Heart Sutra Japanese Pronunciation Guide (a bit irreverent)

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40987

    Heart Sutra Japanese Pronunciation Guide (a bit irreverent)

    Hi Guys,

    The following is my slightly irreverent Heart Sutra pronunciation guide. I have seen something like it available in Japan, but not in English. Here is how it works:

    I will take ordinary English words that sound as close as possible to stand for each of the following. For example:

    Shin = Shin (of the leg)

    Disregard any part of a word in parenthesis ( ) as if it was cut away. For example, “fool” for “fu” here:

    Fu = Foo(l)

    I apologize right now if this ends up being biased toward Yankee pronunciations. Our friends from other places might adjust for worldwide versions.

    A couple of pointers:

    Two words together are meant to be said as one two syllable word quickly. For example, “Maka” sounds like “ma” (of “mama) and “car” (with the 'r' cut off), said as one quick two syllable words, thus:

    Maka = Ma(ma) Ca(r)

    Words with “u” at the end such as “Soku” usually – but not always – have a “u” sound at the end that sounds like the French word for water “eau” or the “ooh” of "ooh la la". If you listen to the following recording, the “ooh” is sometimes so subtle, and barely pronounced, that it can sound almost like a one syllable word. So, “Soku” would be:

    Soku = Soak(the dishes) ooh (la la, but barely pronounced)

    One should listen closely and compare the below with this Japanese version for practice:

    Shall we see how this goes? Maybe we can even ask someone to make an animated version sometime! That would be cool. :=9

    Gassho, Jundo


    Maka = Ma(ma) Ca(r to drive)
    Hannya = Han(Solo of Star Wars, rhymes with man's name Ron) (Italian lasag)na
    Haramita = Ha(ha ha) ra(h rah sis boom bah) me(and you) ta(r the road)
    Shin = Shin (of the leg)
    Gyo = ( Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)

    Kan = Kahn (of Star Trek)
    Ji = Gee (whiz)
    Zai = Xy(lophone)
    Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
    Satsu = (They) sats (down) ooh (NOTE: Rather than “sats”, closer to “sots” as in “besotted”. Also, some Japanese abbreviate this to "Sa," most do not)
    Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
    Jin = Gin (Rummy)
    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
    Nya = Italian lasag)na
    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
    Mi = Me (and you)
    Ta = Ta(r the road)
    Ji = Gee (Whiz)
    Sho = Show (time)
    Ken = Ken (and Barbie)
    Go = Go (Away)
    On = Own (a house)
    Kai = Ki(te to fly)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Do = Doe (a female deer)
    I = Ea(t your breakfast)
    Sai = Sigh (with love)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
    Sha = Sha (of Iran)
    Ri = Rea(d a book)
    Shi = She (and him)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters) or for the older crowd, Foo(l me once, shame on me)
    I = ea(t your breakfast)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    I = Ea(t your breakfast)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Ju = Jew (in Tel Aviv)
    So = Sew (a button)
    Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
    Bu = Boo (went the ghost)
    Nyo = (The eggs were u)nyo(ked)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Sha = Sha (of Iran)
    Ri = Rea(d a book)
    Shi = She (and he)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Sho = Show (time)
    Ho = Ho (ho ho says Santa)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    So = Sew (a button)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    Sho = Show (time)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    Metsu = (Baseball's New York) Mets ooh (la la, subtle)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    Jo = Joe (man's name)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    Zo = (Bo)zo (the clown)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    Gen = (Once more a)gain
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Ko = Co-(pilot)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Chu = Chew (your food)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Ju = Jew (in Tel Aviv)
    So = Sew (a button)
    Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Gen = (Once more a)gain
    Ni = Knee (of the leg)
    Bi = Bee (is buzzing)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Shin = Shin (of the leg)
    Ni = Knee (of the leg)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Sho = Show (time)
    Ko = Co-(pilot)
    Mi = Me (and you)
    Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
    Ho = Ho (ho ho says Santa)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Gen = (Once more a)gain
    Kai = Ki(te to fly)
    Nai = Nigh(t and day)
    Shi = She (and he)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    I = Ea(t your breakfast)
    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
    Kai = Ki(te to fly)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo (said really fast)
    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo
    Jin = Gin (Rummy)
    Nai = Nigh(t and day)
    Shi = She (and he)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Ro = Row (your boat)
    Shi = She (and he)
    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (subtle)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Ro = Row (your boat)
    Shi = She (and he)
    Jin = Gin (rummy)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
    Metsu = (Baseball's New York) Mets ooh (la la, subtle)
    Do = Doe (a female deer)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Chi = Chee(se and crackers)
    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Toku = Toke (a smoke) ooh (la la, subtle)
    I = Ea(t your breakfast)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Sho = Show (time)
    Tok- = Toe (of the foot)
    ko = Co-(pilot)
    Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
    Dai = Die (and live another day)
    Sat = (Bes)sot(ed)
    Ta = Ta(r the road)
    E = E(dward)
    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
    Nya = (Italian lasag)na
    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
    Mi = Me (and you)
    Ta = Ta(r the road)
    Ko = Co-(pilot)
    Shin = Shin (of the leg)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Kei = (O)kay
    Ge = Ge(t me a hammer)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Kei = (O)kay
    Ge = Ge(t me a hammer)
    Ko = Co(-pilot)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    U = Ooh (La La)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    On = Own (a house)
    Ri = Rea(d a book)
    Is- = Ea(t your breakfast)
    Sai = Sigh (with love)
    Ten = 10
    Do = Doe (a female deer)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    So = Sew (a button)
    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
    Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
    Ne = Ne(xt in line)
    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
    San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Sho = Show (time)
    Butsu = Boots (to wear) ooh (la la, subtle)
    E = Eh (What did you say?)
    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
    Nya = (Italian lasag)na
    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
    Mi = Me (and you)
    Ta = Ta(r the road)
    Ko = Co-(pilot)
    Toku = Toke (a smoke) ooh (la la, subtle)
    A = (Doctor's “Open wide, say) Ah
    Noku = No (not yes) Coo (says the pigeon)
    Ta = Ta(r the road)
    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
    San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
    Myaku = Mia (Culpa) Coo (says the pigeon) … said fast …
    San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
    Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
    Dai = Die (and live another day)
    Ko = Co-(pilot)
    Chi = Chee(se and crackers)
    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
    Nya = (Italian lasag)na
    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
    Mi = Me (and you)
    Ta = Ta(r the road)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Dai = Die (and live another day)
    Jin = Gin (Rummy)
    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Dai = Die (and live another day)
    Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo (said really fast)
    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    Jo = Joe (man's name)
    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
    To = Toe (of the foot)
    Do = Doe (a female deer)
    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
    No = No (and yes)
    Jo = Joe (man's name)
    Is = Ea(t your breakfast)
    sai = Sigh (with love)
    Ku = Coo (said the pigeon)
    Shin = Shin (of the leg)
    Jitsu = (Gad)gets, but 'i' sound as in Ju-Jitsu
    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
    Ko = Co-(Pilot)
    Ko = Co-(Pilot)
    Setsu = (Television) sets ooh (la la, subtle)
    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
    Nya = (Italian lasag)na
    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
    Mi = Me (and you)
    Ta = Ta(r the road)
    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
    Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
    Setsu = (Television) sets ooh (la la, subtle)
    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
    Watsu = Whatsu(p?)
    Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
    Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
    Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
    Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
    Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
    Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
    Hara = Ha (ha ha) Ra (ra sis boom bah)
    So = Sew (a button)
    Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
    Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
    Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
    Ji = Gee (whiz)
    Sowa = So wha(t?)
    Ka = Ca(r to drive)
    Hannya = Han(Solo of Star Wars, rhymes with man's name Ron) (Italian lasag)na
    Shingyo = Shin (of the leg) ( Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)

