That's interesting! I seem to prefer a slightly lower cushion for half lotus and for quarter. Did you find it that way around too?
On looking into what I can purchase in the UK, everything seems to be the same height (15cm) though there are options on fillings with the normal buckwheat hulls or something firmer. I'm sticking with my own 15cm cushion with it's kapok filling for now whilst I see whether my body will stretch into half lotus with some practice.
Thank you Jundo for the book link too
Sat today & LAH
On looking into what I can purchase in the UK, everything seems to be the same height (15cm) though there are options on fillings with the normal buckwheat hulls or something firmer. I'm sticking with my own 15cm cushion with it's kapok filling for now whilst I see whether my body will stretch into half lotus with some practice.
Thank you Jundo for the book link too
Sat today & LAH