Zazen while travelling

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  • Shoka
    • May 2014
    • 2370


    First I'm in LA. Welcome! Second, it's going to be hot hot hot this week so I don't recommend meditating by the pool unfortunately.

    As to travel and finding a space. I agree you could be upfront with your roommate if you know them well enough. My sister and I travel together a lot and we used to end up in bed late because we are both awake but don't want to wake the other. It's pretty funny, now we both know better and just get up (unless we have the dogs, cause once you move there is a schedule for getting outside for adventure.)

    Sometimes just saying hey I get up and do this in the morning don't worry about disturbing me is easier than both laying silently in bed for a hour.

    Also check out your hotel for spaces that you might use. As someone else said in the fitness room it won't be odd at all for someone to do yoga and then meditate. Most people won't even bat and eye.

    Also depending on where you are there are tons of zen centers, Buddhist groups and all sorts of things you might be able to find a group to sit with.

    Good luck!



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    • Joyo

      Originally posted by Jundo
      On the bus from the airport, on the toilet (pants up preferably), by the pool in a deck chair. In the elevator too, but security might come. While the room mate is watching TV, just sit in the bed and put TV and room mate out of mind. No limit.

      Gassho, J
      This is exactly what I do when traveling. I don't have formal sitting times like I do when I'm at home.

      sat today/lah


      • Kyonin
        Dharma Transmitted Priest
        • Oct 2010
        • 6752

        Hi Dee,

        These past few years I have been traveling a lot more that I would have expected. So I have adapted zazen to this. Instead of playing a game on the phone, I sit zazen while waiting for the plane.

        I have sat in parks, malls, bus stations, hotel rooms, living rooms of strange people and even in restrooms. The time has been from 1 minute to 1 hour.

        You can sit zazen pretty much everywhere plus you can make your whole trip a zazen session. Sometimes you sit, sometimes you go sightseeing. But it is all zazen at the end.

        Hope that helps.


        Hondō Kyōnin
        奔道 協忍


        • 1adam12
          • Nov 2016
          • 7

          Originally posted by Kyonin
          Hi Dee,

          These past few years I have been traveling a lot more that I would have expected. So I have adapted zazen to this. Instead of playing a game on the phone, I sit zazen while waiting for the plane.

          I have sat in parks, malls, bus stations, hotel rooms, living rooms of strange people and even in restrooms. The time has been from 1 minute to 1 hour.

          You can sit zazen pretty much everywhere plus you can make your whole trip a zazen session. Sometimes you sit, sometimes you go sightseeing. But it is all zazen at the end.

          Hope that helps.



          So true. Thank you.


          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


          • Tairin
            • Feb 2016
            • 2968

            I just came back from a week of camping (not glamping). I didn’t formally sit like at home but I took the opportunities that presented themselves. Sat at the campfire at night. Sat at the beach shore. Sat at the picnic table. Sat at the river side. I didn’t stress about the amount of time each day although I tried to make sure there was at least some time each day.

            Sat this morning by the river’s edge listening to the frogs
            Last edited by Tairin; 07-22-2018, 01:02 AM.
            泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


            • sjlabat
              • Apr 2018
              • 147

              I travel from time to time as well. For the most part, I've had a room to myself so, the roommate issue has not often came up often. I find I usually have to be more intentional about keeping to my zazen practice and not letting it 'slide' due to traveling. Overall, I've found this to be helpful - not getting 'stuck' in "right" vs. "wrong" kind of zazen but keep to the practice of it and not get to rigid about how I do zazen.

              sat, lah


              • Ishin
                • Jul 2013
                • 1359

                I’m currently traveling with my family. While in our condo I sit when I can in my bedroom. Often it’s quite loud and chaotic. I see this as good practice as sometimes right now is loud and chaotic. Sometimes I sit at the beach with my very easily embarrassed teenagers around me. I don’t make a big deal of it I just sit in my chair and sit. If you didn’t know I was sitting you wouldn’t know. I’m just sitting. Why make a big deal of not making a big deal.

                You can also do other things. Walk, Samu etc.

                Make everything right now.

                Sat Today/ lah
                Grateful for your practice


                • Shinshou
                  • May 2017
                  • 251

                  Originally posted by Geika
                  I kind of dropped stressing about practice while traveling a while ago. Sometimes I find a good moment alone, but for the most part, I just kind of meditate by being WITH the trip, and the people I'm traveling with, and I just immerse myself in that. The cushion is always there when I return. Often, I would barely find a minute to sit zazen, and I would return feeling guilty that I let practice lag. Now I drop that guilt and just try to be in the moment.

                  Gassho, sat today, lah

                  Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
                  Same here, you took the words straight out of my brain. I just returned from a week long beach vacation with my family. I think I formally sat two times, but I sat informally so many times throughout the week, it's impossible to count - while holding a five year old in the ocean, sitting with eyes closed listening to the kids play in the pool, seeing a squabble bubble up, tending to a bruised shin....I used to feel bad that I sometimes chose other meaningful activities while on vacation (or even occasionally in regular non-vacation life), but it's not a competition. No one is keeping score.

                  Shinshou (Daniel)
                  Sat Today


                  • Meishin
                    • May 2014
                    • 876

                    Make everything right now.

                    For whatever reason, I have no trouble waking early and doing my sit while lying in bed. Don't fall back asleep. So when we travel, I do lying-down-Buddha-sits for the most part. Sometimes I'll do sitting-down-Buddha-sits if it's workable. But Shinshou, Ishin and Geika are right. Traveling is a wonderful opportunity to be fully present.

                    Matter of fact, leaving soon for travels until late August.

                    Sat Today LAH

