Random Thought for the Day

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  • Shinshi
    Senior Priest-in-Training
    • Jul 2010
    • 3828

    Random Thought for the Day

    I was down feeding the horses yesterday and I stayed around to listen to them eat - one of my favorite sounds. I got to thinking about how "in the moment" horses live their lives. They are wonderful Zen teachers in that way. They are always living in the present moment.

    And that got me to thinking that, really, all animals live that way.

    And that got me thinking that perhaps we humans have it all backwards. We aren't more conscious - perhaps they are. Perhaps they have each already achieved/recognized "enlightenment" but, like the good Bodhisattvas that they are, they are just waiting for us to catch up. Patiently dealing with all chaos we stir up. Greeting it with equanimity and with the hope we will someday wake up and join them.

    Perhaps when the whales sing they are singing the Heart Sutra to us. Perhaps the birds are extolling the 8 fold path, and the crickets are really chanting the 10 precepts.

    I don't know - but I am going to try and make sure to listen closely - just in case.

    Gassho, Allan

    空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

    For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
    ​— Shunryu Suzuki

    E84I - JAJ
  • Amelia
    • Jan 2010
    • 4980

    I'm pretty sure this is why monks are always asking questions regarding a dog's Buddha nature.

    Gassho, sat today, lah
    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


    • MyoHo
      • Feb 2013
      • 632

      Hi Allan,

      Wonderful thoughts brother and very recognisable too! If I may mirror that just to celebrate with you?
      Maybe you/me ( not two) can take it even one step further since everything around us sings because you/ me ( not two) sing all the time. Its not two, not a horse nor a whale. It's you, me, the constellation of Orion or a banana waiting in a basket in the kitchen. Sounds and sights without attaching or naming them yes, thats already is miraculous but some are even more mysterious like when the night goes to day or day into knight. There is a whisper, a ever so faint mysterious exchange that can only be heard by well.... someone that is you but also not you and everyting all at once. The sounding of a soundless bell or a rumble without a cloud in sight. The trees sing too. Even a potato and dirty dishes sing but there is no you or a potato. It is a wonderful realisation indeed. The way I experiance this is mutch like when sitting and drifting off a bit. We have to remind ourselves to listen sometimes and then we do hear. Even if we know we should, we forget sometimes and thats OK.
      Thank you for sharing bro.




      • Risho
        • May 2010
        • 3178

        ummm I guess you could look at it that way; I'm in a more skeptical mood, so I have to disagree on that. lol

        I think because we have a higher level of consciousness we also have minds that think a lot. I've been reading Tim Burkett's "Nothing Holy About It" (on our booklist), and he talks about this; some people just have busy minds. It's not something we should try to suppress, we should embrace it. I have a busy mind. Similarly, he points out how Dogen addressed delusion; we shouldn't try to get rid of delusion, we should fully embrace it.

        Some people have naturally more settled minds, some don't; both Buddhas nonetheless.

        Form is emptiness, emptiness is Form. Sure we divide the world into abstract, logical concepts. We shouldn't try to disregard those; we need that view to live. It's part of what makes it so special to be human.

        At the same time, who knows? we inevitably humanize everything we encounter so who's to say how much a horse thinks. But I'm guessing that they don't possess the high level thought of a human - in any case, I'll choose being human. hahahah


        Email: risho.treeleaf@gmail.com


        • Shinshi
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Jul 2010
          • 3828

          Originally posted by Geika
          I'm pretty sure this is why monks are always asking questions regarding a dog's Buddha nature.

          Gassho, sat today, lah
          I'm pretty sure it is why cows say Mu.

          Gassho, Allan

          空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

          For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
          ​— Shunryu Suzuki

          E84I - JAJ


          • Amelia
            • Jan 2010
            • 4980

            Touche, Allan!

            Gassho, sat today, lah
            求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
            I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


            • Seishin
              • Aug 2016
              • 1522


              Similar thoughts have crossed my mind many times when out walking the dog or just generally in the presence of animals. I guess there's no real no way of knowing how much they think, compared to us so called superior beings. But for nowness they are more present than most of us. And I also guess their perceived lack of thought means they won't be the ones who eventually obliterate the planet. Be more dog ....... whatever that means.

              Sat with too many thoughts.


