... how do you manage with zazen?
it's about 3 months now that I've been full-time stay at home dad with our little boy Beren, just over 8 months old. What with looking after him, shopping, cooking, washing and whatever else when he goes to sleep the last thing I seem able to do is zazen!
Every day I think right when he's asleep I'll wash his bottles, prepare the tea, etc... and then do zazen but either I don't leave myself enough time or I'm so knackered that zazen soon turns to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............
Same on an evening, get him to sleep, Clare say's 'I'm going to sit, you coming' and usually I struggle to make my mouth form the words to say 'I'm too buggered' :lol:
He's asleep now, my head is thumping, I should go and sit instead of being on here but the sofa and sleep seem so much more tempting zzzzz...........
it's about 3 months now that I've been full-time stay at home dad with our little boy Beren, just over 8 months old. What with looking after him, shopping, cooking, washing and whatever else when he goes to sleep the last thing I seem able to do is zazen!
Every day I think right when he's asleep I'll wash his bottles, prepare the tea, etc... and then do zazen but either I don't leave myself enough time or I'm so knackered that zazen soon turns to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............
Same on an evening, get him to sleep, Clare say's 'I'm going to sit, you coming' and usually I struggle to make my mouth form the words to say 'I'm too buggered' :lol:
He's asleep now, my head is thumping, I should go and sit instead of being on here but the sofa and sleep seem so much more tempting zzzzz...........