Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

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  • Ky?shin

    Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

    I hope you don't mind me sticking this here ... it seemed better than starting a new thread. After using a household cushion for years I decided to get a traditional zafu and chose a Buckwheat one as I was given to suppose they are firmer. However having received it I'm not sure it is as full as it should be. I can plump it up into a comfortable enough shape but I wonder if it would be better topped up a little as i don't want to get a bad back. Any advice appreciated.

    I turned the zafu on its side to try and how show much of it is empty. Picture below:

    Attached files


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41208

      Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

      Yes, you have a definite case of saggy Zafu there. It needs to be firmed up. Where did you acquire the defective Zafu? Gassho, J


      • Ky?shin

        Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

        Thanks Jundo. It was from Blue Banyan (http://www.bluebanyan.co.uk)... not many options in the UK unless you want to pay expensive shipping. I've sent them an email to ask for some more filling. Will let people know how I get on if anyone is interested. The zafu itself seems fine - just under filled.


        • ScottyDoo
          • Aug 2008
          • 55

          Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

          Mine looks much the same, and I always thought it seemed a tad under-filled. Will have to see what my options are.
          ScottyDoo - The Lazy Buddhist


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41208

            Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

            There are some folks around here with experience, and some instructions, about how to fill a Zafu ...

            Anyone of our sewers?

            Gassho, J


            • will
              • Jun 2007
              • 2331

              Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

              I've been using the same homemade Zafu for about 6 and half years now. Just recently a hole is starting to develop. I used kapok and it's still going. I also use another cushion under it, so I can get the height.

              I ripped the kapok out of a matress cover. It's usually the stuff that upholsters use in chairs and other furniture.

              To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
              To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
              To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
              To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


              • Ky?shin

                Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

                Just to update, especially for UK folks, I wrote to Blue Banyan ((http://www.bluebanyan.co.uk)) and they have very quickly sent me tons more filling for my zafu and also some incense by way of apology. As such I probably wouldn't have any anxieties about ordering from them again.


                • Jinho

                  Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

                  Originally posted by Jundo
                  There are some folks around here with experience, and some instructions, about how to fill a Zafu ...

                  Anyone of our sewers?

                  Gassho, J

                  Um, you just shove more stuff into the opening on the side, then I recommend stitching the opening closed (nice 1/2 inch stitches, not tiny ones because you will have to open it again when it needs more stuffing). If you are using buckwheat or other small bits, you may need to stitch it closed with smaller stitches.

                  If you are re-filling with kapok, it is very messy (and might be bad for pets) so do it on a cloth and/or outside? I think if you are refilling (supplementing) a kapok zafu and don't have kapok, you might try using bed pillow stuffing. It will have a little bounce/give to it even if you stuff it in firmly, which might be very nice. And pillows are fairly cheap from thrift/charity shops so it might be worth a try before you spend the bucks to get kapok shipped to you. Cotton batting is easier to find (at most fabric and quiliting shops) but is pricey and does pack down VERY firm (but maybe firm it what you want).

                  Of course there are also air zafus (no, that is not a koan). Available at Zenworks (the merch business of Great Vow Zen Monastery in Oregon, USA):


                  Of course, air zafus are available elsewhere, google is your friend.



                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41208

                    Re: Buckwheat filled zafu - substitute

                    Originally posted by Jinho
                    Of course there are also air zafus (no, that is not a koan). Available at Zenworks (the merch business of Great Vow Zen Monastery in Oregon, USA):


                    Of course, air zafus are available elsewhere, google is your friend.

                    Hi Jinho,

                    The one you sent looks a bit sturdies that the ones with the inflatable kid's beachball inside (truly, that is what is inside). I take them sometimes when I travel ... but it is a little like sitting on a wiggly beachball!

                    Gassho, Jundo
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

