Having completed the first week of the 108 Dharma Gates review it may be appropriate to look at what we've done so far and tie it into our everyday reality. You may recall the Dharma Talks my fellow Unsui and I gave during our recent Rohatsu Retreat. I thought it would be interesting to compare how the review of the Dharma Gates relates to the One Bright Pearl.
Dogen said; one Bright Pearl expresses reality. Presently there is a body and mind. They are one bright pearl. The stalk of grass, a tree, the mountains and rivers of this world are not only themselves, they are one bright pearl. This statement is key to appreciating what is being addressed.
We routinely get stuck in dualities. Our tendency is to fall toward one side or the other. Our minds work dualistically almost out of necessity. We don't see both sides of the coin. We constantly hear the same point being made time after time again and yet we don't seem to get it. We need to appreciate the fact that both sides of reality exist simultaneously. Each dharma has not only it's own individuality but is also the one bright pearl. Although it is hard to grasp, we are talking about a thing being unified with the whole universe while having it's own distinctive characteristics and karma. Both aspects exist at once.
Actualization is seeing that point clearly. The design of Indra's Diamond Net is the finest way I know of appreciating this point. Each diamond is an individual and has it's own identity. Yet, each is also interconnected with every other diamond in the universe. You move just one diamond and the entire net of diamonds moves. To affect a single particle of the universe is to affect it's totallity. When you see this you realize it is just this one bright pearl.
Looking at the first seven gates of Dharma Illumination we see that they relate to individual behaviour. In order to spread the Dharma one needs to actualize the behaviour in question. If each of us were to reflect the conduct alluded to, all the other diamonds in the net would eventually benefit from the reflection and Illumination of the Dharma.
For example, to demonstrate right belief, pure mind, delight, love, cheerfulness and right speech all other beings would be given concrete evidence of a way to interact in this world with all other beings. To save all beings tho beings numberless.
And yet, a review of the gates shows us the personal benefits of adopting these behaviours. For instance, Right belief conjures steadfastness of mind; pure mind relieves us of defilement; delight promotes peace of mind, etc.. So it is that I have provided gathas for each gate that you can use through each day to instill these virtues within your own experience of reality. A gate is a point of introduction. Use them to teach your fellow travellers.
May this offering bring peace to all beings
May our actions contribute to the harmony of The Universe
And, may all hearts and minds be opened to The Present
Dogen said; one Bright Pearl expresses reality. Presently there is a body and mind. They are one bright pearl. The stalk of grass, a tree, the mountains and rivers of this world are not only themselves, they are one bright pearl. This statement is key to appreciating what is being addressed.
We routinely get stuck in dualities. Our tendency is to fall toward one side or the other. Our minds work dualistically almost out of necessity. We don't see both sides of the coin. We constantly hear the same point being made time after time again and yet we don't seem to get it. We need to appreciate the fact that both sides of reality exist simultaneously. Each dharma has not only it's own individuality but is also the one bright pearl. Although it is hard to grasp, we are talking about a thing being unified with the whole universe while having it's own distinctive characteristics and karma. Both aspects exist at once.
Actualization is seeing that point clearly. The design of Indra's Diamond Net is the finest way I know of appreciating this point. Each diamond is an individual and has it's own identity. Yet, each is also interconnected with every other diamond in the universe. You move just one diamond and the entire net of diamonds moves. To affect a single particle of the universe is to affect it's totallity. When you see this you realize it is just this one bright pearl.
Looking at the first seven gates of Dharma Illumination we see that they relate to individual behaviour. In order to spread the Dharma one needs to actualize the behaviour in question. If each of us were to reflect the conduct alluded to, all the other diamonds in the net would eventually benefit from the reflection and Illumination of the Dharma.
For example, to demonstrate right belief, pure mind, delight, love, cheerfulness and right speech all other beings would be given concrete evidence of a way to interact in this world with all other beings. To save all beings tho beings numberless.
And yet, a review of the gates shows us the personal benefits of adopting these behaviours. For instance, Right belief conjures steadfastness of mind; pure mind relieves us of defilement; delight promotes peace of mind, etc.. So it is that I have provided gathas for each gate that you can use through each day to instill these virtues within your own experience of reality. A gate is a point of introduction. Use them to teach your fellow travellers.
May this offering bring peace to all beings
May our actions contribute to the harmony of The Universe
And, may all hearts and minds be opened to The Present