Greetings Sangha!
Out of the blue this evening, I find myself waiting on a veggie burger at Denny's. It occurs to me that I have a few minutes to kill, so I start a seated zazen right there in the Denny's! As good a place as any, I suposed. I could always use the time sitting.
My question is - does that come off as obnoxious? I mean it was just me, hands below the table, staring at Japan (or more probably the Ukraine) through the opposite bench. Not being obviousnor ostentatious about it.
What are your thoughts?
I sat
Out of the blue this evening, I find myself waiting on a veggie burger at Denny's. It occurs to me that I have a few minutes to kill, so I start a seated zazen right there in the Denny's! As good a place as any, I suposed. I could always use the time sitting.
My question is - does that come off as obnoxious? I mean it was just me, hands below the table, staring at Japan (or more probably the Ukraine) through the opposite bench. Not being obviousnor ostentatious about it.
What are your thoughts?
I sat