              Sei - Meticulous
              Shin - Heart


              • Jishin
                • Oct 2012
                • 4823

                Originally posted by shoshin
                I was down feeding the horses yesterday and I stayed around to listen to them eat - one of my favorite sounds. I got to thinking about how "in the moment" horses live their lives. They are wonderful Zen teachers in that way. They are always living in the present moment.

                And that got me to thinking that, really, all animals live that way.

                And that got me thinking that perhaps we humans have it all backwards. We aren't more conscious - perhaps they are. Perhaps they have each already achieved/recognized "enlightenment" but, like the good Bodhisattvas that they are, they are just waiting for us to catch up. Patiently dealing with all chaos we stir up. Greeting it with equanimity and with the hope we will someday wake up and join them.

                Perhaps when the whales sing they are singing the Heart Sutra to us. Perhaps the birds are extolling the 8 fold path, and the crickets are really chanting the 10 precepts.

                I don't know - but I am going to try and make sure to listen closely - just in case.

                Gassho, Allan

                In Genjo Koan all things are ultimate reality. The horse, my and your thoughts, delusions and enlightenment, all real and truly realized, not one thing missing. Even the delusion of cherishing opinions of XinXin Ming is full realization. Not one thing missing. We got it forwards and backwards. We are more and less conscious. Not one thing missing. All real and perfect and unperfect. It just is and not. Fully realized. The point is mute and not. That’s all.

                Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


                • Ryudo
                  • Nov 2015
                  • 424

                  Originally posted by shoshin
                  I was down feeding the horses yesterday and I stayed around to listen to them eat - one of my favorite sounds. I got to thinking about how "in the moment" horses live their lives. They are wonderful Zen teachers in that way. They are always living in the present moment.

                  And that got me to thinking that, really, all animals live that way.

                  And that got me thinking that perhaps we humans have it all backwards. We aren't more conscious - perhaps they are. Perhaps they have each already achieved/recognized "enlightenment" but, like the good Bodhisattvas that they are, they are just waiting for us to catch up. Patiently dealing with all chaos we stir up. Greeting it with equanimity and with the hope we will someday wake up and join them.

                  Perhaps when the whales sing they are singing the Heart Sutra to us. Perhaps the birds are extolling the 8 fold path, and the crickets are really chanting the 10 precepts.

                  I don't know - but I am going to try and make sure to listen closely - just in case.

                  Gassho, Allan

                  Thank you and deep bows

                  Ryū Dou


                  • Joyo

                    10866170_348008045385421_4041943929824794429_o (1).jpg

                    I have had many of the same thoughts, Allan. I've always been a huge animal lover, and see them as wonderful spiritual teachers.

                    Thank you for sharing and do give you horses another pat from me. I grew up with horses, but now living in town I do not have any and I sure do miss them.

                    sat today/lah


                    • Shinshi
                      Senior Priest-in-Training
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 3828

                      Originally posted by Joyo

                      I have had many of the same thoughts, Allan. I've always been a huge animal lover, and see them as wonderful spiritual teachers.

                      Thank you for sharing and do give you horses another pat from me. I grew up with horses, but now living in town I do not have any and I sure do miss them.

                      sat today/lah
                      I really like the comic Joyo, thanks for sharing.

                      Here is a pic of Mesa enjoying her virtual pat/scratch from you.

                      空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

                      For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
                      ​— Shunryu Suzuki

                      E84I - JAJ


                      • Shinshou
                        • May 2017
                        • 251


                        Sat today


                        • MindfullyMidwest
                          • Jan 2018
                          • 2

                          Originally posted by Geika
                          I'm pretty sure this is why monks are always asking questions regarding a dog's Buddha nature.

                          Gassho, sat today, lah
                          My mom's dog, named Scrappy-Doo by my daughter, visited me in the guest room upon awakening, as always and with such Joy! Even though he still needed to pee, as always.

                          Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk


                          • MindfullyMidwest
                            • Jan 2018
                            • 2

                            Originally posted by shoshin
                            I'm pretty sure it is why cows say Mu.

                            Gassho, Allan

                            That's Baaaa d,

                            A groaning sheep

                            Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk


                            • Shokai
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 6530


                              gassho, Shokai

                              gassho, Shokai

                              仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                              "Open to life in a benevolent way"


