'There is no such thing as past or future'

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  • Ryumon
    • Apr 2007
    • 1818

    'There is no such thing as past or future'

    Interesting article in The Guardian, about the scientist Carlo Rovelli's new book:


    I know nothing.
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40932

    Thanks Kirk,

    Dogen was no physicist but, as you know, he offered many alternative (yet simultaneously true) way(s) to think about and experience time, each true in its way and not our usual ways to experience time. They are freeing, releasing us from our ordinary headlong rush into the future and oblivion.

    I offer just three or four ...

    +The past was now then and is only now a mental memory, the future will be now to come and is only now our envisioned dream. So, now now now all around, and since there is really no "past" or "future" to stand in comparison apart from our mental ideas of those things, what need even for the word "now"?

    +As well, time does not really pass (much as a piece of paper, constantly changing shape in origami, does not change being the same constant sheet of paper despite changing form and appearances. In such way, something timeless and unchanging about the universe is present even in the constant change of the appearance of things) ...

    Origami (Hobby), pliage origami, origami rapide, plier vite, speed drawing, origami vite, origami super rapide, record vitesse origami, faire un origami rapidement, faire un origami rapide, fast origami, pliser super vite, faire un origami super vite, vite faire un origami

    +Each moment is wholly self contained, and contains all other moments and all time. It is a bit like saying that the human hand -is- (not only contains) each cell and each atom of the hand, while simultaneously each atom and each cell of the hand -is- (not only is contained by) the whole hand, and also each cell and atom fully embodies and expresses each and all other cells and atoms of hand. So it is for all things in the universe, and each moment of time.

    +The future rolls into the present and the past, not only the past rolling into the present and the future, much as the bottom of a mountain rolls into the top, and the top of the mountain rolls to the bottom.

    +Each moment is wholly self contained, much as we don't say that "winter is the start of spring," because winter is winter, spring is spring ... likewise, this moment is just wholly this moment, not some next or previous moment.

    Did I, like, blow your mind man?

    Mind, Explosion, Tim, and, Eric, Awesome, Show, great, job

    There are many more here if someone has time to kill ...

    Gassho, J

    Last edited by Jundo; 05-07-2018, 02:11 PM.

