My Dharma Brother Brad Warner has expressed some personal criticism of "online Zazen" and online Sanghas ... like TREELEAF! (although he does not mention us by name)
Bro. Brad states that a camera disturbs and obstructs his Zazen.
But, frankly, "disturbance" and "obstruction " are self created thoughts, the inability to sit as "what is."
Brad, 'drop all barriers and resistance from your own thinking, and all barriers and separation drop away. Here and there, now and then, are never apart or in opposition.
True Shikantaza must not create walls and resistance of one's own mind.
My response to Brad is here:
BW's criticism of the possibilities of Online Sangha is here:
Feel free to go over to his Youtube comments section and offer you honest opinions and experiences, for good or bad, with online Zazen and Sangha.
Gassho, J
Bro. Brad states that a camera disturbs and obstructs his Zazen.
But, frankly, "disturbance" and "obstruction " are self created thoughts, the inability to sit as "what is."
Brad, 'drop all barriers and resistance from your own thinking, and all barriers and separation drop away. Here and there, now and then, are never apart or in opposition.
True Shikantaza must not create walls and resistance of one's own mind.
My response to Brad is here:
BW's criticism of the possibilities of Online Sangha is here:
Feel free to go over to his Youtube comments section and offer you honest opinions and experiences, for good or bad, with online Zazen and Sangha.

Gassho, J