Gun Ownership

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41220

    Gun Ownership

    Dear All,

    I rarely make overtly political statements in this Place, believing that interpretations of the Precepts (such as the Precept to Avoid Taking Life) and the Bodhisattva Vow (to "Save All Sentient Beings") can vary in the hearts of sincere Buddhist people.

    However, sometimes there are exceptions.

    In light of another mass shooting in America (this one, about 10 minutes from where my family used to live), I want to say that the absence of very strict gun control in the United States is, in my view, not in keeping with the Precept and the Vow.

    A football coach, an athletic director and young, fresh-faced students were among the 17 people killed by a gunman at a high school in Parkland, Florida, in 2018.

    Here in Japan, there are actually guns (people don't know that). There are plenty. There is a sign nearly identical to the following just 20 steps from my house here in the Japanese countryside.

    Most of the guns are shotguns owned by farmers to keep pigs from eating their crops, and those are very heavily regulated. Here in Japan, there are also people suffering mental disease who do such things (contrary to the image of a country without violent crime) but, because they can't get their hands on firearms (usually only a knife), the damage is much less.

    If someone wants to keep a gun for protection of their family in their home in America, hunting or sport, I am not going to say that it should be forbidden. However, I believe that they should be subjected to the same level of psychological testing and training, as well as other restrictions, as an airplane pilot about to get in the cockpit. Automatic weapons and the like should be banned.

    Of course, others are free to disagree, I am not the final voice on the meaning of the Precepts for all Buddhists.

    Gassho, Jundo

    Last edited by Jundo; 02-16-2018, 04:00 AM.
  • Jakuden
    • Jun 2015
    • 6141



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    • Mp

      Thank you Jundo.




      • Myogan
        • Aug 2015
        • 378

        When Sandy Hook happened, we had a special observance at our sitting group. That evening I took the 22 long rifle I used for targets and smashed it to bits.
        While it was unlikely to ever be used to harm someone after I’ve left this world I didn’t wish it to become like Marley’s chain.
        A gun in America is not made of wood, steel and lead but Hate, Fear and Ignorance.

        Sat (in sadness)
        Marc Connery
        Myo̅ Gan - Bright Cliff

        I put the Monkey in Monkeymind


        • Roland
          • Mar 2014
          • 232

          Gun Ownership

          Yes, strict regulation is necessary, as is access to care. Unfortunately it seems that a normal debate is impossible in the US since the country is so divided along political and cultural lines, both parties distrusting and even hating each other. As a European with deep sympathies for the US that saddens me a lot.




          • Getchi
            • May 2015
            • 612

            Jundo than you for the strength to say this.

            I do not wish for anyone to access these weapons, they can not ever give life.


            Nothing to do? Why not Sit?


            • Jinyo
              • Jan 2012
              • 1957

              The 'right to own a gun for protection' seems to run so deep in American culture. It's going to be nigh impossible to change this. I'm so glad we don't have this problem here in the UK.
              I find it hard to follow the logic. If guns were forbidden then why would anyone claim they need a gun for protection?
              If someone is determined to kill they will find a way - but there is a massive potential for some guns to kill a lot of people within seconds. Its madness that they are so easily acquired (legally?!) in America.
              I dare say better mental health care would help but often its not obvious that an individual is in so much distress that they are set on murder.

              When you see a young person in the dock (the perpetrator is only 17 - and from a difficult background - both adoptive parents deceased) we must extend metta to all involved. There is a sickness at the heart of all society's problems but if we don't begin with cultivating compassion nothing will change or get healed. Then hard political action because as the Dalai Lama keeps saying - compassion and prayer alone isn't going to change our troubled universe.





              • Eishuu

                I don't think that the NRA donating millions to Congress is helping either...something feels quite corrupt about the whole situation.



                • Tairin
                  • Feb 2016
                  • 2972

                  Hi Jundo

                  I was tempted to start a similar thread myself but was worried about being too political.

                  The thing that struck me is that this recent shooting in Florida is the 30th mass shooting in the US this year, where Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as a single incident in which four or more people, not including the shooter, are "shot and/or killed" at "the same general time and location."

                  We are only 46 days into 2018. At this rate (65%) there will be 237 mass shootings in the US this year. One was one too many.

                  My sympathies and thoughts are with all of those that suffered and will suffer this year from needless violence of this sort.

                  Sat today and considered all who suffered.
                  Last edited by Tairin; 02-16-2018, 12:36 PM.
                  泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


                  • Jishin
                    • Oct 2012
                    • 4823

                    Gun Ownership


                    Birds fly, fish swim

                    US has guns and UK not

                    Buy an American child a lollipop. She is happy and goes to school with a smile. The teachers smile back and teach with gusto. The child comes home and does her chores and homework. The mother buys toys made in China for her. The Chinese girl gets to work overtime and feed her elderly parents who no longer can work. Some money is left over and she calls relatives in Japan to report mom and dad are doing well. The Japanese relatives are very happy and continue with their scheduled trip to Disney and also the stop in Las Vegas prior to coming home. Places that fish swim and birds fly. Fish swim and birds fly everywhere. How to make fish fly and birds swim when it’s not their nature?

                    Give a child a lollipop.

                    Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_ , LAH

                    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
                    Last edited by Jishin; 02-16-2018, 12:59 PM.


                    • Jishin
                      • Oct 2012
                      • 4823

                      Hi Lorax,

                      We are all interconnected. Make a child smile and the smile goes around the globe and everyone goes to Disney. Make a child sad and sadness goes around the world and trips to Disney are cancelled. It begins with a lollipop. A child doesn't understand philosophy, just lollipops.

                      Gassho, Jishin, ST


                      • Ryushi
                        • Jan 2018
                        • 185

                        Originally posted by Jishin

                        Birds fly, fish swim

                        US has guns and UK not
                        We can never make a bird swim or a fish fly. We can, I hope, someday make the US a place that has fewer guns and less obsessed with using aggression and violence as a easy solution to our ancient twisted karma.

                        No merit. Vast emptiness; nothing holy. I don't know.


                        • Rich
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 2616

                          I agree with Jundo on gun control. Have never hurt any being with a gun but if a crazy appears self defense is ok. Or if someone pushes the apocalypse button hunting to survive is ok.


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                          無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                          • Christofer
                            • Mar 2015
                            • 30

                            I couldn’t agree more Jundo.


                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            • Hobbie
                              • Aug 2016
                              • 48


