Maslow I attempt to understand. In Aristotle, beginning, middle, end, I remember Oedipus and his father--for me, it is always Love and Belonging--where oh father, where do I belong? Self-actualization is a tall order, but with my parents I can seem to walk farther, so it is that sometime in August Marjorie and I will fly from South Dakota to California; it's my responsibility because my 86-year-old dear father came to see our family for two weeks in January, Love and Belong, he will be 87-years-old, definitely, IT'S our time, and to call him daily, to be there for each other. Each other means full love and belong, my full and unconditional and learning from my Father who taught me before anyone else how to study, who not once condemned my Buddhist practice when I took him to the corner of my basement to see my Buddhist alter. He said freedom of belief is essential, my father the Missouri Synod Lutheran; he said my belief is my own. He taught me freedom from ignorance, anger, and greed, my father who never spent a nickel, my father who I love, respect, and honor. Love and Belonging.
Tai Shi
Tai Shi