Finishing about 15day Sesshin is finished.

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  • Kakunen
    • Mar 2025

    Finishing about 15day Sesshin is finished.


    I finished 15days Sesshin from July 1st.

    wake up 2Am and sleep around 10Pm.

    I am very sleepy.

    But very comfortable and tired... how to say... can not express word.

    And Will start again August 1st...

    But I do not leave here...

    How long do you sit Sesshin?Can we share about experiense?


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  • Kyonin
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Oct 2010
    • 6752

    Hi Kakunen,

    Sesshin in Mexico are not popular. People here won't sit for long times. I have gone to 6 days sesshin but there I haven't found any sesshin longer than that.

    There are Vipassana retreats of up to 10 days, but I'm not interested in those.

    I'm glad you had a good experience. Thank you for your practice.


    Hondō Kyōnin
    奔道 協忍


    • Mp

      Hello Kakunen ... Sesshins are wonderful and a benefit to practice, but also remember to get some extra sleep and take care when you are done. A happy balance is important.




      • Kakunen

        Finishing about 15day Sesshin is finished.


        Dharma home leaving friends Shingen and Kyonin.

        I am right here feel be with you.

        Will take rest.I will report after take a rest.

        I am now at good friend!I am with her and baby,I will share after.

        Best regards with all Treeleafer.

        Not important just Sessjin.
        Just sit 10 minutes is Sesshin.

        This is what Jundo was teaches me with mind and mind.

        I am grad my mind will good direction,deeply inside.

        Thank you Jundo and every Treeleafer.
        This Sangha is kind of my home.


        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Last edited by Guest; 07-25-2017, 03:27 AM.


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41207

          Originally posted by Kakunen

          I finished 15days Sesshin from July 1st.

          wake up 2Am and sleep around 10Pm.

          I am very sleepy.

          But very comfortable and tired... how to say... can not express word.

          And Will start again August 1st...

          But I do not leave here...

          How long do you sit Sesshin?Can we share about experiense?

          Yes, your story will inspire our folks during the upcoming San Francisco Retreat, who will be finishing last Zazen at 10pm, getting up at 5:30am. Simply luxurious in comparison!

          But, right, this is what I always say:

          Not important just Sessjin.
          Just sit 10 minutes is Sesshin.

          This is what Jundo was teaches me with mind and mind.
          Yes, there is a time to sit very long and many days, and there is a time to sit short, even a minute or a moment ... All good Zazen.

          When we sit many hours and days in a Monastic Sesshin, it is sometimes very important to sit hard and long ... sitting with the "me myself i" ... all to realize the True Meaning of "nothing to attain, no goal."

          Sitting short time can also be the True Meaning of "nothing to attain, no goal" for the wise heart.

          However ... whether sitting long time or short time ... it is very very important to always sit Zazen beyond time, dropping all mental measures of time, thought of before or after or even now.

          Gassho, J

          SatToday(beyond today)LAH

          PS - I know some Rinzai monasteries in Korea where they claim not to sleep at all for 1 week of Sesshin! It is true. Very intense work on Koan.

          During yongmaeng chôngjin, the monks in meditation hall do not sleep for seven
          straight days, breaking from their practice only for meals. They even skip the
          dinner ritual in the main Buddha hall so as to devote themselves completely to their
          meditation. In this intensive period, the monks face one another in two separate
          rows down the middle of the meditation hall, rather than facing away as they
          usually do. ... Otherwise the meditation sessions take place pretty much as
          always, with fifty-minute sitting periods followed by ten minutes of walking. But if
          the succentor feels people are tiring, he might quicken the pace to twenty-five
          minutes sitting followed by five minutes walking, walk for longer periods, or try
          any number of other stratagems to keep his charges vibrant (or at least awake).
          Other than its obvious interminableness, the major difference between
          yongmaeng chôngjin and regular meditation periods is that the large warning stick
          (changgun chukpi) is in use constantly throughout each sitting period....
          If the drowsy monk does not react to the guard's presence, the guard taps
          him on the shoulder with the stick and gives him one round of blows.

          As grueling as yongmaeng chôngjin might seem to the uninitiated, its purpose is
          not to torture the monks. Rather it provides an incredibly intense, but still carefully
          controlled, environment in which to meditate. The hope is that several days of
          sleeplessness will apply enough pressure on the meditators that they will be able to
          have a genuine breakthrough into their meditation topics, or hwadu ("critical
          phrase" [of a Koan, such as "MU"]).
          so i apologize for the weeklong absence, i have been frittering away my time in trivial pursuits, but have decided to come back, mostly for the illuminating conversation (there are literally NO buddhists where i live, at least not "out of the closet) ones..i am also looking forward to the ceremony on the's my

          Kakunen, maybe you go to that monastery next?!?
          Last edited by Jundo; 07-25-2017, 03:39 AM.


          • Kakunen

            Originally posted by Jundo
            Yes, your story will inspire our folks during the upcoming San Francisco Retreat, who will be finishing last Zazen at 10pm, getting up at 5:30am. Simply luxurious in comparison!

