Diversity in Buddhism

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  • Tairin
    • Feb 2016
    • 2921

    Diversity in Buddhism

    I found this article on diversity in Buddhism to be eye opening in part because I realized I am guilty of some of the items that are brought up in the article, particularly my tendency for discarding some of the rituals in favour of just sitting. No doubt it is the silent practise of Shikantaza that speaks to me most but even here at Treeleaf we incorporate chants, bowing, readings, etc into our practice. I continue to try to embrace that part too

    Hopefully others find this article interesting

    Sat today
    泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods
  • Jakuden
    • Jun 2015
    • 6141

    Warren, what an uplifting thing to read, (at least in my eyes). It so embodies the attitude here--although we are a Soto Zen Sangha and practice Shikantaza, we don't look down on other groups or other ways of taking refuge. If we are walking the Eightfold Path and following the Precepts, then we bow to anyone and anything that might carry a teaching. Thanks for the post!



    • Mp

      Hello Warren,

      Yes thank you ... I too feel it does represent some of our core qualities here. Diversity is important not only in our practice, but also in our lives. Practice calls to each of us in a personal way, one way is not better then the next. If your practice is about kindness, love, respect, equality, understanding, forgiveness ... regardless of it's origins, it is good practice.

      Sadly it seems some folks can get caught up in their own dogma of their own practice and loose sight to what practice really is all about. So our jobs is to continue with the qualities that I have mentioned above and hopefully in time, people will come to understand them too. =)




      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 40987

        There is room in the wider Buddhist Sangha for Buddhist folks of all flavors and backgrounds, and it is not just one flavor.

        Here, we focus on one style of Practice, much as a Karate Dojo might teach Karate and not Aikido. However, both are beautiful arts with their own Traditions and ways.

        Anyone is welcome here who wishes to Practice Karate in our Karate Dojo. Our Diversity Statement says ...

        Treeleaf Sangha is a multicultural Zen Buddhist Community in which people of all socio-economic classes, nationalities, races, ages, creeds, genders, sexual orientation and identification, and physical abilities discover shared humanity by direct experience of one anothers’ lives. We are open to all. We commit ourselves to cultivating a practice in diversity and multiculturalism by incorporating into our practice the dissolving of all barriers that perpetuate the suffering of separation, prejudice, and discrimination. We intend to expand and develop our awareness of the ways we are conditioned to separate ourselves by socioeconomic class, nationality, race, age, creed, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability and other forms of identity.
        Beyond that, we should make effort to be welcoming to people of diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. As a Sangha with members from so many countries, I think we are trying.

        Gassho, J


        PS - My recent health experience has made me think about opening discussion here about creating a corner of Treeleaf (perhaps its own Practice Center, much as we have an Art Circle or Oryoki Group) for people who are interested in combining their Soto style Shikantaza with Pure Land/Amida beliefs, Nichiren beliefs and/or Christianity. There are a few reasons, and we can Talk about that. One reason is that, in much of Asia outside Japan, there is a much more profound Pure Land influence on Chan/Zen Practice, and they are basically all mixed together in places like China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Korea. (The reason that they are more separated in Japan has to do with history and Japanese cultural tendencies which I won't explain now). Second, we actually get a lot of inquiries and questions from members who are combining their Zen Practice with Christianity and such, and maybe they need a place to express themselves. Third, my recent illness led me to read some of the writings of the great D.T. Suzuki, the famous Zen writer, who was also a Pure Land follower and wrote on that. There may be a time when we so yield to the universe, and give ourselves over to its fates without any trace of self-Practice and ego, that one would like a symbol for that yielding and hope for some grace or safe refuge. Amida has served as such as symbol of radical yielding for many Zen Buddhists. For some, Amida and the Pure Land puts a name and face on it for them. Same for faith in Jesus or chanting to the Lotus Sutra for Nichiren folks can serve a like purpose.

        That does not mean that it will become the central flavor at Treeleaf, and no obligation for most folks to believe or Practice such way. However, it would be nice if their were a section for such folks to do their thing. We can talk about that maybe when I am on the mend. I just read a poem today by the great 18th Century Soto Teacher, hermit and poet Ryokan, who also wrote quite a bit about Amida ...

        If not for Amida [Buddha]‘s inconceivable vow
        What then would remain to me
        As a keepsake of this world?
        Last edited by Jundo; 12-11-2017, 07:45 PM.


        • Kokuu
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Nov 2012
          • 6928

          My recent health experience has made me think about opening discussion here about creating a corner of Treeleaf (perhaps its own Practice Center, much as we have an Art Circle or Oryoki Group) for people who are interested in combining their Soto style Shikantaza with Pure Land/Amida beliefs, Nichiren beliefs and/or Christianity.
          I think this is not a bad idea at all, Jundo, and yes, may well open things up to people who mix Zen with Pure Land or Christianity practice.

