This is Kakunen from Japan.
Thank you for practicing at here.
When I started practing at here,I could not speak English.
After I went to Antaiji,International Zen monastery at Japan,
I practiced with lots of people who came from western country.
After 6 month with them,I could communicate with them.
In Japan we learn English about 6 year.I remembered day at
Junior high and high school.
First I learn from teacher! This is a pen! Wow.
Lots of Japanese can not say English.
Please watch this one!!!
This is Japanese Joke.I have a pen!!!
I feel that this is my kind of opinion.
Very important thing is trying to communicate honesty as a Buddhist.
I am Kakunen,But I am not Kakunen.
Can you understand what I want to talk?
ありがとうございます。Arigato-gozaimasu. Thank you very much.
Otsukare-samadesu mean how to say...Umm,,Good job and See you
tomorrow with smile and practice together.
Sometimes we can not translate.
Peace 平和(^^)/
Smile 笑顔
合掌 Gassho
九拝 Nine-bows
座りました Sat today
廓然 Kakunen
This is Kakunen from Japan.
Thank you for practicing at here.
When I started practing at here,I could not speak English.
After I went to Antaiji,International Zen monastery at Japan,
I practiced with lots of people who came from western country.
After 6 month with them,I could communicate with them.
In Japan we learn English about 6 year.I remembered day at
Junior high and high school.
First I learn from teacher! This is a pen! Wow.
Lots of Japanese can not say English.
Please watch this one!!!
This is Japanese Joke.I have a pen!!!
I feel that this is my kind of opinion.
Very important thing is trying to communicate honesty as a Buddhist.
I am Kakunen,But I am not Kakunen.
Can you understand what I want to talk?
ありがとうございます。Arigato-gozaimasu. Thank you very much.
Otsukare-samadesu mean how to say...Umm,,Good job and See you
tomorrow with smile and practice together.
Sometimes we can not translate.
Peace 平和(^^)/
Smile 笑顔
合掌 Gassho
九拝 Nine-bows
座りました Sat today
廓然 Kakunen