            But, right, this is what I always say:

            Yes, there is a time to sit very long and many days, and there is a time to sit short, even a minute or a moment ... All good Zazen.

            When we sit many hours and days in a Monastic Sesshin, it is sometimes very important to sit hard and long ... sitting with the "me myself i" ... all to realize the True Meaning of "nothing to attain, no goal."

            Sitting short time can also be the True Meaning of "nothing to attain, no goal" for the wise heart.

            However ... whether sitting long time or short time ... it is very very important to always sit Zazen beyond time, dropping all mental measures of time, thought of before or after or even now.

            Gassho, J

            SatToday(beyond today)LAH

            PS - I know some Rinzai monasteries in Korea where they claim not to sleep at all for 1 week of Sesshin! It is true. Very intense work on Koan.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            • Kakunen

              Finishing about 15day Sesshin is finished.

              Originally posted by Jundo
              Yes, your story will inspire our folks during the upcoming San Francisco Retreat, who will be finishing last Zazen at 10pm, getting up at 5:30am. Simply luxurious in comparison!

              But, right, this is what I always say:

              Yes, there is a time to sit very long and many days, and there is a time to sit short, even a minute or a moment ... All good Zazen.

              When we sit many hours and days in a Monastic Sesshin, it is sometimes very important to sit hard and long ... sitting with the "me myself i" ... all to realize the True Meaning of "nothing to attain, no goal."

              Sitting short time can also be the True Meaning of "nothing to attain, no goal" for the wise heart.

              However ... whether sitting long time or short time ... it is very very important to always sit Zazen beyond time, dropping all mental measures of time, thought of before or after or even now.

              Gassho, J

              SatToday(beyond today)LAH

              PS - I know some Rinzai monasteries in Korea where they claim not to sleep at all for 1 week of Sesshin! It is true. Very intense work on Koan.

              so i apologize for the weeklong absence, i have been frittering away my time in trivial pursuits, but have decided to come back, mostly for the illuminating conversation (there are literally NO buddhists where i live, at least not "out of the closet) ones..i am also looking forward to the ceremony on the's my

              Kakunen, maybe you go to that monastery next?!?
              Jundo I will decide to go about monastery,carefully.

              I don't want to just obey only Japanese economic system of Soto Sect.

              This is not Buddhism.I think.

              I will carefully choice my way.

              Maybe I will be Shukke Tokudo under Treeleafer...

              Half joke,half real^_^

              I love you Jundo^_^

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Last edited by Guest; 07-25-2017, 04:01 AM.


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41207

                Originally posted by Kakunen
                Jundo I will decide to go about monastery,carefully.

                I don't want to just obey only Japanese economic system of Soto Sect.

                This is not Buddhism.I think.

                I will carefully choice my way.

                Maybe I will be Shukke Tokudo under Treeleafer...

                Half joke,half real^_^

                I love you Jundo^_^

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                Get some sleep.
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Kakunen

                  Originally posted by Jundo
                  Get some sleep.

                  I was given 2 rest days.
                  I came guest house at here.

                  SAMMIE'S(サミーズ)は、JR福井駅の東口徒歩5分にあるゲストハウス。 福井県を楽しむ起点となる小さな宿です。個室も完備。

                  Yesterday I make dinner and talk with three people,everybody have experience to go Western country,we are all Japanese member but We talk by English.

                  I feel like living in earth.

                  17 years old and 21 years old young man and 33 years old woman with baby.

                  I will take rest till night.

                  I am grad to allow to stay here by my head monk.

                  My life was getting better,feel deeply inside

                  Will share photos.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • Mp

                    Originally posted by Kakunen

                    I was given 2 rest days.
                    I came guest house at here.

                    SAMMIE'S(サミーズ)は、JR福井駅の東口徒歩5分にあるゲストハウス。 福井県を楽しむ起点となる小さな宿です。個室も完備。

                    Yesterday I make dinner and talk with three people,everybody have experience to go Western country,we are all Japanese member but We talk by English.

                    I feel like living in earth.

                    17 years old and 21 years old young man and 33 years old woman with baby.

                    I will take rest till night.

                    I am grad to allow to stay here by my head monk.

                    My life was getting better,feel deeply inside

                    Will share photos.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    That is some awesome hair! =)




                    • Kakunen

                      Originally posted by Shingen
                      That is some awesome hair! =)


                      Her smile ease my soul^_^

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      • Kyonin
                        Dharma Transmitted Priest
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 6752

                        That hair reminds me of something...


                        Last edited by Kyonin; 07-26-2017, 08:34 PM.
                        Hondō Kyōnin
                        奔道 協忍


                        • Kakunen

                          Originally posted by Kyonin
                          That hair reminds me of something...


                          Wow!Japanese Gokuu?I am not sure,but he is powerful and fun!

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          • Amelia
                            • Jan 2010
                            • 4980

                            Yes! "Powerful and fun." Perfect words to describe Goku!

                            Gassho, sat today, lah
                            求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                            I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.