          During bad periods of illness, when it is very hard to sit zazen, or even practice it lying down due to lack of concentration, mantra practice is something which I fall back on. For me, this is Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo. I can imagine that other mantras associated with Pure Land, Nichiren and Christian practices work in the same way.

          The pieces you posted fairly recently on Obaku Zen seemed to have just that flavour of combining zazen with Pure Land traditions.

          On Wednesday I shall be praying to Kannon, Amida Buddha and anyone else who might listen. You are right that those images provide a focus for many people in the world.

          An old woman went to hear Master Hakuin give a lecture. He said, “Your mind is the Pure Land, and your body is Amida Buddha. When Amida Buddha appears, mountains, rivers, forests, and fields all radiate a great light. If you want to understand, look into your own heart.”

          -- https://www.lionsroar.com/the-hidden-lamp/


          • Seizan
            • Sep 2012
            • 213

            I really love this! I am back at Treeleaf after following my own buddhist path over the last few years. I agree that, if we are walking the Eightfold Path and following the Precepts, we should be open to other teachings. We must follow one stream, but for me that stream is gentle buddhism. I believe there is value to be found in many practices that are buddhist in origin. I try not to discard any buddhist traditions while avoiding a "clustered" practice. I continued to sit zazen during my explorations, but did reignite my connection to mantra mediation, and consider myself a student of both the Dalai Lama and Shunryu Suzuki. And Jundo. And Taigu. And sometimes Against the Stream. I listen to teachings from all. I practice zazen, mantra recitation, loving kindness and Tonglen. That's a lot of I-statements for emptiness...

            Shikantaza, Japa, Buddha... kind intentions. Kokuu, thank you for the fresh reminder of the Kannon sutra. There is much that is beautiful on this path.




            • Shinshou
              • May 2017
              • 251

              I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed in chat rooms, Facebook groups, etc. there is often a strong anti-Christian tendency, many times bordering on hostile. My observation is that many western zen practitioners became disillusioned with Christianity or Christians or the Christian Church, discovered first zen, then Buddhism. I think it’s a great idea, Jundo, but wonder how it would be viewed by those who are vehemently against organized religion (while being part of an organized sangha) or magical thinking (while leaving just a bit for the hungry ghosts...).

              Sat today

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


              • Amelia
                • Jan 2010
                • 4980

                I was actually thinking hard about this today: how can I hold "respect" in my heart for groups of people, either religious or otherwise, whose beliefs dictate behavior that is ignorant of the state of the earth or human rights. I have no trouble loving these people, many of them in my family, but could not honestly state that I respect what they believe. It is troubling for me, because I am starting to wonder if "tolerance" of beliefs that are harmful either directly or indirectly to others should still be encouraged.

                Gassho, sat today, lah

                Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
                求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                • Eishuu

                  I think this is a wonderful idea Jundo. Like Kokuu, when my health has been really bad and I haven't been able to meditate, I have turned to mantra chanting and I would like to include a more devotional aspect to my practice as that really speaks to me.

                  I had been thinking about chanting for you but wasn't sure if it was part of Zen practice. I will also pray to Kannon on Wednesday for you.

                  Last edited by Guest; 12-12-2017, 10:14 AM.


                  • Anka
                    • Mar 2017
                    • 202

                    Originally posted by danieldodson
                    I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed in chat rooms, Facebook groups, etc. there is often a strong anti-Christian tendency, many times bordering on hostile. My observation is that many western zen practitioners became disillusioned with Christianity or Christians or the Christian Church, discovered first zen, then Buddhism. I think it’s a great idea, Jundo, but wonder how it would be viewed by those who are vehemently against organized religion (while being part of an organized sangha) or magical thinking (while leaving just a bit for the hungry ghosts...).

                    Sat today

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                    I had some bad experiences with the church growing up which soured my view of it for most of my life. The practice of Zen is what opened me up to let go of that anger / distaste for the church.

                    Researching and learning about the main religions in the world allowed me to realize we are all looking at/for the same thing but see a different side of it.

                    That being said each religion can have shitty people that do shitty things and ruin it for others.

                    As others have said, mantras and chants have played a big role in my practice so I am excited to see how this works out.


                    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


                    • Risho
                      • May 2010
                      • 3178

                      Originally posted by Geika
                      I was actually thinking hard about this today: how can I hold "respect" in my heart for groups of people, either religious or otherwise, whose beliefs dictate behavior that is ignorant of the state of the earth or human rights. I have no trouble loving these people, many of them in my family, but could not honestly state that I respect what they believe. It is troubling for me, because I am starting to wonder if "tolerance" of beliefs that are harmful either directly or indirectly to others should still be encouraged.

                      Gassho, sat today, lah

                      Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
                      Man I'm really surprised by the fear of thought in some of these posts, and I find it disturbing. I've been posting here for years and I"m a Christian. Look, I don't like to discuss a lot of politics, etc. I'm not here to lose or win debates - actually losing is usually more helpful, but this approach to life is supposed to open us up not close us down.

