 105

            The shifting drops in the ocean.