    Last edited by Jundo; 11-09-2017, 02:36 AM.
  • Troy
    • Sep 2013
    • 1318

    This is great Jundo. I will practice. I sincerely appreciate it. Deep bows of gratitude [emoji1374]



    • Byokan
      Senior Priest-in-Training
      • Apr 2014
      • 4284

      Love it! Thank you Jundo.

      sat + lah
      展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
      Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


      • Troy
        • Sep 2013
        • 1318

        My current version (iOS 11.1) of the Tapatalk app is cutting off text. I found out when I pressed the quote button on Jundo’s post so I could copy it into a document on my phone. Just wanted to share in case others are having the same issue. There may be more text than you can see without pushing the quote button.



        • Washin
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Dec 2014
          • 3828

          Amazing work! Thank you, Jundo

          just sat, lah pending
          Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
          Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
          I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
          and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


          • Eishuu

            Brilliant! Thank you.



            • Mp

              Wonderful, thank you Jundo. =)



              • Shinshi
                Senior Priest-in-Training
                • Jul 2010
                • 3779

                Thank you so much for doing this Jundo. It is fantastic.

                One question. Above you have

                Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)

                Which, when I read it, suggests there is a oy ish sound at the end. Is that right? Or is it more

                Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(Yo Adrienne)

                Gassho, Allan

                空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

                For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
                ​— Shunryu Suzuki

                E84I - JAJ


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 40987

                  Originally posted by shoshin
                  Thank you so much for doing this Jundo. It is fantastic.

                  One question. Above you have

                  Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)

                  Which, when I read it, suggests there is a oy ish sound at the end. Is that right? Or is it more

                  Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(Yo Adrienne)

                  Gassho, Allan

                  It is one word blending the final "g" sound of "big" and the first "yo" of the yo you children's toy, If you listen to the recording, you will hear examples.

                  Gassho, J

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Troy
                    • Sep 2013
                    • 1318

                    When I pulled the video up in the youtube app it allows me to play it at half speed which I found helpful for a few of the words. Just thought I would pass it along. Gassho



                    • Shinshi
                      Senior Priest-in-Training
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 3779

                      Originally posted by Jundo
                      It is one word blending the final "g" sound of "big" and the first "yo" of the yo you children's toy, If you listen to the recording, you will hear examples.

                      Gassho, J

                      Thank you Jundo.

                      Gassho, Allan

                      空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

                      For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
                      ​— Shunryu Suzuki

                      E84I - JAJ


                      • hamlin81
                        • Jan 2017
                        • 43

                        Wonderful! Thanks so much for this.

                        #SatToday / LAH


                        • Roland
                          • Mar 2014
                          • 232

                          Thank you Jundo, it’s a great help.




                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 40987

                            I have made a small change. Some people might still say the "Oh" of "Oh my" when they step on gum, not the right sound. It should sound like the French word for water, eau, or the "ooh" of the French "ooh la la" So, a French lesson with your Japanese.

                            Timelaps de mon ami : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWGHnU-0oIs

                            Gassho, J

                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Troy
                              • Sep 2013
                              • 1318

                              Heart Sutra Japanese Pronunciation Guide (a bit irreverent)

                              Thank you Jundo. The guide is wonderful! I have gone through it several times and continue to do so. I think I will end up liking the Japanese version better than the English version for chanting. The short syllables and abundance of vowel sounds gives it a nice flow.

                              Last edited by Troy; 11-09-2017, 11:32 AM.