                      In the real world, we are exposed to beliefs that we do or do not agree with, but it does not mean that we cannot be civil. If you go into conversations or dialogues with other people already set on what you think "their" position is going to be, or how you will react, then you can't listen. You are so focused on yourself, you are no longer engaged in the conversation.

                      Aristotle was right when he said, "the mark of an intelligent person is to be able to entertain something without believing it". I'm paraphrasing, but I think we are having a big problem with conversation in this day and age. People just shut down when someone presents them with ideas that they don't agree with; further conversations devolve into shouting or talking over each other.

                      There are people that have some crazy views or dangerous views, but we have to take a sober look in the mirror and also realize that we may not know everything; it's likely that quite a lot of our views are mistaken. But that's ok - this is about learning from each other. If any of us had the solutions to our problems they would be solved. The problems we face are large, and our ego may try to convince us that we have it all figured out, but that's simply not the case.

                      Additionally, if someone has a mistaken view about something and, let's to use your example, say their view is one that could be harmful to the planet - ok. Yes it can be frustrating. But don't you think it would be more helpful and more in line with saving all beings to actually present your side of things in a logical, non-emotional and rational way to perhaps try and persuade them why your way may be more sound? If you come out attacking and defensive, that will just turn away people - our practice is to embrace and not cut off. Also, think about a person who doesn't understand math, ok maybe the flatearthers - there I said it. lol If someone comes in here purporting that the earth is flat and gets emotional about it, part of just wants to shut that down; at the same time, it's not worth it. It's just like come on man, give me a break. Engaging with anger fuels the fire; listening will allow that charge to dissipate. So I think these types of conversations are all good practice because they represent what we encounter in our daily lives if we aren't stuck in a bubble.

                      I'm not saying that we just accept shit - I'm saying that we have to take control of our emotions, bite our tongues at times, no matter how difficult to really have a conversation. I'm the only one I know around me that practices zen; I've gotten made fun of for practicing meditation just because no one really knows what to make of it. I'm also a grown man, and I don't give a shit.

                      Also, isn't it true that others are us as well? We are the nazis and the racists, etc. Of course we aren't (or I hope we aren't) really Nazis, but if you cannot recognize in yourself the capability to do horrendous things, then that is very scary indeed; you've got to be aware of the monster to tame it. On that same point, if we group others that we don't agree with into a "camp" of "other", "bad", etc, what is that? What does that make you? What does that make us?

                      We have to stop this judgment and let these conversations unfold. Just my humble opinion of course, but it's time for us to get hold of our emotions and be able to be large enough to allow crazy thoughts to be expressed without us losing ourselves to anger, etc.

                      Plus all of this shit is speculation - this hasn't started; there aren't any negative attitudes or harmful views to humanity and the planet - those are very specious topics and even what constitutes that is debatable. You don't know my political or religious views; the funny thing is I don't think I fully know them either, but like I said I consider myself a Zen Christian; I'm also the type of person who enjoys reading Atheist writings, etc. It's not threatening, it's actually revealing because I'm stuck in the way I view the world (I'm one person, it's hard to get out of my mental framework); it's nice to see another perspective once in a while.

                      I think that's the spirit of this here - it's kind of interesting.


                      Email: risho.treeleaf@gmail.com


                      • aprapti
                        • Jun 2017
                        • 889

                        For me it's about practice. Sitting zazen every day, (try to) sit every week in a group, feeling member of the one worldwide sangha. Praying once every week Vespers (evening song) in a Roman Catholic abbey. Singing every month the Divine liturgy in an Byzantine choir. Going two or three times a year to retreats in Roman Catholic abbeys or in the zencenter of my sangha. Some people call it 'spiritual shopping". That OK for me. As i said: for me it's all about practice. It helps me to try to live the dharma every moment.


                        hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                        Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                        • Byrne
                          • Dec 2014
                          • 371

                          I would love a little corner of Treeleaf where I could discuss Pure Land with others. But just sitting is nice too.


                          Sat Today


                          • Amelia
                            • Jan 2010
                            • 4980

                            Risho, I hope you understand that by my post I did not mean that I draw myself into debates or arguments with people that I strongly disagree with-- I meant the opposite: I don't speak up; I lack the courage to say, "I disagree," or "I can't tolerate that in my life." I'm quite the opposite.

                            Another way to phrase the question in my post might be this: as a modern society, knowing what we scientifically have learned to be true about the earth and space, and humanity's well-being and psychology as of today, is it still ethical to encourage widespread tolerance of what some might consider to be backwards and harmful religious views that continue to be streamlined with modern politics, giving them power over millions of people who do not hold those views?

                            Gassho, sat today, lah
                            求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                            I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                            • Risho
                              • May 2010
                              • 3178

                              well stated it is a very good point. I think you have to listen to views no matter how crazy; when bullshit hits the light it melts or something like that lol

                              right now are definitely some charged and strange times for certain


                              Email: risho.treeleaf@gmail.com

