Folks on the forum that are new to Buddhism

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  • lindabeekeeper
    • Jan 2008
    • 162

    Folks on the forum that are new to Buddhism

    Hi all,

    In re-reading some of the posts, Ive been amazed at the depth of knowledge that many of our Sangha members have. Many of the threads have been quite edifying and some would be classified as dharma combat if this were a Tibetan Sangha. I can't help worry, though, that Sangha members that are new to Buddhism may be confused or at worst, put off by some of the discussions.

    Would anyone mind if folks jumped in to ask some basic questions in these threads? Or perhaps started a new topic with the question?


  • will
    • Jun 2007
    • 2331

    Re: Folks on the forum that are new to Buddhism

    Hi Linda. I'll answer for myself. The way I see it really there's no real beginner or experienced, we're all pretty much the same, so your questions are as valid as any. Don't let the fancy words fool you. If a question comes up it usually gets answered. Although there's no experienced, those who've been sitting for a long time (like Jundo) have more of a consistency and depth in their Shikantaza.

    I'm finding Dogen to be full of wisdom on practice, but I don't always understand him. A lot of words.

    These "Dharma Combats" HiiiiYaaaaa Are just clarifying things.

    To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
    To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
    To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
    To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41208

      Re: Folks on the forum that are new to Buddhism

      Originally posted by will
      Hi Linda. I'll answer for myself. The way I see it really there's no real beginner or experienced, we're all pretty much the same, so your questions are as valid as any. Don't let the fancy words fool you.

      Yes, jump in and make a topic. No formalities or hesitation, and please no "Dharma Combat". We are just a bunch of guys in a barber shop talkin' sports. Ask anything, any time. There are no bad questions.

      Harry, you really think that what we practice here is not clear enough? Hmmm. Anyway, I will be discussing our Practice later in something I am writing for the forum today called "Tying Up Threads". Please look for that.

      Gassho, Jundo

      PS- Also, if new folks are not clear on Practice, please do have a look at our "Zazen for Beginners" series too.


      Especially for new folks to Zazen and/or Treeleaf, I recommend a series of talks for "beginners" on the Leaf "Sit-a-Long" netcast ... ... nners.html

      We all should maintain "Beginners Mind", moment to moment. However, these talks are meant for beginners in "Just Sitting" Shikantaza Zazen and newcomers to Treeleaf Sangha. Shikantaza is our central Practice at Treeleaf.

      I discuss the "ins" and "outs" of "Just Sitting", which has to do a lot with dropping thoughts like "in" and "out". I talk about where you can expect to "go" in your Practice, and what you can expect to attain, which is, of course, ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE AND NOTHING! I talk about many of the nuts and bolts. There are 20 short talks in the series.

      I hope that both new folks and old timers will give a listen. We are all, of course, ever beginning now and now and now ...

      Gassho, Jundo


      • will
        • Jun 2007
        • 2331

        Re: Folks on the forum that are new to Buddhism

        Something I left out of my post:

        The teacher's kind of been there done that, so they can sort of be a guide of which way to go because I get the impression that we can indeed get caught and wander all over the place in practice.

        To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
        To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
        To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
        To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41208

          Re: Folks on the forum that are new to Buddhism

          Very excellent suggestion. It will go near the top of the "to non-do" list. In fact, I will post some drafts here, and we can make it a group effort.

          I will write it "mindfully" too. :wink:

          Gassho, J


          • Tb
            • Jan 2008
            • 3186

            Re: Folks on the forum that are new to Buddhism

            I dont see why you shouldn't ask a question when there is something unclear. maybe not in the same topic, it could get annoying with two threads in one thread...
            Rather i would like the questionair to ask the question and maybe get the person/s involved a heads up notice about the question in question...

            May the force be with you
            Life is our temple and its all good practice

