Dharma Audiobooks

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  • Myogan
    • Aug 2015
    • 375

    Charitable listening

    OK, I've got an idea of what I want to use next, but I want to inform people about ho to have your amazon purchases help your favorite charity.
    AmazonSmile is an option for you to select a charity that will receive a portion of the money you pay for your purchase.

    For the past 6 months since I started using this, my audio, video, book, etc. purchases have been going to the American Red Cross.

    To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com

    Marc Connery
    Myo̅ Gan - Bright Cliff

    I put the Monkey in Monkeymind


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 40772


      Kokuu had recommend a book yesterday named "Nothing Holy About It: The Zen of Being Just Who You Are" by Tim Burkett, who was one of Shunryu Suzuki's and Dainin Katagiri's early students in America. It is available as an audiobook. (Tyler also recommended it).

      I wanted to read it before we recommended it (Kokuu has not yet read it), so spent last night with a good portion of it. Yes, it is excellent.

      Tim was only 20 years old and a student at Stanford in 1964 when he met his teacher, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. At that time there was only one small Zen center in northern California and the practice of meditation was considered “kind of odd.” Then the wildly successful Zen Mind Beginner’s Mind was published. Tim heard firsthand the talks that later appeared in that book, which has sold more than any other book on Zen Buddhism.

      In his new book, Nothing Holy About It: The Zen of Being Just Who You Are, Tim writes about the struggle to raise money for the now famous Tassajara Monastery and the story of when Suzuki took the stage after Janis Joplin at the Fillmore Auditorium during a fund-raiser. And he remembers Suzuki’s empathy for his long-suffering student, Trudy Dixon, and his tearful “lion’s roar” at her funeral.

      Tim also writes about intimate moments with two other early Japanese teachers: Katagiri Roshi and Chino Roshi. Tim was Chino Roshi’s attendant when he first arrived from Japan and he writes about having tea with him every evening at Tassajara.

      In his book, Zen’s core teachings unfold within the ordinary comedies and tragedies of everyday life. He uses poems, Zen art, parables, and koans to show how we realize our interconnected nature through the small things that we do. In his book, as in his life, Tim reveals how to live in the world with a deep joy that comes from embracing the work and play of this very moment.
      Tim is the former CEO of the largest non-profit in Minnesota for the mentally impaired and chemically dependent. He is a psychologist, a Zen Buddhist priest, and the Guiding Teacher of Minnesota Zen Meditation Center.
      I will have a full review and recommendation soon. Thank both Kokuu and Tyler for the reminder to read it.

      Gassho, Jundo



      • Mp

        Originally posted by Jundo

        Kokuu had recommend a book yesterday named "Nothing Holy About It: The Zen of Being Just Who You Are" by Tim Burkett, who was one of Shunryu Suzuki's and Dainin Katagiri's early students in America. It is available as an audiobook. (Tyler also recommended it).

        I wanted to read it before we recommended it (Kokuu has not yet read it), so spent last night with a good portion of it. Yes, it is excellent.

        I will have a full review and recommendation soon. Thank both Kokuu and Tyler for the reminder to read it.

        Gassho, Jundo

        Thanks folks...I was looking at that one as well. Glad it is a good recommendation. =)




        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 40772

          I should mention that we have a whole list of podcasts and Dharma Talks from other Sangha and teachers, although about all in the Soto flavor, at the bottom of our recommended reading and media list ...

          Hi, The following is a recommended book list for our Sangha. It covers a variety of works on Zen, life, “Just Sitting” Shikantaza Zazen, Master Dogen and Buddhism in general. Thank you to all who provided input, and the list is still open to new suggestions and additions. Please email or PM me (Jundo) with any


          The following are Podcasts and Dharma Talks by some other Zen Teachers which may be of interest to check out:

          Norman Zoketsu Fischer and others at Everyday Zen (LINK)

          Steve Hagen and others at Dharma Field (LINK)

          Shohaku Okumura at Sanshin (LINK)

          A variety of Teachers from San Francisco Zen Center (LINK)

          Folks from Austin Zen Center (LINK)

          Taigen Dan Leighton and others at Ancient Dragon Zen Gate (LINK)

          Various folks at Valley Streams Zen Sangha (LINK)

          Talks by our friend, Koun Franz (LINK)

          Our other friend, Tonen O'Connor, and her friends at The Milwaukee Zen Center (LINK)

          The late Kobun Chino is still here (LINK)

          The late Daido Loori is always lovely and powerful (his Koan Centered Zazen Practice is a bit different from ours, but he do the Way) ... LINK

          Jisho Warner and others from Stone Creek Zen Center (LINK)

          Mary Mocine and others from Vallejo Zen Center (LINK)

          Zuiko Redding at Cedar Rapids Zen Center (LINK) and (LINK)

          Sosan Theresa Flynn and others at Clouds In Water (LINK)

          Some of the late Darlene Cohen's talks (LINK).

          Beata Chapman and others at Open Zen Community (LINK)

          Santa Cruz Zen Center has talks by Katherine Thanas, Kokyo Henkel and other Soto folks (LINK).

          Although often very mixed and eclectic in content beyond Soto Zen, so many of the talks at Upaya Zen Center are interesting (LINK)

          Gay Buddhist Sangha has many recorded talks from a variety of teachers (LINK).

          Hartford Street Zen Center has talks by a variety of teachers from various traditions, mostly Soto, many by Myo Lehy (LINK).

          Various folks at Jikoji Zen Center (LINK)

          And, of course, talks by Myozan at the Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage (in video) (LINK)

          Soto Teacher Domyo Burk has a weekly talk. LINK

          Gassho, J



          • Troy
            • Sep 2013
            • 1318

            Dharma Audiobooks

            Originally posted by Jundo
            I should mention that we have a whole list of podcasts and Dharma Talks from other Sangha and teachers, although about all in the Soto flavor, at the bottom of our recommended reading and media list ...

            Hi, The following is a recommended book list for our Sangha. It covers a variety of works on Zen, life, “Just Sitting” Shikantaza Zazen, Master Dogen and Buddhism in general. Thank you to all who provided input, and the list is still open to new suggestions and additions. Please email or PM me (Jundo) with any

            Gassho, J

            Thank you. I have looking for something to listen to in during my daily commute.

            Last edited by Troy; 10-17-2017, 10:21 PM.


            • Ishin
              • Jul 2013
              • 1359

              Originally posted by Troy
              Thank you. I have looking for something to listen to in during my daily commute.
              I had forgotten we had a media list too. Look forward to listening to some of these and making that part of my learning practice.

              Sat Today-LAH
              Grateful for your practice


              • Ishin
                • Jul 2013
                • 1359

                I have been listening to some of the talks by Daido Loori and I have to say I am really enjoying them and would highly suggest them .

                Sat Today
                Grateful for your practice

