Saturday Sitting

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  • Dosho
    • Jun 2008
    • 5784

    Saturday Sitting

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to thank everyone who participated in today's sitting. It was my first time and I was amazed how fulfilling it felt sitting with other folks.

    On the technical side, I didn't have any audio on mebeam but did have it through ustream.

    You are all such great treasures.

  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41208

    Re: Saturday Sitting

    How was the audio on McBeam for other folks? Did anyone else have a problem with that?


    • roky
      • Jul 2008
      • 311

      Re: Saturday Sitting

      no audio, no chants, no bell -- did get audio in the very end, from other sangha members, not jundo -- plus, as you may have seen, i was flashing -- same thing happened last week - but i have win98 - will be moving to linux eventually, maybe that will help

      gassho, bob
      "no resistance"
      thaddeus golas


      • John
        • Sep 2007
        • 272

        Re: Saturday Sitting

        No audio for me either until I followed the link someone gave me (Charles?) to Ustream. I enjoyed the sitting anyway,



        • roky
          • Jul 2008
          • 311

          Re: Saturday Sitting

          i think due to my antiquated equipment, or whatever, i'm having a lot of problems with mebeam -- but i like to sit in the zen hall -- so if you see my name on the schedule, i will be sitting, whether you can see me, or its a blue screen, or nothing at all, i commit to sit at those times i schedule -- not sure about 9 years though

          i'm assuming the ustream audio is not available simultaneously with the live mebeam?
          "no resistance"
          thaddeus golas


          • Dosho
            • Jun 2008
            • 5784

            Re: Saturday Sitting

            John: That link came from me, although you wouldn't have known it since my webcam was pointed at the ceiling. Glad I could help.

            Bob: I had them running at the same time and is how I (and John) was able to listen.


            • roky
              • Jul 2008
              • 311

              Re: Saturday Sitting

              thats great scott -- can you head me in the right direction as to how to do this, where the link is, cause i think next sit is the "big" sit, would like to hear whats going on

              or i could jump in my boat and sail over to you and you could show me, probably only take a couple of days, heading into the southwest wind :wink: -- though by the sounds of it, too much lightning out there today

              seriously, though, you're welcome on the boat anytime, if you're ever up this way
              "no resistance"
              thaddeus golas


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41208

                Re: Saturday Sitting

                Hi Guys,

                I am thinking that the problem is my microphone on this end (I use the good one for Ustream, an old one for Mcbeam). This being Japan, let me go shopping this week for another good one and try it next week. Bet that fixes the problem.

                Gassho, Jundo

                PS- Yes, for those wondering, in life we have "good" "bad" "problems" and "fix" ... even as we drop all such silly ideas in Soundless Emptiness. Emptiness does not require a word to express it, so has no need for a mike.
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • roky
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 311

                  Re: Saturday Sitting

                  jundo - yes, i think it might be your mike - the last 2 saturdays i could hear the other folks when they said hello at the end, but not you

                  though i also have some problems with my computer, which i am now working on

                  gassho, bob
                  "no resistance"
                  thaddeus golas


                  • Damian
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 84

                    Re: Saturday Sitting

                    I also had no sound on mebeam but I opened ustream in another window and just let it play in the background while I was in the sitting hall.



                    • lorax
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 381

                      Re: Saturday Sitting

                      I am still lost. Is there some posting or can some one describe the step by step process to be part of a live sitting? Up to now I have been listing to Jundo's teaching and sitting each evening long after it went "live".

                      I would appreciate someone with patience laying out the path. Sort of like a.b.c. apporach. I just got a web camera and have made it work with a friend in Hawaii on Yahoo Messenger, but have no Idea how to link up with a live sitting at Tree Leaf. Probably not looking in the right place on the Tree Leaf home page, but if it is a computer function that can be screwed up, I will screw it up. Even posting my picture on the Tree Leaf map did not come out the same as every one else.


                      Jim (Lorax)


                      • Jundo
                        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 41208

                        Re: Saturday Sitting

                        Originally posted by lorax
                        I am still lost. Is there some posting or can some one describe the step by step process to be part of a live sitting? Up to now I have been listing to Jundo's teaching and sitting each evening long after it went "live".

                        I would appreciate someone with patience laying out the path. Sort of like a.b.c. apporach. I just got a web camera and have made it work with a friend in Hawaii on Yahoo Messenger, but have no Idea how to link up with a live sitting at Tree Leaf. Probably not looking in the right place on the Tree Leaf home page, but if it is a computer function that can be screwed up, I will screw it up. Even posting my picture on the Tree Leaf map did not come out the same as every one else.


                        Jim (Lorax)
                        Hey Guys,

                        I today purchased a nice, new, hi tech, digital, authentic Japanese microphone (Sony!) in an authentic Japanese electronics store. So, I will try it out this week. Hopefully, next Saturday, we will have sound on all channels!

                        Jim, as far as I know, you just hook up the camera to the computer (installing the drivers and all that). Then, after that, just plug it into the USB slot, go to the link at the top of this very page that says Zendo/Sitting Hall (Live), click on that ... and the rest is automatic. The link takes you here:


                        Skye has a Faq with some more pointers here ...


                        If the "Always Open Zen Hall" is a little temperamental that day (it is not always working), or if there is no sound, you can separately (or simultaneously in a separate browser window) watch the Ustream version. I put the link for that up on the blog shortly before the sitting (unless I forget).

                        The "Live" sitting is midnight to 1am Japan time each Saturday night (9pm to 1am on the first Saturday of the month), which is Saturday morning in North America, Saturday afternoon in Europe and the UK. You need to figure out the local time for you ...

               ... 232&forma=

                        Gassho, Jundo in the Control Booth
                        ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                        • lorax
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 381

                          Re: Saturday Sitting

                          Thanks to all. Not as scarry as it seems. Hope to be sitting live with you all soon.


